DATE: – 13TH JUNE, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 24:1 – 44
MEMORY VERS: – “Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is take up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven” (Act 1:11).
INTRODUCTION: – The coming of the Lord has been predicted from the book of Genesis; and all through the Scriptures (Jh.5:39). With uncontrovertible evidences all around us just like the first advent, the second advent of Jesus Christ as LORD of lords and King of kings is certain.
Like in His first advent, many of His people were not prepared for His coming, and thus, His advent met them unaware and unprepared. So, will His second advent be.
1) Differences Between The Rapture And Second Coming Of Christ
Just like the first Advent of Christ, several prophecies were given concerning His second Advent. Many of which have been fulfilled already.
The second advent is completely different from the rapture; which in itself is one of the greatest sign of the second advent of Christ. There are no prophecies to be fulfilled before the rapture takes place (Titus 2:13; Phil.3:20-21). All the prophecies and signs of Christ’s coming point to the second advent and not the rapture.
The rapture is for the Church, and it was neither mentioned in the Seventy years visions of Daniel or the prophecies of Ezekiel or other prophets concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus. This is because the Church age was hidden from the prophets of old. All the signs given even by the Lord concerning His coming did not point to the rapture at which time, Christ will only appear in the sky. He will not come visibly to the earth. The true believers will then be caught up to meet Him in the sky (1Thes.4:16-18). There will be at least seven (7) years between the rapture and the Second Advent of Christ. So the rapture is not the second coming of Christ nor one phase or stage of it. The saints meet with Christ in the air, and He takes them back to heaven (1Thes.2:19; 3:13; Rev.19:1-11). The saints stay in heaven with Christ for seven years and then return with Him to the earth for the millennial reign at the Second Advent (Zach.14:5; Jude 14; Rev.19:11-21).
Though the same Greek word (Parousia) meaning: personal visible presence or reappearing) was use to describe the two appearances. But the Scriptures succinctly differentiate the one from the other.
i) Rapture – personal visible coming in the air (not to the earth) for the saints (both dead and living). (1Thes.2:19; 3:19; 4:13-17; 5:23; 1Corint.15:23, 51-58; 2Thes.2:1, 7-8, James 5:7-8; 1Jh.2:28; Jh.14:1-3).
ii) Second Advent to the earth with the saints for the millennial reign (Mt.24:3, 27-51, 25:31-46; Jude 14; Rev.19:11-21; Zec.14:1-5).
Whether the rapture or the Second Advent, it is very certain that Jesus is coming back again. The hope of the Church, the glorious Church (Eph.5:26) is to be caught up in the air at the rapture so as to escape the great tribulation.
How are prepared are you for the Lord’s coming?
- Differentiate between the rapture and the Second Advent?
- What is the purpose of the rapture?