DATE: – 6TH MARCH, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Ezra 9:1 – 15
MEMORY VERSE: – “Neither shall thou make marriage with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son” (Deuteronomy 7:3).
INTRODUCTION: –Any close and personal association with unbelievers (especially connections that involve emotions and feelings of commitment to long-term relationship, will eventually destroy the separateness and holiness of God’s people. Such matters as business and intermarriage of God’s people with unbelievers or close friendship with unbelievers may turn believers away from following God.
– Marriage: – Many believers enter into this life-time union with unbelievers. This is very uncommon among Christian ladies (the fact is the Muslims will not allow their ladies to marry Christian brothers). Some will even say “I will convert him/her after our wedding”. There is no way someone standing on a table can pull up someone on the ground; it is much easier for the other to pull down.
When Ezra re-arrived in Jerusalem in our text, he discovered that many of the people, including priests, Levites and other chief men had married women who worshiped false gods and followed destable religious practices (Ezra 9:1-2; 1). Inter-marriage with the ungodly was strictly forbidden by God (Ex.34:11-16; Deut.7:1-4; Ps.106:35).
Just like the Israelites, Christians’ high calling and purpose was to be a “holy race” (Phil.3:14; Ex.34:11-16; Deut.7:1-4; Ex.19:6; 1Pet.2:9; Isa.6:13; Mal.2:15).
This spiritual goal was not about whether these people were of a certain race of ethnic group. It was about being a people who were spiritually pure and separated from evil.
The Christians like the Israelites are to God’s treasured possession, reflecting His righteous and holy character. Thus, they are to be separated from the immoral ways of those who did not follow God.
Christens are called to live in a way that is different from those of the world around them (2Corint.6:14-18). Those who claim to serve and follow Jesus must be “a holy nation’ (1Pet.2:9-12), completely devoted to God and set apart for His holy work and purposes.
But when Christians then go into intermarriage with unbelievers in the name of “it doesn’t matter”, God frowns seriously at such a marriage union and He is much displeased with it (Ex.34:12; Deut.7:3; James 4:4).
This is because marrying ungodly spouse is an act of unfaithfulness to God and His word (Ezra 9:2; 10:2).
Many Christian ladies today are married to unbelieving husband because of money and worldly goods and thereby they have lost their souls to Satan; “the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of the land…….”
God expects repentance and if possible restitution like the Jews did in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah (Ezra 10:3,11,15-19).
A Christian must not enter into marriage with an unbeliever (Corint.7:39; 2Corint.6:14). If a person becomes a believer after marriage and the spouse does not choose to follow Christ, the believing spouse must not seek divorce if the unbelieving partner wants the marriage to continue (1Corint.7:12, 14).
- Mention arears of life that one must not compromise?
- Why should not a believer marry and unbeliever?
DATE: – 13TH MARCH, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Genesis 34: 1 – 31
MEMORY VERSE: – “Be not deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners” (1Corinthians 15:33).
INTRODUCTION: –Jacob settled near pagan city of Shechem rather than the home of his father; Isaac, where God had commanded him to go (Gen.31:13;35). He later regretted that choice. Only after the tragic incident involving his daughter did Jacob finally go to Bethel and destroy all the foreign gods in his home (Gen.35:2-4).
a) Friendship and Relationship: – Apart from marriage, another area of unequal yoke is friendship and relationship. There is the common saying “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. Friendship always result in unprofitable mannerism, jokes, jesting, music, dressing etc. (Ps.1:1; Prov.4:14; 1Corint.15:33).
b) Appearance: – Appearance, they say, shows the manner. Moses’ attire and appearance made the daughters of Jethro to conclusively called him and Egyptian to their father (Exd.2:16-19). Your dressing portrays you as either a believer or unbeliever. Worldly dressings and fashions being brought into the Church are unequal yokes.
God is very much interested in our appearances, this is the more reason why in both Old and New Testament He gives commands on what should be a godly appearance especially our dressing (Deut.22:5,11-12; Isa.3:16-26; Jer.4:30; 1Corint.11:1-16; 1Pet.3:3-4). Most of the dressings of Christian men and women today even upon the holy altars of God are not only worldly; but are jezebelic, sensual, lascirous and devilish. God frowns at the paintings, makeups, hairstyles, jewelries etc. (Isa.3:16-26; Jer.4:30; 2Tim.2:9-10).
There must be a difference and demarcation between the believers and unbelievers.
c) Business: – Doing business in the worldly styles. Giving of bribes, falsifying figures and records (like signing of time book falsely), embezzlement and misappropriation of funds (Deut.25:14-16; 27:19,25).
If we separate ourselves in true faith and willing obedience, God Himself rewards us by bringing us into a deeper relationship with Himself. As a result, we will have a greater sense of His protection and preservation (Ps.1:6), blessings and fatherly care. He promises to be everything that a good Father should be. He will be our Counselor and guide, He will love and cherish us as His own children (2Corint.6:16-18). He will not allow us to come into judgment (Ps.1:5) and shall save us both here and eternity (Ps.91:16; Matt.24:13). He will change us at last and take us to glory (Phi.3:20; 1Thess.4:16-17).
The journey to heaven is an individualistic race which must be run with utmost caution and carefulness with a clear focus on Jesus Christ (Heb.12:1-2); even though there are many distractions here and there. We have only one unchanging standard in this constantly changing world viz: Jesus Christ the crucified, the risen, the reigning and the soon coming King. We must therefore, focus all our attention on Him and live daily for Him (Lk.9:23-24). Always remember, a little leaven, leavens the whole lump; just a little compromise can damn the soul in hell fire. Beware!!
DATE: – 20TH MARCH, 2022
MEMORY VERSE: – “Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you”” (2Corinthians 6:17).
INTRODUCTION: – In Deuteronomy 22:10, God commanded the Israelites not to join a strong animal (e.g. the Ox) for plowing with a weaker animal (e.g. Donkey) because the result would be ineffective and destructive.
In God’s eyes people are divided into two categories: Those in Christ and Those outside Christ. For this reason, he solemnly warns that those in Christ must not be in voluntary close relationship or partnership or association with unbelievers because such relationships can lead to compromise and consequently corrupt their relationship with Christ.
1) Warning Against Unequal Yoke
Right from the beginning God has been preaching separation to His people by words of commandments and by His works. He separated the light from darkness (Gen.1:2-4), the heaven from the earth (Gen.1:6-7), the land from the sea (Gen.1:9*12).
He commended that His people should be separated. He placed the Israelites in Goshen thereby separating them from the Egyptians (Gen.46:27-34). He called them out of Egypt so that they could become separated unto Him, a peculiar nation, a holy people (Exd.19:5-6; 1Pet.2:9) and commanded them to be separated (Ezra 9:12).
Thus, God has graciously called us out, the Church (Gr. Ecclesia), separating us from the world (Matt.5:1-2), and He is solemnly warning us against sequel yoke (Eph.5:14-15, 1Thess.5:14; James 4:4-8; 1Jh.2:15-17).
Though we are in the world but we are to love not the world and the things that are in the world. Our love must be completely towards God, His works and His kingdom. Our affections must be on the things that are in heaven above (Col.3:1-2). As heavenly citizens, our focus must be in heaven where Christ seats reigning and preparing a place for us, at all times. We are to live here as pilgrims and strangers merely passing through this world of sin (Phil.3:20-21; 1Pet.2:11-12). We must abstain from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (Lk.21:34, 2Tim.2:4).
We then draw near to God, not following Him afar off like Peter (Matt.26:57), but in intimate, deep fellowship walking closely with Him daily (Gen.5:24), beholding His glory as in a glass, so that we can be changed into the same image of Him (James 4:8; 2Corint.3:18).
We as the children of light must be awake to watch and pray lest we fall into the temptations that are all around us (1Corint.10:12-13; 15:34; Eph.5:14-15; 1Thess.5:14; Rom.14:11-14)
2) Consequences Of Unequal Yoke
Friendship with the world is enmity against God (James 4:4). The refusal of God’s people to separate themselves from evil surely result in the loss of companionship with (2Corint.6:16), of acceptance by the Father (2Corint.6:17), and of our rights as children of God (2Corint.6:18).
So to be unequally yoked with unbelievers in whatever form is to become enemy of God. As an enemy of God therefore will:
- Be filled with misery (Num.33:55)
- Lead to backsliding and eventually apostasy (1Kgs.11:2; Heb.6:48).
- Blown by God’s whirlwind (Ps.1:4; Jer.30:23-24).
- Their ways shall perish (Ps.1:6)
- Shall partake in hell fire i.e. second death (Rev.21:8).
As Christians, we must know assuredly that one cannot claim God’s gracious promises as listed in 2Corinthians 6:16-18 and other parts of the Scriptures without living a life of separation from evil and dedication to God. To compromise with the world and its ungodly beliefs, lifestyle and behaviors is to lose the benefits of God’s presence and promises.
- What should be the Christian’s focus?
- What are the consequences of unequal yoke?
DATE: -27TH MARCH, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: -Luke 24: 1 – 12; John 20: 1 – 21
MEMORY VERSE: – “He is not here, but is risen; remember how He spake unto you when He was yet in Galilee” (Luke 24:6).
INTRODUCTION: –The resurrection of Christ is one of the central truths of the gospel (1Corint.15:1-8). Apart from the resurrection, Christians would have no hope and their faith in God and testimony about Christ would be useless (1Corint.15:12:17). The enemies of the Lord recognized the potential effect that the message of His resurrection could have so they went to great lengths to prevent His disciples from being able to spread such a message (Matt.27:62-66). But they could not stop a miracle. Even after the fact, they tried to come up with a plan to suppress the message of the resurrection (Matt.28:11-15). Their plan failed woefully; because JESUS IS RISEN INDEED!
* The Empty Tomb: – If the enemies of the Lord Jesus had taken His body, they would have displayed it to prove He had not risen. They actually did all they could to prevent and cover up the message of the resurrection. If the disciples had taken His body. They would never have sacrificed their lives and possessions for what they know to be a lie. The empty tomb reveals that Jesus indeed rose from the dead and truly is the son of God.
* The Existence, Power, Joy and Devotion of People in the Early Church: – If Jesus had not risen and appeared to the disciples, they would have never changed from an attitude of sorrow, despair and gloominess to extra ordinary joy, courage and hope (Lk.24:52-53).
*The Writing of The New Testament: Men who devoted and sacrificed their lives for the truth Jesus taught wrote the New Testament. They would never have taken the trouble to write about a saviour whose Ministry had ended in death and disillusionment (1Corint.15:12-9).
* The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Spirit’s Gifts (i.e. God-given abilities for individuals to build up the Church and benefit others) at work within the Church. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is proof that Jesus had risen and had returned to His place of honour with His Father in heaven (Acts 1:3-5; 2:33). If Christ had not risen, there would have been no such evidence of the Spirit’s power (Jh.16:17), and the Spirit would not be active in the Church today with the primary purpose of bringing honour to the rise Christ (Jh.16:8-5).
* The Lives Changed and Renewed By Christ: – Millions of people throughout the last 2,000 years have experienced Jesus’ life-transforming presence in their own hearts and lives through the power and witness of the Holy Spirit.
The resurrection is well verified historically. After His resurrection, Christ remained on earth for forty days, appearing and talking to His closet disciples and many of His other followers. Even those in doubt He cleared their doubts with many incontrovertible evidences that He did rise for the dead (JH.20:24-29; Lk.24:13-35).
- What are the proofs that Jesus is risen?
How can the Baptism in the Holy Spirit a proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?