DATE: – 10TH JULY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Corinthians 11: 1 – 16
MEMORY VERSE: – “But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head; for that is even all one as if she were shaven” (Corinthians 11:5).
INTRODUCTION: –Appearance, they say shows the manner. The modern day Christianity of permissiveness and all manner of “it doesn’t matter is a very dangerous trend that is eroding the standard of holiness and distinction from the Church. Nevertheless, God’s standard forever remains unchanging though the world is changing every day (2Timothy 2:19).
1) Let Her Be Covered
Women covering their heads from ages show modesty, to respect their husbands and show their own dignity. For a woman in times past to remove her head covering in public and expose or sexual promiscuity.
The covering of the head meant that a woman is to be respected and honoured as a woman. It serves as a sign of the modesty, mystery, value and glory of womanhood.
The spiritual principle behind covering of heads is of respect, dignity and honour both for the olden and modern days and all cultures.
A Christian woman should dress in a modest, dignified and careful way that honours God, respects others and does not draw unnecessary or improper attention to herself.
This principle is especially relevant to young fashion conscious women and men. While there is nothing wrong basically, with being fashionable or showing an appreciation for nice clothes, godly men and women should never take their primary cues from the world (James 4:4; 1Jh.2:15-17).
The world’s goal is not to please God or reflect His holiness.
In all the places in the New Testament, that God gives instruction for young women, the issues of modestly and purity are of central concern: so to treat this as unimportant or old fashioned and as “it doesn’t matter” is not being responsible and an affront against God (1Timothy 2:9-10; 5:2; Titus 2:4-5).
When you dress modestly and properly for God’s glory you are lifting your own God-given beauty; dignity and worth (1Tim.2:9).
God is very much interested in our outfit and outlook just as much as He is interested in our inward man. And so to say or conclude that the teachings and instructions on Christian dressing do no longer hold in modern days is to say God is having double standards and that He is permissive now as against the early Church days.
God cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7) neither can He ever change nor change His standard. As the days are approaching that the Church will be taken out of this sinful world in the rapture (1Thess.4:16-18). The devil is doing extra work to make iniquities abound and wax cold the love of many believers. We that are heaven bound must thus, be aware and not be deceived by the wiles of the devil.
- Our dressing has nothing to do with our salvation; True or False?
- How should a Christian woman dress?
DATE: – 17TH JULY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1 Timothy 2: 9 – 15
MEMORY VERSE: – “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array” (1Timothy 2:9).
INTRODUCTION: –Part if God-given instructions regarding worship and honouring God is His desire that there should distinct between the holy and unholy, between the clean and unclean (Leviticus 10:10) especially in dressing. So He desires that Christians especially women, dress modestly and discreetly, properly covering and not accentuating the sensual parts of the body.
1) Modesty In Dressing
Modesty involves dressing in such a way as to not draw undue attention to the body. It means presenting oneself in a way that is respectful to God and reflects one’s purity and honour. This principle is relevant in all situations and circumstances, but especially in worship and ministry settings that are meant to draw people’s attention to God and not to one another. This principle applies to both women and men.
2) The Source of Modesty is a Person’s Heart, or Inner Character
Modesty is the outward demonstration or expression of inward purity. While clothing is often used as an expression of one’s individuality, that should not be our primary concern. As followers of Christ, our actions must be Christ centered rather than self-centered, our primary aim should never be to draw attention to ourselves particularly in physical or sensual ways.
3) Dressing in a way that could stimulate morally and spiritually impure thoughts or desires in others is as wrong as the lust that it provokes. While we cannot control what others think, there are things we can do or not do that will make it less difficult for others to control their thoughts (Luke 17:1). Refusing to consider how our fashion choices affect others is self-centeredness. As Christians, we must dress and act not just according to our personal preferences, but also with the spiritual well-being of others in mind (Gal.6:13; Eph.4:27; Tit.2:11-12). Women, in particular, must keep this in mind, as males are more sensually stimulated simply by sight.
When your dressing becomes a source of temptation to someone or source of offence, then it has become sin and judgment of God will come without any excuse (Luke 17:1).
Every Christian must take caution against the use of jewelry and other such accessories. Any sign of extravagance, luxury and pride must be guarded against as such attracts God’s wrathful judgment.
The Key Word in Christian dressing is modesty. As soldiers of the cross, we cannot afford to live and dress carelessly (2Tim.2:4).
As runners in a race, we cannot afford to dress loosely if we must win the crown of glory (1Corint.9:24-27). Since our greatest goal is to win a crown that fades not away but last forever, it is therefore incumbent on us to give up some of our rights for the sake of us (1Corint.8:7-13) and to abandon those things that will take us out of the race altogether. We must view our Christian life not as a matter of what we can get from God as much as what we can surrender for His purposes.
- What is the most important thing we should consider in our dressing?
- Why must we apply modesty in our dressing?
DATE: – 24TH JULY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1 Peter 3: 1 – 9
MEMORY VERSE: – “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on if apparel” (1Peter 3:3).
INTRODUCTION: –True feminine beauty is not depending on outward appearance. Fine jewelry and fashionable clothes may impress others but they do not impress God. In fact, if such things are given priority, they can cause a person to defy God’s standard of modesty both in the sense of humility and personal unity (1Tim.2:9).
1) True Beauty Defined
True beauty is a matter of inner loveliness and the enduring charm of a meek and quiet spirit which is precious because it follows Jesus example (Matt.11:29; 21:5). The adjective “meek” describes a humble, unassuming character that always shows loving concern for others and puts aside selfish interests for the good of others (Matt.5:5; 2Corint.10:1; Gal.5:23; Phil.2:3-5). And the adjective “quiet” refers to an attitude or behaviour that is not offensive or disruptive. That is to say, God wants an outward behaviour from us that reflects inner character, which is what matters most to Him.
The fashion industry in our present world designs many items of clothing deliberately to accentuate the body sensually and sexually. It is a sad commentary on the Church when Christians feel free to ignore Biblical standards for modest dress and to embrace the world’s fashion feel even though they are sensually designed. In a day of sexual permissiveness, the Church should act and dress in a distinctly different manner than a corrupt society that throws aside and ridicules God’s desire for modesty, purity and restraint. How we dress is a significant part of the image we convey to others (those who and those who do not know us). A Christian’s image should be immersed in their relationship with God; thus reflecting the very image of Christ. It should not be dictated by fashion trends or media images (Rom.13:1-2).
Many Christians and ministry leaders these days treat this issue of Christian dressing with gloved hand as if it is irrelevant to a person’s spiritual life, they seldom, if ever, addressing it. However, in contemporary society, the fashion industry holds one of the largest and most influential markets, particularly among the teeming youths. If our spirituality is to affect our all areas of life, it certainly needs to affect our attire and outlook. It is no coincidence that one of the few occasions when the Bible specifically addresses young women, the topic is modesty.
While this standard is not something that we should seek to impose on non-Christians or even new converts who may not know better, it certainly is something that mature Christians should accept in godly humility and consideration for others.
Throughout Church history, there have always been three that refuse to listen to and support Biblical teachings that contradict and challenge their selfish and ungodly behaviours and lifestyles. Yet, as the end draws near, such deference is growing worse (1Tim.4:1; 2Tim.3:1-5). Many who claim to be Christians, gather at Churches and appear to honour God, but they don’t tolerate true Biblical teachings that emphasize on godliness, purity and separation from the ungodly practice that are common in the world. The end of such is destruction in hell.
- What is true beauty?
- What should be our response to worldly fashion?
DATE: – 31ST JULY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Isaiah 3: 16 – 26
MEMORY VERSE: -“And when thou art spoiled, what wilt do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life” (Jeremiah 4:30).
INTRODUCTION: –God has an unchanging standard in this changing world. No matter the generation change that may take place, God’s standard remains forever from generation to generation. His standard on dressing of old remains the same today; no matter the “it doesn’t matter” or “eternal security” doctrine that is being preached from Church pulpit these days, God’s standard remains forever unchanging.
1) As It Was In The Beginning, It’s Now An Ever Shall be
During a time of spiritual, moral and political decline, the women of Jerusalem and Judah paid more attention to their outward appearance that to their inward beauty and character. Their lives did not reflect love for God and desire for personal holiness i.e. their moral and spiritual purity, wholeness and separation from evil. They were self-centered and obsessed with outward beauty and sexual attractiveness. They decked themselves with ornaments of gold, rented their faces with paintings, they bleached their skins to look fair just to please themselves and look attractive to others. They had no concern for the poor and the oppressed. They were terribly ugly spiritually. Thus God warned that He would allow them to experience shame and disgrace when their conquerors turned them into slaves.
God still demands humility, modesty, sobriety and holiness in all those who serve Him today (1Corint.11:6; 1Tim.2:9).
2) Difficulty In Enduring Sound Doctrine
Many today within the Christian Churches no longer tolerate sound Bible – based teachings that boldly stands against sin and defend the truth. They turn away from the truth, and compromise the principles of God’s Word, to listen to preachings that gives approval to their lifestyles which does not challenge their ungodly behaviour and demand less than full consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ (2Tim.18; 3:7-8; 1Tim.6:5; Titus 1:14).
They will not look for Pastors who live and preach the standards of God’s Word (1Tim.3:1-10). Instead, they will look for leaders who accept and approve of the same self-seeking and worldly desires. They will choose preachers who are eloquent and entertaining speakers, whose messages reassure them that they can remain a follower of Christ though their behaviour clearly contradicts the standards and principles of God’s Word (Rom.8:4-13; 2Pet.2).
Some others live double standard lives deceiving themselves and not God. The behaviour holy in the Church, dress godly to the Church but their hearts are deeply in lust and worldly pleasures. The behaviour and live carelessly outside the Church. Their dressings do not portray Christ at all.
Though many may abandon the truth (Mt.24:11) and false teachers may abound in the Church (2Tim.14-19), no one can make God change His standard for any reason. If God required Israel and his house hold to do away with all idols and worldly attires before entering into the promised land and worship Him (Gen.35:1-5). He will not for any reason change His standard now.
- What is the standard God raised from the beginning?
Why are people finding it difficult to obey God’s Word these days?