Sunday school Manual August 2020



BIBLE PASSAGE: – Psalm 119: 65 – 96

MEMORY VERSE: – “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16).

INTRODUCTION: – The Bible; The Holy Word, must be continually and constantly read, studied, meditated upon and acted upon. We must allow the Word of Christ to dwell in us not only through the aforementioned, but also through prayer and practicing its principles and doctrines till they become part of us.


1) Let The Word Of God Dwell In You Richly

Does the Word of Christ literally live in you? Do you literally live in the Word? Just as truly as Christ lives in His own people and they live in Him, so His Word can live in them and they can live in His Word. Oh, the unspeakable blessing of a life which these words of Apostle Paul are fulfilled, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly……..”

But the Word can never dwell in you unless you take time to study (search) the Scriptures (Jh.5:39). How can a person claim to love Christ when he spends almost no time reading His Word? One may spend hours in talking to friends and listening to what others have to say. One may spend hours on social media and TV. How dare Christians claim to love Christ greatly if they spend less than fifteen minutes a day with the Bible listening to the voice of God?

No believer should study the New Testament through less than once a year!

If one reads the Bible an average of three chapters per every week day and five per every Sunday, he will finish the entire Bible in less than a year.

What minister or Christian worker can consider himself faithful who does less? We cannot have the Word dwelling in us if we do not take the time to read the Bible through systematically. What an insult to god for one to have been a Christian for years and still not have read His Word systematically!

There is no reading thrill to compare with the thrill one gets from reading the Bible through repeatedly especially the New Testament. Each time you complete a reading of the Bible you will find your heart leaping for joy. There is spiritual strength obtain from God’s Word that can be obtained in no other way. There is no faith tonic so miraculous as feeding on the Scripture (Rm.10:17).

What you have read repeatedly can easily be brought to your memory again by the Holy Spirit, and He may use this to guide you, correct you, encourage you or build your confidence and faith.

There is something exceedingly precious in the Word of God. No delicious meal is so satisfying as receiving a blessing from God’s Word. No music is so wonderful as that which springs up within your soul from verses of Scripture that seem to be a direct message from God to you. No adventure is so thrilling as finding a new revelation of Christ and His will in the Word. No wealth is so lasting as the riches of Christ and His Word.


We to feast on God’s Word, drink from the fountains of blessing in the Scriptures. Taste and see the blessings in store for you. Lean upon God’s promises, light your part way with light from the sacred pages.

If you would have peace, read the Word. If you would have faith, read the Word. If you would chase away the devil, take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph.6:17). If you want all the riches of Christ, let His Word dwell in you richly, and you too will break forth into singing, with music and hymns and blessings flooding and filling your soul.


  1. What are the benefits we derive from reading the Word of God?
  2. What are the things taken away people from the Word of God?

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