DATE: – 22ND AUGUST, 2021
MEMORY VERSE: – “How shall we escape it we neglect so great salvation; which was at first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him” (Hebrews 2:3).
The place the Word of God, prayers, family worship and fellowship cannot be downplayed in a marriage that must fulfill God’s original purpose. These are what form the basics of family devotion. Unfortunately, in many Christian homes today, Family Altar has been lost on the Altar of negligence. And negligence is a very grievous sin (1kgs.20:35-43; 1Tim5:8). Every family must have an altar that is wetted with worship, Bible study and prayers everyday; possibly morning and evening.
1) Reasons For Neglecting Family Altars In The Homes
- Economic pressure, causing parents to rush out too early in the morning (a times before the children wake up) and returning in the night (probably after the children are already sleeping (Ps.27:2).
- Unresolved family disputes (Amos 3:3)
- Non challant attitude of either of the parents towards family altar can bring discouragement to other members of the family.
2) Benefits Of Family Altar
- Family altar guarantees a place of refuge and sharing of family problems.
- Family altar brings faith, trust, comfort and salvation.
- It is a means by which the word of god can be exalted in the home (Prov.6:23; Rom.15:14; 2Tim.3:16-17).
- It is a means by which the family prays together in agreement (Matt.6:13; 18:18-20).
- It brings the presence of God into the family and the consequent fullness of joy and eternal pleasures (Matt.18:20; Ps.16:11)
- It is a means of affecting others positively as light of the world (Matt.5:16).
- Family altar is means by which children be taught the undiluted Word of God and showing them their duties to God. Children should be taught to remember God in their youth, to fear God and obey His Word. They should be taught to love God and love others as Christ love us (Prov.24:21; Eccl.12:1-2; Deut.30:2).
- Family altar is a means of teaching children their duties to the Church, their parents, other members of the family, neighbours and the society at large (Ex.20:12; Eph.6:1-2; 1Tim.5:14).
- Family altar is a good avenue of winning children and other members of the family (E.g. grannies, uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces, and cousins etc who come on visit or to stay) to the Lord Jesus Christ (Deut.31:12; Mk.10:14).
- Family altar is a means by which every member of the family can grow in grace (Josh.1:8; Ps.119:9-11; 2Tim.2:1; 20:7; 3:18).
A family that prays together stays together. Private devotions of every member of a family are commendable but it can never produce the benefits of togetherness and meet the spiritual needs of the family as the family devotion will do. Wherever family worship is a constant daily practice, the presence of God cannot be wanting with its attendant benefits.
Having all the benefits of family altar therefore, let us take the issue seriously in our families.
- Apart from those mentioned in the outline, mention other reasons for the neglect of family altar in most homes.
- Enumerate the benefits of having family devotion continually.
Next Week in Page 5