BIBLE PASSAGE: – 2 Timothy 2: 1 – 19
MEMORY VERSE: – “Teaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:20).
INTRODUCTION: – The Church has the responsibility to safeguard the true and original teaching and message of Christ and of those He commissioned to deliver that message as recorded in the Bible. This includes passing that truth on and committing it to trustworthy individuals without distortion, compromise or corruption. In order to do this, there must be sound Bible-based teaching and instruction within the Church.
1) Bible Training For Christians
The Bible gives the following reasons for Biblical and theological training, whether in the home, Church or school.
a) To entrust the message of Christ to faithful believers in order that they may know (2Tit.3:15) guard (2Tim.1:14), and teach true Bible-based faith (1Tim.4:6; 2Tim.2:2) and godly standards (Roms.6:17; 1Tim.6:3).
b) To show students the great necessity to “contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3) and to give them the means by which to defend it against false teaching and philosophies (Acts 20:31; Gal.1:9; 1Tim.4:1; 6:3-4; Tit.1:9).
c) To lead students into continual character growth through teaching “doctrine which is according to godliness” (1Tim.6:3; Jos.1:8; Ps.1:2-3; 119:97-100; Mt.28:20; Jh.17:14-18; 1Jh.4:1; 1Tim.1:5; 4:7; 2Tim.3:10).
d) To equip students to help other believers grow stronger and more mature in their faith, character and behavior. The goal is that together they may reflect Christ’s image in their homes, the local Churches, the schools and communities and body of Christ as a whole (Eph.6:10-18).
e) To motivate students into, through the eternal truths of God’s Word, to be passionately committed to spreading the message of new life through Christ to people of all nations and cultures who do not yet have a personal relationship with Him. This is possible only in the power of the Holy Spirit (Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-20).
f) To deepen student’s experience of Christ’s love, personal compassions hip and gift of the Holy Spirit (Jh.17:3’ 21’ 26’ Eph.3”18-19) by urging them to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit who lives in them (Rom.8:14), by bringing them into the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2J, and by teaching them to pray (Mt.6:9), fast (Mt.6:16) and worship, as they joyfully anticipate the return of Jesus Christ (2Tim.4:8; Tit.3:13).
2) Qualifications Of Bible Trainers
It is obvious from the fore going that for sound Bible-based training, instruction must be done only by;
a) Those who are intensely loyal to the Scriptures as God’s fully inspired Word (Ezra 7:10; 2Tim.1:13-14).
b) Those who are open to the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in and through them (2Tim.1:14).
c) Those who diligently devote themselves to study God’s Word. Those that are determined to know God’s thoughts and purposes in the world and for His people.
d) Those who devote themselves to obey God’s Word wholesomely and living by its standard of right and wrong. Those who will live what they teach (1Corint.9:27; 1Tim.4:12,16).
True Bible-based training emphasizes true righteousness and holiness.
It is not simply a matter of intellectual knowledge and comprehension of Biblical facts or truths. The great teachings revealed in God’s Word are redemptive truths, spiritually savings, restoring and life transforming, not academic ones. As issues of life or death, they demand a personal response and decision from both teacher and student.
- What are the Biblical reasons for Biblical training?
- What are the qualifications for Biblical trainers?