
The Testimony of A Muslim Convert

December 30, 2022

Why I Converted From Islam to Christianity.

I converted from Islam to Christianity simply because Islam gives no guarantee of salvation. 

Because Islam recognizes that Jesus is ‘the word of God’ so God “the Messiah” therefore the savior ( Surah 3 v 45). 

Because Allah recognizes in the Qur’an that those who follow Jesus Christ (Christians) will be above those who do not follow Jesus Christ ( Muslims and others) until resurrection ( surah 3 v 55). 

Because Qur’an itself recognizes that Jesus Christ is without sin (pure) (surah 19 v 19), while the Qur’an asks Mohammed to pray for the forgiveness of his sins ( surah 40 v 55).

Unlike Mohammed, Jesus has lived more than 33 years without ever sinning.

I converted because where Mohammed recommends the killing of enemies, (surah 9 v 5) Jesus Christ recommends loving them (Matthew 5 v 44).

Mohammed just affirmed, but Jesus Christ confirmed his words with all kinds of miracles and resurrection of his death.

I converted because Mohammed is asking the Muslims to turn to Christians to get the truth (surah 10 v 94).

I converted because despite Mohammed’s claim to be the seal of the prophets, he is dead and will never return, but Jesus Christ whom I hated before, died and resurrected and will come back to fight the Antichrist (even according to Islam).

I converted because despite Jesus Christ being surrounded by several women, he did not seek to have s*x with them unlike Mohammed who even had sex with Zaynab the wife of his son Zaid, (surah 33 v 37).

And also because up till this day, the name Jesus delivers all kinds of captives, unlike the name of Mohammed! Because Mohammed recognizes that he doesn’t know where he and the Muslims will be after death (surah 46 v 9).

I converted because Mohammed says all Muslims will go through hell (surah 19 v 71) while Jesus Christ gives eternal life to all those who come to him (heaven) John 3 v 17.

I converted because Jesus never attacked someone to take something from him, while Mohammed used jihad to force people to follow his beliefs.

May I conclude by saying Jesus Christ is indeed the Way, and the Truth and the Life, no one can come to God except through JESUS CHRIST.