Sunday School Nov 2022



BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1 Kings 18: 17 – 46

MEMORY VERSE: – “Sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy: break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, till He come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hosea 10:12).

INTRODUCTION: – As we prepare for the coming of the Lord in glory, the Lord Himself is about to send down the fire of the end-time revival, which will culminate in the gathering of the saints home. Sadly many believers’ lamps are already going out and they are not bothered to get extra oil in their lamps so as to keep it burning before the last trumpet sounds and the Bride groom’s coming.

The truth is when the Lord appears, fire shall attract fire, and only those carrying the true fire of the Lord shall appear with Him in glory.


1) Results Of The Fall Of The Fire

– Nations shall be turned to the Lord (1Kngs.18:39)

– There will be massive genuine conversion of souls (Acts 2:37-41).

– The fear of God will pervade every heart (Acts 2:43).

– The strange fire of false doctrines, false teachings and false prophecies shall be overwhelmed and uprooted from the Church (Num.3:4; Acts 5:1-5).

– It quenches the fire of hell against the Church, persecutions and tribulations will be subdued (Dan.2:2; 3:4-20).

– A mighty army of soul winners will be raised for God’s purposed end-time harvest of souls (Eze.37:6).

– The works of the devil shall be destroyed by the Holy fire resulting in many notable miracles, signs and wonders among the people (Acts 3:43).

– The Gospel of the Lord Jesus will be preached with all boldness (Acts 4:13).

– There will be genuine love freely among the brethren (Acts 4:31-33).

– Earthly possessions will be counted as nothing, hence believers will give cheerfully, willingly and sacrificially (Acts 2:44-47; 4:34-37).

– Secret sins will be exposed and judged (Acts 5:1-11)

– There will be open heaven upon the Church (1Kgs.18:44-45).

– There shall be showers of blessing (1Kgs.18:43-45; Eze.34:26; Hosea 10:12).

– There shall be answers to prayers (1Kgs.18:43-45).

– The carriers of the fire (believers) become unstoppable (Da.9:3; 1Kgs.18:46).

– There will be radical change in the life of any one that comes in contact with the fire (Acts 9:1-5).


To reach your ultimate goals in life and ministry, to gain speed like Elijah (1Kgs 18:46) is easily possible with the fall of the Holy Fire of God. To win in the battles of life and remain an overcomer, we need the Holy fire to fall. For the Church to take her rightful place among the nations, then the fire must fall again. For the false prophets and false teachers to be disgraced and destroyed, there must be the fall of the Holy fire of God. To remain rapturable as we expect the coming of the Lord for His bride – the Church; then we must cry to God to “Revive us, O Lord; in the midst of the year, in the midst of the year make known, in wrath remember mercy” (Heb.3:2-3)


  1. What would be the effects of the fire on nations?
  2. What would be the effects of the fire on the Church?



BIBLE PASSAGE: – Leviticus 6: 8 – 13; Matthew 25: 1 – 11

MEMORY VERSE: – “The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out” (Leviticus 6:13).

INTRODUCTION: One of the banes of development is continuity. Many times the Church has witnessed revival that last for few years and the fire went out. In the 20th century, we have had the Welsh Revival (1904 -1905), the Azuja Street Revival (1906), the Bakole Revival (1930s), the Jesus People Revival (1970s) and the Barion Revival (1971). But the problem is sustainability of the revival fire. The products of the 1970s revival are gradually returning home with the likes of Benson Idahosa, Paul Yougi-Cho, RehineardBonke etc. only few of them remaining in the field. We need the revival again and we must retain it for a long time if the Lord tarries.


1) Resources To Keep The Fire Burning

It is not enough to get the fire. God’s command is that “the fire must continually be burning. It must never go out (Lev.6:13). The Bible says to keep the fire burning, there must be fuel (Prv.26:20).

The fire in the Temple of the Lord in the days of Elijah was going out because no one cared to put fuel therein (1Samuel 3:1-3). The five foolish virgins’ lamps were going out because their fuel finished and they had no extra fuel.

So, as we pray for the revival fire to fall, we must be determined to keep the fire burning till the Lord comes. And the resources are readily available if we would make use of them.

The Word Of God: This is the basic ingredient needed to keep the fire burning continually. Study and meditate of God’s Word daily both day and night. Let your motto be “No Bible no breakfast, No Scriptures, no sleep” (Josh.1:8; Ps.85:6-8; 119:9-11; 105; 2Tim.2:15).

Prayer: Constant prayers that are earnest, effectual and fervent from a sincere hear filled with love (Eph.6:18; 1Thes.5:18).

Purity: The fire of God is holy, so purify within and without is very important in keeping the fire burning (Ps.24:3-4; Heb.1:9).

Praises: Singing praise to God continually from a pure heart both in season and out of season, giving no room for worry, anxiety, complaining and murmuring (Ps.22:9; 35:27-28; 67:3-7; 149:3-6; 1Pet.2:9).

Worship: Worship God continually in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24).

Fellowship: Constant fellowship with other brethren (Heb.10:25).

Service: Be engaged in one thing or the other for the Master. Get occupied for Christ (Lk.19:13; Rom.12:11).

– Delight yourself in doing God’s will at all times (Ps.40:68).


To live a victorious life in this end time, to overcome all the demonic forces working against the Church and our souls, to live godly in this present evil world, to deal with all demonic activities and destroy their influences on the Church and our lives; we need now the Holy fire of God to fall. Every Christian that lacks this Holy fire shall be fired by the devil with a very distractions, consequence. Hence our earnest and fervent prayers should be “Lord, let the fire fall again”!


  1. How can we keep the fire burning?
  2. What should be our earnest prayers these days?



BIBLE PASSAGE: – Hebrews 1: 1 – 14

MEMORY VERSE: – “Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of His power , when He had by Himself purged our sins, and sat down of the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Hebrews 1:3).

INTRODUCTION: – Whatsoever a man sets his heart on exercises a mighty influence on the life, and leaves its stamp upon his character. He that follows after vanity becomes vain. He that trusts in a god of his own fancy will find his religion an illusion. He that sets his heart upon the living God will find the living God take possession and fill the heart. It is this that makes it of such infinite consequences that we should not only have a general idea of the Christ through whom God has revealed of Him. Our knowledge of Him will be the food of our faith; and as our faith is will be our experience of His saving power, and of the fellowship with God to which He leads.


What Are We That Of The Sin In Whom God Speaks To Us

1)  Whom He Appointed Heir Of All Things

The great object and aim of God in creation was to have an inheritance for His son, in which He might show forth His glory and find His blessedness. The son is the final cause, the End of all things.

2) He Is The Beginning Through Whom He Also Made The Worlds

He is the origin and Efficient causes of all that exists (John 1:3). The place the Son had in the divine Being was such that God’s relation to all that was outside of Himself was only through the Son. Of all that exists the end and the beginning meet in Him.

3) He Is The Middle, Upholding All Things By The Word Of His Power

He bear all things (Col.1:17). As little as they were created without Him, can they exist without Him? He upholds them every moment by the word of His power, even as by His Worth they were created. This is the Son through whom God speaks to us. As the son, it is He alone in whom the unapproachable and utterly incomprehensible glory of God is made manifest, through whom as Mediator the uncreated God, and the works of His hand, can come into contact and fellowship. His relation to creation rests on his relation to the Father.

4) He Is The Outshining Of God’s Glory, And The Express Image Of His Substance

As we only know the sin by the light that shines from it, so is Christ the out shinning, the revelation of God’s glory. As the light that shines from the sun is of the same nature with it, so the son is of one nature with the Father. God of God. As a son bears the likeness of his father because he has his life and nature from him, so the Son of God is the express image of His substance. He is of one substance with the Father and hath therefore life in Himself, even as the Father hath life in Himself.


Someone may be tempted to think that these are theological mysteries too deep for the ordinary Christian, and not needful for our Christian faith and life. It is all important that we know the glory of Jesus. The more the soul is fill with that glory, and worships Him in it, the more it will see with what confidence it count upon Him to do a divine and supernatural work in us, and to lead us to an actual living fellowship with God as our Father.


  1. What does it mean that Christ is the beginning of all things?
  2. Why is it important to know the glory of Jesus?



BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 1: 1 – 14

MEMORY VERSE: -“And the Word was made flesh, and divelt among us (and we beheld His glory: the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14)

INTRODUCTION: – There seems to be nothing great about Bethlehem. It was “little among the thousands of Judah (Mic.5:2), perhaps but a shepherd village or small market town. Yet there the great purpose of God became a fact; “…….. the Word was made flesh…..” Bethlehem is not named in our text, but you cannot read the verse without being transported to that city. “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1) carries you up into heaven, and back into past infinity. “The Word was made flesh” brings you down to earth and the finite things of time; to the manger, and the stable, and the young child”.


1) The Link Between Heaven And Earth

The “Word” is the eternal name for the young child of Bethlehem. He is so called because He is the Revealer of the Father, the exponent of Godhead. He is so now; he was so in the days of His flesh. He has been so from eternity. The names Christ, Immanuel, Jesus, are His earthly ones, His name in time, connected with His incarnate condition, but the names “Word” and “Son” are expressive of His eternal standing. His eternal relationship to the Father. What He was in time and on earth, the same He has been in heaven and in eternity. The glory which He had “before the world was (Jhn. 17:5), and of which He “emptied Himself” (Phil. 2:7), and of which glory of the eternal Word, the everlasting Son. As the eternal revealer of Godhead, the “brightness of His glory, and the express image of His image” (Heb.1:3), His name ever was THE WORD; as the declarer of the mind of God to man, His name is no less THE WORD, with His addition, “the WORD, with His addition, “the WORD made flesh”.

“In the beginning was the “Word” is the divine, or heavenly, or upper portion of the mystery: “the Word was made flesh” is the human, the earthly, the lower. It is this latter that so specially concerns us; for without it the former was nothing to us. God manifested in the flesh is the “great mystery of godliness”, which link together the creature and the Creator, which brings down to the sinner’s side the waters of the eternal well. It is this that makes the inaccessible and unapproachable: the unseen becoming comprehensible – nay, the most comprehendible of all, a little child, a child of poverty and weakness, suckled at a woman’s breast and resting upon a woman’s knees.

The Word was made flesh! He became truly man, the man all over, within and without, in body, soul and spirit; in everything but sin. All nations of the earth, God hath made of one blood, and of that one blood was the Word made particular, becoming bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh; His soul truly human, not super human not celestial; His body of the very substance of the Virgin – true, real, yet holy flesh; the holiness not making Him less truly flesh, and the flesh not making Him less truly holy.


Bethlehem has became the link between heaven and earth. God and man, meet there, and loot each other in man. There is joy in heaven, there is joy on earth, and the same Gloria song suits both (Lk.2:14). The seed of the woman has came, God has taken man’s side against the old serpent. The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the day has broken; the shadows have fled away!


  1. How does Bethlehem became the work between heaven and earth?