Sunday School May 2021

DATE: – 16TH MAY, 2021


BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Corinthians 3:10 – 23

MEMORY VERSE: – “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1Corinthians 3:17).

INTRODUCTION: –The first temple was built on Mount Moriah the portion of the land where Isaac was offered to God by his father Abraham and Jacob after many years made a vow by Solomon in Jerusalem and completed in 957BC (1Kings 7:1 – 5). It was built after the pattern God gave Moses in the mount and the tabernacle was built in the wilderness.

It was destroyed many years later by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Rebuilt by the Jews under the leadership of Ezra. The temple has been rebuilt again and again. But in the New Testament, the temple is seen beyond any physical building. The entire body of Christ (the Church) or local community of Christians is referred to as the temple of God. But much more, the Bible refers to individual Christians (i.e. their bodies) as temples of Holy Spirit (1Corint.3:9; 6:19; 2Corint.6:16; Eph.2:21).


1) God’s expectation concerning His temple

Whether in the Old Testament or the New Testament, God expects His temple to be sanctified (i.e. set apart) and holy. That was why Jesus Christ in His earthly Ministry purified the temple in Jerusalem on two occasions (John 2:14 – 17; Matt.21:12-13; Luke 19:45-46).

As God’s temple therefore in the midst of perverse and corrupt nations and generations, Christians are expected to separate from the evil and ungodly practices so often embraced in our societies (Phil.2:12-16).

We are to reject all forms of ungodly and immoral beliefs and behaviours. God’s temple must be holy (1Corint.3:17), holy morally, pure, spiritually whole, separated from evil and completely dedicated to God (1Pet.1:14-16).

2) Defiling God’s Temple

There are several ways people defile God’s temple these days just like in the days of earthly ministry of Christ Jesus. Whether as individual or as Church, God’s temple is not to be defiled because it attracts God’s fiery wrath and judgment (1Corint.3:17).

For those responsible in building or developing Christ’s body, maybe as teachers or Pastors, or Evangelists or Prophets or Apostles or any leadership positions; they must not be negligent or corrupt Christ’s body through:

i) Promotion of lies, deceptions and selfish ambition (Acts 5:1-11).

ii) Promotion of false teachings, rejecting God’s original revelation and disregarding the truth of God’s word (1Tim.4:1; Jude 1:4).

iii) Tolerating sin and worldliness among those who claim to follow Christ (Rom.1:32; 1Corint.5:1-2, 5-7; Rev.3:17).

iv) Attempting to build Christ’s Church by worldly wisdom, human standards, or messages that are not the true gospel (1Corint.1:18-25; Phil.15-16).

And as individual Christian, having your body as God’s temple, you must not be negligent or corrupt your body by;

i) Engaging in immoral behavior and lifestyles (1Corint.51; 6:16-19).

ii) Engaging in idolatrous practices such as haircut and beard cut, tattoo on the body (Lev.19:27-28).

iii) Engaging in drunkenness, drugs, smoking etc.

iv) Ungodly dressing and lasciviousness (Isaiah 3:16-21; Jer.10: )

v) Impure thoughts, desires, actions or images.


As a Christian, your body is the personal dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, because He lives in you, and you belong to God. Thus, your body must never be defiled by any impurity or evil. We must live and care for our bodies in such a way as to honour, glorify and please God with our bodies (1Corint.6:20). We must bear in mind that we do not own ourselves, Christ paid a ransom for us with His own life to free us from the slave market of sin and bring us into a personal relationship with God (Mt.20:28; Mk.10:45; 1Tim.2:6; Heb.9:15)


  1. What is God’s expectation from His temple?
  2. How can one defile God’s temple?

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