BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 1: 1 – 34
MEMORY VERSE: – “Is not my Word like as a fire? Saith the LORD; and a hammer that breaketh the rock pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)
INTRODUCTION: – The Bible reveals that God spoke all things into existence through Jesus Christ who is personal Word (GK Logos). (Gen.3,6,9,14,20,24; Jh.1:3). The Bible also reveals that God has spoken to us by His Son (Heb.1:1-3) and Jesus Himself declares that His own words are directly from God (Jh.8:28; 14:24). It is also written in the Bible that Jesus Christ is God’s wisdom for us in every way; helping us to understand and accomplish God’s purposes (1Corint.1:30; Eph.3:10-11; Col.2:2-3). Also, the Word describes Jesus as the perfect revelation and representation of the Father’s nature and character (Jh.1:3-5, 14, 18; Col.2:9).
1) The Bible Creates And Transforms
The Bible changes men’s live. It alters their destinies. It inaugurates worldwide movements. One of its texts transformed Luther and was the beginning of the greatest of modern epochs. It comes into communities of unrighteousness as a regenerate force. Great enterprises-philanthropic, redemptive and educational – arise and stand as tributes to its vitalizing power. Ten thousand times, ten thousand as the evidences of the regenerative power of the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.
2) The Bible Reveals Christ
The supreme wonder of the Book is Christ – He is its fullness, its centre, it’s great subject. Old Testament and New Testament alike tell of Jesus, the great Fact of history, the great force of history, the great Future of history; for of this Book it can be said “—– The glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof” (Rev.21:23).
And as long as men live upon the face of this globe the Book that tells of that Supreme Personality, the Centre of a world’s desire – Christ, the great Arch that spans history, the keystone of prophecy – Christ the Revealer, the Redeemer, the Risen, the Reigning, the Returning Lord-Jesus, the Desire of all nations: so long will this Book draw men’s hearts like a magnet, and men will stand by it, and live for it, and die for it!
3) The Best Attitude To Profit From The Bible
When you come to this Book, come to it with reference. Read it with a plea for the Spirit’s help (Ex.3:5).
Other books are of the earth. This is from heaven. Do not think and do not say that this Book only contains the Words of God! It is the Word of God!
Think not of it only as a good book, or even as a better book, but hold it in your heart and faith, not as the word of man, but as it is in truth, the Word of God; nay more, as the living Word of the Living God: Supernatural in origin; inexpressible in value; infinite in scope; divine in authorship, though human in perimanship: regenarative in power, infallible in authority; personal in application; inspired in totality.
Read the Bible, and read it again, and do not despair of help to understand something of the will and mind of God, though you think they are fast locked up from you.
Neither trouble yourself, though you have not commentaries and expositions; pray and read, and read and pray: for a little from God is better than a great deal from man; also what is from man is uncertain, and is often lost and tumbled over by man: but what is from God is fixed as a nail in sure place.
There is nothing that so abides with us as what we receive from God; and the reason why Christians at this day are at such a loss as to some things, is because they are content with what comes from men’s mouths, without searching and kneeling before God, to know of Him the truth of things.
Things which we receive God’s hand come to us as things from the minting house, though old inn themselves, yet new to us. Old truths are always new to us if they come to us with the smell of heaven upon them.