Sunday School June 2021

DATE: – 27TH JUNE, 2021


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Mark 13: 1 – 37

MEMORY VERSE: – “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the Father”.

INTRODUCTION: – Following the rapture is “the day of the Lord”, referring to a time that brings distress and judgment on the ungodly (1Thes.5:2-10). That will be followed by the second coming of Christ, when He will literally return on earth at the end of the tribulation to defeat the forces of the anti-Christ, destroy the ungodly and establish His reign on earth for a thousand years at the end of time (Mat.24:42-44).


1) The Day Of The Lord

The “day of the Lord” normally does not refer to a 24hour day, but rather to an extended period of time when God’s enemies are over thrown (Isa.2:12-21, 13:9-16; Joel 1:15-2:11; 3:9-17; Amos5:18-20; Zec.14:1-3), followed by Christ earthly reign (Zeph.3:14-17; Rev.20:4-7).

The day of the Lord will occur at a time when people are hoping for peace and safety. The day will come as a surprise to faithful believers – like “a thief in the night”. The day of the Lord will come like travail comes on a woman. Just like a woman knows she must travail if she is pregnant but knows not the day or the hour, so it is with the sudden destruction. We know the times and seasons of it, but not the exact day or hour.

Since the second advent of Christ brings this sudden destruction, it means that men will not know the exact day or the hour of His coming (Mt.24:36, 39,42-51; 25:13).

One thing that is certain is that immediately after the rapture the man of sin – the antishrist will be revealed. He will conquer the tenacious kingdom inside the revised Roman Empire in the first 31/2 years on Daniel’s seventh (70th) week (Dan.7:23-24; Rev.13, rev.17) and by these kingdom shall he also conquer the king of the north (Russia and other nations north and east of the Roman empire in the last 31/3 years of Daniels 70th week (Dan.11:40-45). The Antichrist breaks his 7year covenant with Israel, enters Palestine, conquers Israel, takes over Jerusalem and the Jewish temple as his capital, does away with Jewish worship in the temple, sets up himself and his image in the temple to be worshipped, and causes great tribulation of 31/2 years until Christ comes to defeat him and set up His kingdom (Dan.8:9-25; 9:27; 11:40-45, 12:7; Mt.24:25-31; Mk.13:14-27; 2Thes.2:1-12; Rev.13:1-18; 14:9-11; 19:11-21).

Israel will flee from Judea to Edom and Moab for 31/2 years and be saved and gathered at the Second Advent (Mt.24:15-31, 25:31-46; Rom.11:25-29; Zech.12:10-13, 14:1-21; Rev.12:6, 13-17. The angels will gather Israel from all the ends of the earth to be an eternal nation (Mtt.24:31; Isa.11:11-12, 60:8-9; 65:9, 22; 66:19-21; Jer.31:36-40; 33:17-26; Ezek.36:8-24; 37:21-28; 39:25-29; Amos 9:11-15; Acts 15:13-18; Lk.1:31-31).

2) Conditions Of Escape: – As children of light and of the day, and as God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain deliverance from this day through rapture. It is incumbent on us to meet the conditions of escape from the wrath to come (1Thes.5:6).

* Do not sleep i.e. do not lose focus of Christ, do not live carelessly like the five foolish virgins (Mt.25:5; 1Thes.5:6-7).

* Watch and pray without ceasing: Be always at alert and live godly, soberly and blamelessly (Mt.24:42-51; Phil.2:14-16).

*Be sober: – drink no intoxication, live soberly and righteously (Tit.2:11-12; 1Pet.5:8).

* Put on the whole armour of light of God at all times (Eph.6:10-18; 1Tim.6:12; 1Corint9:24-27; Rom.13:11-14).

* Live daily in readiness for His coming


  1. Describe the “day of the LORD”?
  2. What are the conditions of escape?

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