BIBLE PASSAGE: – Galatians 1: 1-10
MEMORY VERSE: – “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8).
INTRODUCTION: – False teachers had come to the Galatians, trying to reject Paul’s teaching and accept “another gospel”. The church today is not spared of the terrible assault of the false teachers just as the Lord warned vehemently against their coming to the church especially in these last days (Matt 24: 45, 24, Acts 20: 28-31)
- False Teachers And Their Teachings
One of the signs of these last days is that some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. People would not like sound doctrines, but after their own lust shall they heap up to themselves false teachers, having itching ears, turning away many from the truth and turning to lies or fables (1Tim. 4: 1-2; 2Tim. 4: 3-4).
Such false teachers and false teachings are very rampant these days in the church. People now believe “visions” and “prophesies” above the word of God. They believe what the prophets tell them than what God says in His word- the Bible. The fact is every vision or prophecy that is not rooted in the Bible is a false, fable or fallacy.
The Rachabites held tenaciously to the rules laid down by their progenitor over two hundred years. Even the coming of the national prophet – Jeremaih would not make them shift ground, even the bringing them to the temple by the Prophet would not change their stand on the ancient landmark.
There are many “another gospels” being peddled around in the church in these last days. The Bible clearly affirms that there is only one true message of salvation (Gal 1: 12) and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This gospel is defined and revealed in the Bible. Any teachings, beliefs or ideas originating from persons, churches or traditions and not expressed or implied in God’s word are not part of the true message and are not to be included in the gospel of Christ (Gal 1:11). To mix any man made notions, doctrines and philosophies with the original message of Christ is to pervert the gospel of Christ.
- Divine Judgment On False Teachers
The word “accursed” (GK anathema) means one that is under God’s curse, and is doomed to destruction and will receive God’s Judgment, eternal punishment and everlasting and permanent separation from God. Those who try to twist the truth of the originalgospel of Christ and change the truth revealed in God’s word are under God’s curse (Gal 1: 7-9; 2Pet 2, Jude 1: 3-4. 12-19. 2Jh 1: 7-11). Those who preach any gospel contrary to that revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ to the apostles, any one adding or taking away from the original and fundamental and foundational message of Christ and those revealed to the Apostle by the Holy Spirit stands under God’s curse, “God will take away his part from the book of life” (Rev. 22: 18-19).
God commands all Christians to defend the faith (Jude 3) to have a loving attitude when confronting others (2Tim. 2: 25-26) and to separate themselves from false teachers, ministers and others in the church who deny foundational truths as taught by the Lord Jesus and the Apostles (Rom 16: 17-18; 2Corint 6: 17).
- What should be our attitude and response to false teachers?
- What is the danger of false teachings?
BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 13: 12-20; 31-35
MEMORY VERSE: – “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one to another” (John 13: 34).
INTRODUCTION: – Those lives are filled with more “religious activities like exercising the gift of prophecy, faith, speaking in tongues etc but have not love” do not know and understand true spirituality. The more excellent way is the exercise of spiritual gifts in an attitude of sincere love. Love must be the guiding principle behind the exercise of all spiritual expressions because love is the only context in which spiritual gift can truly fulfill God’s purpose.
- Love, the Guiding Principle of Christian Faith
Christians are commended to love each other in a special way though they may not belong to the same local denomination or may not agree on certain issues.
- Believers must distinguish true Christians from those who only pretend to follow Jesus by examining their love and obedience to Christ and their loyalty to God’s word (Matt 7: 21; John 8: 31; 10: 27; Gal 1:9)
- Any person who has true and active faith in Jesus Christ and remains loyal to the authority of God’s work whether of the same church denomination or not is a brother or sister in God’s family. Those who are willing to stand for Christ and resist popular but ungodly beliefs and behaviors of our day deserve special love and support from one another.
- Loving all true Christians, including those outside our local assemble or denomination or fellowship, does not mean that we must compromise our specific Biblical beliefs or agree totally with their doctrine. While these things should not divide us and prevent us from accomplishing our highest mission of leading others to Christ we do not necessarily have to agree or come together on all issues of faith and organization.
- Christians must never compromise God’s holiness for the sake of a false unity. Loving God and His purpose as revealed in His word will enable us show God’s love to others especially those who believe differently that we do. Love for God must always be the top priority and guiding principle in our relationship with others (Matt 22: 37-39).
- True Sign Of Discipleship
What must distinguish Christ’s disciple is true godly love (Gk Agape). This agape love is basically a selfless, sacrificial and supreme love that seeks and promotes the good of others (1John 4: 9-10; 3: 23; 4: 7-21.
Relationship among Christians must be characterized by this kind of love and devotion. If this type of love is missing, people outside the church will not get an accurate picture of Christ’s love and may see no reason to surrender their lives to Christ and become part of the church. Christians must befriend each other through difficulties, be careful of each other feelings and reputations and put aside their own interests in order to promote each other’s welfare (Gal 6: 2; 1Thes 4: 9; 2Thes 1: 3; 1Peter 1: 22; 2Peter 1: 7; 1John 3: 23)
We as followers of Christ are expected to love all people, including our enemies (Matt 5: 44). But we are commanded by the Lord to love our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in a special way. i.e as Christ loves us and gave Himself for us – Agape type of love.
But our love to others must flow from our deep love for God and His Kingdom (Matt 22: 37-38). Thus, we must not compromise God’s standard of holiness and righteousness in our bid to show love to others. If we truly love God whole heartedly and love others selflessly, then all our attitudes and actions will end up aligning with all of the commands and standards of God’s holy word.
- What type of love should exist among Christians?
- What should be the basis of our love for others?