DATE: – 29TH AUGUST, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Jeremiah 35:1 – 19
MEMORY VERSE: – “Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rachab our father in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine, all our days, we, our sons, nor our daughters” (Jeremiah 35:8).
INTRODUCTION: – The Rechabites were a nomadic tribe the descendants the Kenites whose father was Jethro, Moses’ father in-law (Jude 1:16; 1Chro.2:55). Their progenitor, Jonadab (2Kgs.10:15-25) had commanded his sons more than two hundred years before not to drink any type of wine, not to live in permanent houses and not to plant crops. They were to instead live as nomads moving from one place to place tending livestock. God instructed the Prophet Jeremiah to test the Rechabites in order to highlight their faithfulness and obedience to their father, which sharply contrasted Judah’s faithfulness to God at that time, and the Church faithfulness and obedience to Christ now.
1) We Will Drink No Wine
The Rechabites remained steadfastly true to their convictions, refusing to disobey the instructions set by their forefather even if it was a renowned national Prophet like Jeremiah had instructed them to do otherwise and that in the house of the LORD (Jer.35:3-5; Gal.1:6-9).
Jonadab had given these rules so that his descendants might maintain a simple life style, separated from the wicked Canaanites and avoiding the evil way of life the Israelites had adopted as a result of constant rebellion and faithlessness toward God.
Abstinence from wine helped them avoid the activity of Baal worship, which often involved drunkenness and immoral behaviour.
Similarity, the Lord Jesus had instructed us (the Christians) to abstain from every appearance of evil (1Thess.5:22). Jonadab seeing the evils in his days especially with the idolatrous reign of Ahab with his wife Jezebel instructed his descendant to buy no treasures and not plundering in the land. So also had the Lord Jesus warned and instructed the Christians to live a moderated life in this world (Matt.6:19-26. 39; Lk21:34; 1Tim.5:6).
The Rachebites obeyed faithfully the rules set by Jonadab their fore-fathers even several years after his death. How many Christians are faithfully obeying the rules of our engagement as given by our Lord Jesus today?
The rules given to the Rechabites were to make them live separated from the wicked and ungodly beliefs and behaviours around them. These rules given by the Lord to us were to make us live separated from the ungodly world system around us today (2Corint.6:14-7:1; Matt.5:13-16).
The faithfulness of the Rechabites to their forefather was handsomely rewarded by God (Jer.35:16-19) but God’s wrathful judgment came upon the disobedient Jews. All Christians who remain faithful to goodly standards, convictions and principles as spelt out in the Word of God, out of respects for God, the Church and parents will receive God’s blessings and rewards at last (Matt.5:17-20).
- What are the rules Jonadab gave to his descendants?
- Compare and contrast the Rechabites with present day Christians.