BIBLE PASSAGE: – Psalm 19: 1 – 14
MEMORY VERSE: – “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honey comb” (Psalm 19:10).
INTRODUCTION: – God’s Word and all of the command, instructions and guidelines contained in it are perfect. They are a completely effective guide for living. When applied to our lives, God’s Word will always serve the purpose that He has planned.
1) The Word Of God Is Food To Nourish And Delight
The word is milk for the new-born babe; it is strong meat for the spiritual adult; and it is honey for the spiritually minded (1Pt.2:2; Heb.5:14; Ps.19:10).
The man who feeds constantly and regularly upon God’s Word will become strong; the one who neglects it will be dwarfed. Both stature and strength are gauged by the quality of spiritual food eaten and assimilated.
Whenever, you find a spiritual anaemic the reason is improper food.
The Christian who is improperly or insufficiently fed is the prey to all kinds of spiritual disease. He is powerless to resist temptation, blind to discern error, helpless to overcome sin. He is open to all the deceiving devices and subtle strategies of the evil one. He not only makes no progress but he cannot even hold his own and lives a flabby, in consistent, dishonouring life before the world.
The Christian who is not entering into new possession of God’s grace, love and power through new conquers of the Word is living on the stale of manna of some moldy experience or musty testimony.
Sometimes a Christian worker has lost his power for no other reason than neglect of the Bible. Because of this his message is devoid of freshness and fruitfulness. The inevitable result is the giving of his
own word in the wisdom, eloquence and energy of the flesh. This God never promises to bless (1Corint.2:4).
2) The Word Of God Is A Critic To Judge
The Greek word “Kritikos” means able to judge. The tendency today is that men choose to be critics of the Word rather than to accept the Word as their critic.
But one very salutary function of the Bible is its judgment upon the Christian’s thoughts and actions (Heb.4:12).
The Psalmist who offered that sincere prayer in Psalm 139:23-24; know the helpfulness of God’s righteous judgments.
What a quickening of the spiritual life would take place today if every child of God would put his life under the righteous judgment of the Word of God (Ps.119:175). The long-prayed-for revival undoubtedly would burst forth like fire if the Bible were permitted to become the critic of men’s thoughts, feelings and actions, and if they were willing to act upon its kindly, beneficent criticism.
3) The Word Of God Is A Manual Of Holy Living
God has provision for every step of the way in the life of godliness, which He expects His child to live. In his Word He has given the principles that govern such a life and the precepts, which teach us how to practice them (Ps.119:1-3).
The Christian who practices the presence of God and who lives the Christ-life most transparently is the one who is most thoroughly saturated with God’s Word and who deliberately has given himself to live out that Word in deed.
Living by God’s standard is not a burden or a harsh responsibility: it is a privilege for those who love and trust God and depend on His strength (1Jh.5:3). In fact, following God’s instructions is a life-giving, refreshing experience because it allows us to fulfill our highest purposes in life and it keeps us free from constant failure, guilt and spiritual emptiness. Simply, following the regulations of God’s law cannot save us (Rom.8:3; Heb.7:18-19), no amount of good works or self-effort can do that (Eph.2:9; Tit.3:5). The law reveals our own failures and weakness and points us to our needs of forgiveness and a proper relationship with God. We can trust God’s Word completely to direct our lives. By learning and following the Word, we gain and live out the wisdom.
- What are the dangers of not feeding constantly upon God’s Word?
- How does the Word of God acts as our critic?
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Psalm 119:97 – 120
MEMORY VERSE: – “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
INTRODUCTION: – The Word of God contains the spiritual principles: precept upon precept; line upon line that will help us avoid many sorrows, pitfalls and tragedies brought on by wrong decisions and choices. For this reason, we must treasure its wisdom and apply it in all of life’s situation. It will never fail to guide us in the right direction.
1) The Word Of God Is A Lamp To Guide
There are many pitfalls (some very dangerous) all around us as Christians especially in this end time, the devil has well-laid snares to entrap us (2Tim.2:26; Ps.119:110).
The straight and narrow way is not always easily discerned and still less easily followed. In these perilous times when there is so much of the world in the Church and when even the shepherd of the flock may walk in ways quite contrary to the Word of God, many an earnest Christian is perplexed and at a loss to know what is a consistent walk. He surely needs a light upon his path.
But he needs even more than that; he needs to be shown each step of the way. The Word of God is just such a guide and, when it is hid in the heart and headed in the life, the Christian need not wander nor stumble. His every step may be ordered in full conformity to God’s will and ways in full obedience to God’s Word (Ps.119:133; 37:31).
The teaching instruction, warning, correction and guidance, which every Christian needs to make him complete and to equip him for service are all to be found in the Bible (2Tim.3:16; 16-17).
2) The Word Of God Is A Weapon
The Spirit-filled man has enemies; he is engaged in a warfare (Eph.6:12). The powers of hell are all against Him. He is always open to attack and momentarily liable to defeat. He needs both defensive and offensive weapons. He must be able both to stand and to withstand in every assault of Satan (Eph.6:17).
There is but one way this can be done and it is the way the God-man used. His only weapon in the wilderness was the Sword of the Spirit. “It is written”, repeated three times in the threefold attack, repulsed the enemy.
Let us note that the God-man had his Sword burnished and ready. He did not wait to draw out the Scripture and read from it to get an answer for the devil. His mind was so saturated with its truth that when Satan attacked Him, the Spirit instantly brought to His remembrance the very words that utterly routed Him. He was kept in the moment of temptation by the Word hid in His heart (Ps.119:11).
It is only that part of the Word that is hid in the heart that will become a Sword in the portion of the Word of God which we have learned and lived that will be effectual in the fight with Satan.
Another essential to success is confidence in the weapon we use (Ps.12:6; Prov.30:5)
Many Christians are defeated today in the warfare against sin and Satan because of doubt regarding their weapon, the Word of God. To them the Word is not the Sword of the Spirit but it is merely a staff of man’s making to assist him on the pathway of life which he feels at liberty to whittle down to the measure of his own intellect and experience. Belief in the absolute trust worthiness and final authority of the Word is an essential to the potent use of it as the Sword.
The “Sword of the Spirit”, which is the Word of God is our offensive weapon to be used in the war against the powers of evil. Our Lord Jesus Christ used the weapon against Satan (Matt.4:1-11). We must know God’s Word and be confident of its power and effectiveness.
- Why does a Christ in this perilous times need the Word of God?
- How can one effectively use the Word of God as a Spiritual weapon in a Spiritual battle?
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Jeremiah 20: 7 – 13, Mark 4: 1 – 20
MEMORY VERSE: – “Is not my Word like as a fire? Saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?”(Jeremiah 23:29).
INTRODUCTION: – The Word of God is a living seed which when t is sown brings forth fruits according to the response of the hearer, not just at the beginning but over the long term. So, the Word of God will either be a fire to burn, or a hammer to break into pieces or a balm to heal, to the hearer depending on the reaction he or she puts forth towards the Word.
1) The Word Of God Is A Fire That Burns And Warms
The Bible is like a fire that burns out the dross, purifying and purging. It is a devouring flame before which nothing that is contrary to God’s will and ways can stand (Jer.5:14; 20:9; 23:29; 1Pet.1:22).
It is at the same time a fire that warms with comfort and cheers the heart desolated by sorrow and distressed through suffering (1Thess.4:18; Ps.119:5).
2) The Word Of God Is A Hammer that Breaks
There is such a residue of stubbornness, resistance, and rebellion in every life! The man who has been accustomed to go his own way, seek his own pleasure and do his own will is not easily made submissive and humble. There is much in every one of us that is hard which needs to be broken, much that is resisting which needs to be melted (Jer.23:29).
As the Christian studies the Word of God and comes under the softening rays of God’s loving kindness, tender mercy, unfailing faithfulness, unquenchable love and exhaustless grace, his heart is melted, his will is broken and his life is turned into joyous, humble submission to the loving will of God.
3) The Word Of God Is A Seed That Matures And Multiplies
A seed in itself is but a small hard substance which if laid away in a drawer will remain only a seed. But put into suitable soil, given needed nurture, it will become a plant or a tree. The Word of God is a seed. Let that incorruptible see which has the very germ of life in it – “My Words are life” – be sown into the soil of human heart by the Holy Ghost and it fructifies in a new creation.
Before it can manifest its power to save and to sanctify it must be engrafted upon the inner life (James 1:21).
The seed needs to be fostered and nurtured by earnest study and eager searching. See needs time to grow. The Word must be pondered and meditated upon. It must lie fallow in the heart, mind, conscience and will to bring forth its full fruitage.
The seed must be kept abiding in the soil of faith. The Christian must continue in the Word. The Word must abide in him by day and by night (Ps.119:97; John 15:7).
Coldness of heart, callousness of conscience, weakness of will, feebleness of testimony, joylessness in worship. Fruitlessness in service, powerlessness in prayer all are traceable to just one thing – ignorance of and indifference to God’s Word (Jh.8:37). But when the Word is given its rightful place in any life, it has power to convict, to convert, to cleanse, to control, to criticize, to correct and to consecrate. It becomes a mould that fashions the life into ever growing likeness of the image of Christ Jesus.
- Describe the role of God’s Word as a fire?
- What should be the condition of the soil – the heart – for the seed of the Word of God to be effective?
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 2Timothy 3: 1 – 9; 4: 1 – 8
MEMORY VERSE: – “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine: but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears” (2Timothy 4:3).
INTRODUCTION: – We are in the last days and in the very perilous times with may perils in the world infiltrating into the Church. Many are departing from the faith. How sobering it should be for us as we realize that we are living in the midst of such days. The spiritual breakdown is all around us, and tragically is not only in the world, but in the lives of many in the Church as well. This is, therefore, a time to be fully alert as we are in the final season before the return of the Lord. It is time to be on guard lest we get caught in any way in the downward spiral of the world.
1) The Position Of A Bible Believing Church In This End Time
The Lord Jesus Christ sends us into the world to monitor, but we are not of the world (Jh.1:15-18). We are to stand in contrast to the world as the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matt.5:13-16). What hope is there for the world if God’s people lose their way, if the salt loses its savour, if the light grows dim, if there is a firm of godliness but no power? Though many in the world may hate us, this is the hour to stand in sharp contrast to the world, to live our lives fully pleasing to the Lord, and to minister the truth and grace to those around us. We are to become blameless and harmless, children of the living God, faultlessly shining as light in the midst of the crooked and perverse generation (Phil.2:15-16).
2) The Scripture Is Vital
One key to all of this is our devotion to the written Word of God. In the midst all the perils of this end time the Bible is very vital to living a godly life and to being equipped for ministry, both to the world and to fellow believers. Because the Bible is God’s Word, it carries His power and brings spiritual life to us and to our ministry to others. How sad, then, that so many of God’s people are not spending time in the Bible-reading, studying, memorizing, taking to heart and putting into practice all that the Lord shares there.
No matter what your devotion is at present to the Word of God, you need to be stirred and equip to a great appreciation and devotion to the Word of God. So much is at stake in our own lives and in the lives of others in these last days. It is the hour for grandparents and parents to plant God’s Word in the hearts of their grandchildren and children, as did Lois and Eunice toward Timothy (2Tim.1:5; 3:14-15). It is the hour to remove all distraction and receive the Word into our hearts as seed into good soil; that it may bear fruits, thirty, sixty or a hundredth fold (Mk.4:20). It is the hour to diligently present ourselves approved unto God, through the study of the Word (2Tim.2:15). It is the hour for Preachers to be so full of the Word; that they preach the Word, being ready in season and out of season to reprove, rebuke and exhort (2Tim.4:2). It is the hour to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things. That Christ has commended us (Mt.28:19-20).
As the day draws near, there is urgent need for heaven bound Christians to draw nearer to god through deeper devotion to the Word of God. It is not just reading; there is greater need to study the Word as when one is picking fruits from a tree, meditate upon the Word and declare the Word (Preach) and act on or obey the Word whether convenient or not convenient.
May we all this very day renew our devotion to God’s Word that it may work powerfully in us and through us.
- What are the needs of the hour in our study?
- What should be the Christian’s position in this end time?