BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 15:21 – 28; Luke 7: 2 – 10
MEMORY VERSE: – “And she said, Truth, Lord; yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their Master’s table (Matthew 15:27).
INTRODUCTION: – One of the primary characters of truly effective faith is perseverance, which could be defined as “active patience – a “keep-trusting-while-you are waiting” – attitude – regardless of the circumstances. Christ will honour those who remain true to Him through great difficulty, even when He does not seem to answer or to care.
1) Expect To Receive When You Pray
God deserves to hear and answer the desire, the wish of our hearts when we pray. Then we must expect to receive a blessing – an answer.
When the centurion wanted Christ to heal his servant, he though he was not worthy to go and ask the Lord himself so, he sent his friends who were Jews to make the petition (Lk.7:2-10). Again he sent out messenger to meet the Master and say; “Do not trouble yourself to come; all you have to do is speak the Word and the disease will go.” Jesus said to the Jews, “I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel”. He marveled at the faith of the centurion. It pleased Him, so that He healed the servant then and there. Faith brought the answer.
In John 4:46-53 we read of a noble man whose child was sick. The father fell on his knees before the Master, and said “come down, ere my child die”.
Here you have both earnestness and faith; and the Lord answered the prayer at once. The nobleman’s son began to amend that very hour. Christ honoured the man’s faith.
In his case, there was nothing to rest upon but the bare Word of Christ, but this was enough. It is well to bear always in mind that the object of faith is not the creature, but the Creator, not the instrument, but the Hand that welds it. (Matt.21:21-22).
2) Having Faith For Other
Looking at the syrophenician woman in our Bible passage today, when she called to the Master, it seems for a moment as if He were deaf to her request. The disciples wanted her to be sent away.
Although they were with Christ for three years and sat at His feet, yet they did not know how full of grace His heart was. Think of Christ sending away a poor sinner who had come to Him for mercy! Can you conceive such a thing? Never once did it occur.
This poor woman put herself in the place of her child “Lord help me!” she said. I think when we get so far as that in the earnest desire to have our friends and families blessed – when we put ourselves in their place – God will soon hear our prayers.
This syrophenician woman said a short prayer – “Lord, help me!” but it went to tight to the heart of the Son of God. He tried her faith, however, he said, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to dogs,” she aptly replied; “Truth Lord; yet the dogs eat from the crumbs which fall from their master’s table”.
Jesus responded; “O woman, great is thy faith”.
What a eulogy He paid to her! Her story will never be forgotten as long as the Church is on the earth. The Lord honoured her faith, and gave her all she asked for.
Every one can say “Lord help me”! We all need help. As Christians, we need more grace, more love, more purity of life, more righteousness. Then, let us say this prayer daily. I want God to help me to preach better, to pray better, to love better and to live better: to be more like the Son of God. The golden chain of faith links us right to the throne of God, and the grace of heaven flow down into our souls.
- How can we have faith for others?
What is the link we have with the throne of grace?