DATE: – 9TH MAY, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Corinthians 6: 9 – 20
MEMORY VERSE: – What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (1Corinthians6:19).
INTRODUCTION: –Before the temple was built, Israel had the tabernacle build according to the pattern God gave Moses on the Mount for the children of Israel. David made an attempt of building a temple, but God rejected him because his hands were full of blood (2Sam.7:1-9). His son Solomon later did as ordained by God (2Sam.7:10-17; 1Kings 7:13, 27:-30). Throughout the time of the kings, the temple went through several cycles of defilement and restoration. From the reigns of Rehoboam when Shishack of Egypt raided the temple (1Chro.12:9) to final complete destruction of the temple by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon in 586 BC.
But fifty years later, King Cyprus of Persia (who ruled over the Babylonians) allowed the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuilt the temple led by Ezra (the scribe) and Zerubbabel (Ezra 1- 4).
Meaning Of The Temple For The Israelites
For the Israelites, the temple was in many ways viewed with the same importance as the city of Jerusalem. To them;
a) The temple was symbol of God’s presence and protection among His people. When the temple was dedicated in Jerusalem “fire” came down from heaven and consume the burnt offerings and sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the temple (2Chr.7:1-2). In fact, God’s presence filled the place so completely that the priests could not enter the temple to minister. As a lasting reward, God promised to put His name there (2chr.6:20, 33); which means He could identify with the temple and it would represent His character and presence so long as it was sanctified unto Him. That is why it is often said in the Bible that the people prayed toward the temple and God heard them “out of His temple” (2Chr.6:24, 26, 29, 32; Ps.18:6).
b) The temple also represented God’s redemption of His people. There were two functions that took place inside the temple; the daily sacrifices for sin on the brazen altar and the annual Day of Atonement which is performed yearly by the High Priest during which time he entered the Most Holy Place to sprinkle the sacrificial blood on the mercy seat that covered the Ark of the Covenant. This act was to atone for the sins of the people and his own. Through those temple ceremonies, the Israelites were reminded of the high price of sin, forgiveness and a renewed relationship with God.
c) At no time in history of the Israelites did God have more than one physical dwelling place or temple. This demonstrated the fact that the LORD GOD is the only one God – the covenant God of the Israelites.
d) However, the temple gave no absolute guarantee of God’s present. It was a symbol of God’s presence (just as the Ark of the Covenant) 1Sam.4:3-11). Only as long as the people rejected and served not any other gods, and they wholly follow God’s laws and keep all His commandments. This was what prophets Jeremiah and Micah emphatically prophesied that God would teach them a lesson by destroying Jerusalem and its temple (Micah 3:9-11).
Jeremiah later rebuked the rebellious Jews for their constant and careless use of the words “The temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD” (Jere.7:2-4; 8:12), because the temple meant nothing to them. Repeating these words gave them a sense of false security. Because of their ugly lifestyle, God would destroy the symbol of His presence, the temple (Jer.7:14-15).
God destroyed the temple the symbol of His presence with the Israelites. Even all the ones that were rebuilt either by Zerubabbel or Herod and others followed the same pattern – destroyed because of the sins of the people. Only a wall of the latest temple (the Wailing Wall) remains till today. God is no respecter of persons. You may be called the temple of God today, if you allow defilement and abomination, God will not hesitate to execute His judgment (1Corint.3:17).
- What did the temple meant to the Jews?
- Why did God destroyed the temple?