Sunday School Manual November 2020

BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Timothy 4: 1- 5, 2Timothy 3: 1 – 9
MEMORY VERSE: – “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2Timothy 3:1).

INTRODUCTION: – having seeing clearly the prophecies concerning the Israelites come to pass before our very eyes, we should know that the coming of our Lord and Saviour is very imminent (Rom.13:11-12). Many happenings around us have been prophesied in the Scriptures that they would happen at the close of this age.


1) Current Fulfillment Of non-Jewish Prophecies

The end time prophecies concerning Israel are not only ones we see being fulfilled in whole or in part before our very eyes. Daniel prophesied that in the end times the Roman empire would be revived (Dan.2:31-45) and we can see that being accomplished in the creation and expansion of the European Union.

The Bible prophesied repeated that in the end times there will be great apostasy in the Church (1Tim.4:1, 2Tim.3:1-5). We are up to our ears in that apostasy today as major Christian denominations ordain homosexuals, approve same-sex marriage, deny the deity of Jesus Christ, and mock the inerrancy of the Scriptures encouraging worldliness, indecency in dressing etc.

In like manner, the Bible prophesies that “in the last days’ Society will disintegrate into cesspool of immorality and violence (2Tim.3:1-5). Can there be any doubt that those days have arrived?

Daniel was told that the end time prophecies would not be completely understood until the end time – that is, until the time comes for their fulfillment (Dan.12:8-9). That time must be upon us for we are living in the time which ancient prophecies are being understood for the very first time, due to historical development and technological advances.

2) Taking The Signs Seriously

One could go in and on unveiling the fulfillment of the end time prophecies in our days. The main point is that the future has arrived, the end time is here. End time prophecies are being fulfilled today. God is clearly fulfilling the promises He made thousands of years ago to the Israelites. And God is orchestrating the fulfillment of the end time prophecies that are not related to the Jewish people as well. There is every undisputable evidences that Jesus Christ is coming very soon. The signs of the times attest to the fact. God expect us to take those signs seriously because He is about to pour out His wrath upon this present world in the Great Tribulation, and He does not desire that any should perish. The fulfillment of prophecy all around us today is God’s way of waking us up from our sleep and Luke warmness to the fact that we are living on borrowed time, and we need to use the remaining time to commit ourselves to holiness and evangelism.


Indeed, as we await the glorious coming of our Lord to save His people and establish His Kingdom – this is the blessed hope of Israel; let us teach the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit and with authority. Let us preach the Gospel without fear or shame. Let us live the Gospel by living lives of great love and compassion. Let us do so with patience and humility and gentleness. And let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due time, by the grace of God, we will reap a great harvest.

Soon and very soon, we are going to see the LORD!


  1. Highlight the non-Jewish prophecies of the end time?

What is God’s expectation from us of this age?

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