Sunday School Manual November 2020

BIBLE PASSAGE: – Zechariah 12: 1 – 14
MEMORY VERSE: – “In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness” (Zechariah 13:1).

INTRODUCTION: – The prominence given to Israel in the prophets forces itself vividly upon our notice. Plunged into the furnace of Egyptian, Assyrian, Babyonian, Grecian, Roman tyranny, Israel has come forth unconsumed! Kingdom after Kingdom has crumbled down or been swallowed up, yet Israel has walked secure over the debris of empires or stand upon the fragments of each successive wrack, casting his wistful eye towards Jerusalem, the heritage of his nation, and the city of his soul. And at no distant time shall all outcasts of Israel and the dispersed of Judah return and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads. “Beautiful for situation” shall it yet be seen, the joy of the whole earth, the city of the great King (Psalm 48:2).   


1) Current Fulfilled Prophecies Concerning The Jews

a) Military Strength: -Zechariah prophesied that when the Israelites resettled and were re-established in their land, their military strength would be overwhelming (Zech.12:6) and that they would “consume” all the peoples around them. This is very obvious these days, as no nation has the might of the Israeli army and are dreaded over all the earth.

b) Focal Point – Israel is always pictured as the focal point of world politics in the end times (Zech.12:3; 14:1-9). It is certainly time that Israel is playing a prominent role in world politics today.

2) God’s Infinite Love: -Although God set the Jews aside and put them under discipline because

A remnant of the Jews will “look upon Him whom they have pierced “and will accept Him as Lord and Saviour (Zech.12:10; Rom.11:1-6, 25-29).

God intends to bring His wayward wife back home (Hosea 3:4-6). He promised to restore Israel to a covenant relationship with him in which they would know Him in a real and personal way. In return, God expected His people to live as examples of righteousness, justice, love, kindness and faithfulness.

During that time, the Jews would have to live with their own leadership (The Messiah)and freed of worship: they would also have to keep themselves from all of the sins that led them to their captivity. Though, most of the Jews rejected Him at His first coming, but all of them will humble themselves in godly sorrow recognizing their need for the Saviour and accepting Jesus as their Messiah.


The loving kindness and faithfulness of God in keeping His promises to the Jewish people should be a source of encouragement to all Christians. As we watch God fulfill promises which He made to the Jewish people thousands of years ago, we can be absolutely certain that He will be faithful to fulfill all the promises He has made to the Church.


  1. What type of relationship did God said to have with the Jewish people?

What does the fulfillment of God’s promises to the Jews teaches us today?

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