“Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the scribes and elders said
He saved others :himself He cannot save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him
He trusted in God :let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him : for He said, I am the Son of God ” (Matthew 27:41-43).
Beloved as we celebrate the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let’s reflect on the testimonies of the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross.
They said “He saved others ” what is your attitude towards others. Are you not selfish, are you not egocentric? What is meant for others in your care how do you handle it? Our politicians are only after their own good, what happens to others does not concern them. Is this true of you in your work place, family, neighborhood, and even the church? Yes, what is the testimony of your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow brethren about you. For our Lord Jesus Christ the testimonies of His constituents were and still sterling, but even His enemies testified that He lived to save others. And if He saved others He could not have saved Himself.
The second testimony is that “He trusted in God “. Do you trust God with all your heart and soul? In this time of crises all over the world, where do you put your trust :in man or science or God? Many people have abandoned their faith because of covid-19 pandemic. The Americans have on every of their currency ‘In God We Trust ‘. In who or what do you trust?
Honestly, if everyone that is a Christian can have such testimonies in their lives, oh what a glorious church we would have. If all Christians would have such testimonies what a better world we would be living in.
Please check your life, what testimony do you have? It is a great shame what we have today in the church as testimonies. You don’t see or hear people testifying of salvation, sanctification, restitution, soul winning or spiritual exploits for the Master. Unconverted sinners will come and share testimony of how he made millions and people will be clapping, prostitutes come to share testimony of how her ‘business ‘ is booming and Pastors will be laughing jeering people to clap their hands. Ho! What a terrible generation we have now in the church? Please this is time for sober reflection, let God take us back to Calvary where we can get true life changing testimonies in Jesus name