January 2023



BIBLE PASSAGE: -Galatians 6:1 – 10

MEMORY VERSE: -“For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break-up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns” (Jeremiah 4:3)

INTRODUCTION: –In the spiritual harvest field, the plowing is done by prayer. The seed sowing is “the ministry of the Word”, – Preaching, teaching, witnessing, exhorting etc. So, the Lord’s first “harvest hands,” following the example of the heavenly agriculturist, at the outset said; “We must give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4)”.

Notice the order; Prayer first. Prayer is to the ministry of the Word (the seed), what plowing is to planting of seed on the farm or in the garden



The Lord Jesus once called the house of God “a house of prayer”. (Lk.19:46). But the house of prayer is now a house of preaching and teaching and religious education. But without prayer to break up the fallow ground (the sinful, selfish hearts of the people), it is rain to sow the seed, for the Word cannot break up the ground without prayer. Does a farmer hope to break up the fieldby dropping the seed upon it? No, but the bunglers do!

We say again, prayer is to preaching what plowing is to sowing. When we preach and teach and testify with cold, prayer less lips, the “good seed” is lost mostly. Remember, that which, “fell by the wayside” (on the fallow ground) was caught away by the devil (Matt.13:4,19). Prayer is hard work sometimes. But preaching the Gospel to a congregation of hard-hearted, indifferent people, is much harder!

When there is much of prayer before the ministry of the Word, preaching is easy, and a very little of it will be needed comparatively speaking.

The story was told of a village in South India, where a certain Chief and his people withstood a missionary and his preaching for twenty years. Finally, the missionary and his helpers appointed a ten-day season of prayer, asking friends to join them. Immediately after this season of prayer, the missionary went once more to that village, and soon the chief accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord and Saviour, with enough of his people to form a Christian Church in the village.

Sometimes prayer is harder work than preaching, as plowing is hard-work than sowing grains. Plowing takes more time than sowing. To prepare some fields for planting, it takes days of hard labour, but those same fields can be sown with seeds in few short hours.

The same is true with regard to soul winning using “prayer and the ministry of the Word”.

In Mark 4:7 “And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grow up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit”.

Unplowed and unprepared ground leads to waste of labour, seed and time. But a pint of seed planted in broken ground will bring greater harvest than a bushel of seed cast onto unplowed ground.

The same this is true in the Kingdom! Every ground (the heart) to be sown with the Word of God has to be well plowed and prepared through fervent prayer before sowing the seed of God onto it.


The Holy Spirit in answer to the prayer of those who will let Jim pray in them, will prepare hearts to receive the Word. Those hearts which have been stirred by some one’s prayer will gladly” receive the Word (Acts 2:41).


  1. Why is plowing very necessary before sowing?
  2. What is plowing in Evangelism?

      DATE: – DATE: – 8TH JANUARY, 2023


      BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 3:1 – 12

      MEMORY VERSE: – “Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance” (Matthew 3:8).

      INTRODUCTION: –Jesus said “a tree is known by his fruit”. Every good tree will bring forth good fruit while an evil tree will bring forth evil fruit (Matt.12:33-35). When the Jewish leaders of old (the Pharisees and Sadduces) came to John the Baptist in the wilderness, he told them religious claims and clothing would not give them eternal life rather bearing fruits of repentance. The Church today is filled with many hypocrites, holding titles, speaking in tongues (through Satan also speaks in tongues), Churchliness even performing signs and wonders (Matt.7:15-23). What the Lord expects to see in every believer is “FRUITS” of repentance.


      1) The Biblical Meaning of Repentance

      Repentance in the Scripture is not what it meant to the outside world. Scripturally, repentance is having a deep godly sorrow (2Corint.7:10) for one’s actions done or words spoken in the past and turning away from sins and turning to God for a new life (Prov.28:13). It is conscious effort by which a sinner realizes his sinfulness and turn away from his sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. Putting on the garment of salvation and covered with the robe of righteousness (Isa.61:10, Acts 2:38, 16:13).

      Repentance is to abhor oneself i.e. hating one’s sinfulness, casting away tramsgression and get a new heart and a new spirit (Ezek.14:6, 18:30-32). It is changing the thoughts of the hearts (Acts 8:22).

      Repentance is to change the mind for the better morally to change the attitude toward sin (Lk.13:3). It is different from remorse which does not bring about a change of heart and attitude. It is to regret consequences of sin, not the cause of it (Matt.27:3, 2Corint.7:8). It is therefore, a real change of mind and attitude toward sin and its cause, not merely the consequences of it (Matt.3:8, 11:9:13; Lk.24:47).

      2) The Basic Fruits Of Repentance

      Every tree is depicted by the fruit it bears and that is what determine its name, a repentant sinner must surely bear fruits that will show his new life in Christ.

      • He will deny ungodliness (Titus 2:11-13)
      • He must submit himself to the will of God
      • He renounces worldly lusts
      • He will live soberly, righteously and godly
      • He will look for that blessed home, living daily a crucified life with eternity in view.
      • He will commit no sin (1Jh.3:7-10).
      • He will show Christian character of love, joy, peace, longsuffering , gentleness, meekness, faith, goodness and temperance (Gal.5:22-23).
      • He will walk continually and consistently in the light of God (Eph.5:3).
      • He will do that which is lawful and pleasing in the sight of God (Eze.33:14).


      The first step to salvation is repentance from sins (Prov.28:13). But every repentance that is not accompanied by the fruit to show it cannot be said to be repentance, such is mere remorse. You cannot be in Christ without a newness of life. You cannot be repentant and still be living in the oldness of life (2Corint.5:17).


      1. What is repentance?
      2. What are the basic features of truly repentance?

      DATE: – 15TH JANUARY, 2023

      TOPIC: – FRUITS BEARING (Part 1)

      BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 3: 1 – 12

      MEMORY VERSE: – “Bring forth therefore fruits for repentance” (Matthew 3:8).

      INTRODUCTION: – The Lord Jesus in Matt.12:33, 35 said “a tree is known by his fruit”. Every good tree will bring forth good fruit while evil tree will bring fort evil fruit.

      When the Jewish leaders of old (THE Pharisees and Sadducees) came to John the Baptist in the wilderness, he told them, their religious claims and clothing would not give them eternal life but rather bearing fruits of repentance. The Church today is filled with many hypocrites holding titles, churchliness, speaking in tongues, even performing signs and wonders (Matt.7:15-23). What the Lord expects to see in every believer is “FRUITS MEET FOR REPENTANCE”.


      1) The Biblical Meaning Of Repentance

      Repentance in the Scriptures is not what it meant to the outside world. Scripturally, repentance is having a deep godly sorrow for one’s word and deeds done in the past and turning away from sins and turning to God for forgiveness and a new life (2Corint.7:10; Prov.28:13). It is conscious effort by which a sinner realizes his sinfulness and turns away from those sins, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ by accepting Him as personal Lord and Saviour thereby putting on the garment of Salvation and being covered with the robe of righteousness (Acts 2:38; 16:31).

      Repentance is to abhor oneself to sigh or breathe strongly, to be sorrowful or hating one’s sinful life (Gen6; Ex.13:17; Job 42:5-6; Jonah 3:10).

      It is turning away or turning back from sinfulness, casting away transgression and getting a new heart and getting a new spirit (1Kgs.8:47; Ezek.14:6; 18:30-32).

      Repentance is also a change of mind for the better morally, to change the attitude towards sin (Lk.13:3). It is a strong and real change of mind and attitude toward sin and its cause, not merely the consequences of it (Matt.3:8,11; 9:13; Lk24:47).

      Repentance is different from remorse which is mere regret of the consequences of sin and not a change of heart and attitude.

      What god requires from us is repentance and not remorsefulness.

      2) Necessity And Forgiveness

      For every wrong done there is need for forgiveness. Before one can come into fellowship with God, one must obtain forgiveness for the sins committed in the past. The requirements for forgiveness are: –

      a) Repent: – To change the mind for better morally, to change the attitude toward sin (Matt.3:2; 4:17; Acts 2:8; 3:19; Lk.13:1-5).  Now you are convinced that Jesus was the Messiah so change your minds and let your hearts be contrite for your crime against Him.

      b) Be Converted-change your conduct: Turn right about face; make a change in direction and begin a new walk toward God and with Him (Ps.19:7; 51:13; Micah 6:8; Matt.18:3; James 5:19; Deut. 30:10; 2Kgs.17:13; 2Chro.7:14; Jer.25:5; 26:3; Eze.33:11; Zech.1:4; Eze.14:6; 18:30; Hos.12:6).


      Repentance was a basic message of Old Testament prophets (Jer.7:3; Eze.18:30; Joel 2:12-14; Mal.3:7). John the Baptist also came with the message of repentance (Matt.3:2), Jesus Christ (Matt.14:17; 18:3; Lk.5:312) and New Testament Christians (Acts 2:38; 8:22; 11:18; 2 Pet.3:9). The challenge and opportunity to  repent must always be included whenever one is preaching the gospel message – the “good News” about forgiveness and new life available through Christ Jesus (Lk.24:47).

      Everyone that comes to God in humble contrition in prayer for confession of sins then He forgives unconditionally. But there is need to “produce fruits” of repentance through visible growth in character, compassion and godly behavior. Genuine repentance will always lead to active faith and godly behavior.


      1. What is the Biblical meaning of repentance?
      2. Why is forgiveness necessary?

      DATE: – 22nd JANUARY, 2022

      TOPIC: – FRUIT BEARING (Part 2)

      BIBLE PASSAGE: – Galatians 5:13 – 26

      MEMORY VERSE: – “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness.

      Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envying’s, murders, drunkenness, reveillings and such like ……” (Galatians 5:19-21)

      INTRODUCTION: – The flesh or sinful human nature manifests itself in various ways. Our Bible passage today gives the clearest contrast between the lifestyle of the Spirit -filled followers of Christ and that of people that are still controlled by their sinful human nature. And since a tree is known by the fruit it bears, the manifestations in your life shows who you really are (matt.7:16-20).


      1) The Sinful Nature: – This refers to the human nature with all its corrupt desires, depravity, resistance to God and insistence on going its own way. This has been in effective ever since the first man and woman disobeyed God and allowed sin to enter the World and infect human existence (Gen.3; Rom.5:12-21).

      This sinful nature remains within Christians even after they choose to accept and follow Christ; it continues to be their deadly enemy that battles against their spirit (Rom.8:6-8, 13; Gal.5:17, 21). Those who continues to yield to the sinful nature cannot truly be part of God’s kingdom (Gal.5:21). For this reason, this sinful nature must be resisted and put to death on a daily basis (Luke 9:23-24; 1Corint.15:31), spiritually through a continual spiritual battle that Christians must fight and win through the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom.8:4-14).

      2) A Tree Is Known By Its Own Fruit: Every tree is known and called by the fruit it bears. There is no better way to know a tree that its own fruit. You cannot collect apple from a citrus tree. More so, there are some trees from the same family for instance the citrus, you can hardly know the difference by mere looking at the leaves and stem. But when they begin to bear fruits you then know the sweet orange, the lime, the lemon etc.

      The Church is filled every Sunday with different kinds of people, all in the name of Christian. And in most cases, everyone is a saint in the Church. Dealing with people on the daily of Church membership or title holding or service render in the Church or even manifestations of gift can be suicidal and regrettable.

      Manifestation of gifts is not important to God as fruit bearing. The Christian manliness that portray us as Christ-likes are the fruits we bear (Luke 6:43-45).


      The number of years spent in the Church, water baptism, title holding or gifts manifestations cannot change a man as the flesh is very stubborn (Rom.7:15-23). But when a man surrenders his life to Christ and begins to follow His dictates, the human nature is put to death and the Christ-like characters begin to manifest in him.


      1. What is the sinful nature?
      2. How can one know a Christian?

      DATE: -29THJanuary, 2023

      TOPIC: – FRUITS BEARING (Part 3)

      BIBLE PASSAGE: – Galatians 5:13 – 21

      MEMORY VERSE: – “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness” (Galatians 5:19).

      INTRODUCTION: – The “works of the flesh” as our passage today describe the fruits of the flesh are the manifestation of sinful character. The enemy of the Spirit is the flesh. The desires of the flesh are hostile to the Holy Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are hostile to the flesh.


      The Works Of The Flesh

      The works or manifestations of the flesh are basically categorized into four which are:

      1. Works in the sexual real,
      2. Works in the spiritual realm
      3. Works in the social realm
      4. Works in the self-indulgence realm

      1) Works in the Sexual Realm­: There are works of the flesh in the category:

      a) Adultery (GK: Moichaia): This is unlawful sexual relationships between men and women that are married or single i.e. sexual relation between a married man or woman with someone other than his or her spouse (Mt.15:19; Mk.7:21; Jh.8:3; Rom.2:22; 13:9; James 2:11; Rev.2:22).

      b) Fornication (GL: porneia): This is unlawful sexual relations between men and women who are single i.e. sexual relations between unmarried persons (Mt.5:32).

      c) Uncleanness or Impurity (GK: akatharsia): Whatever is opposite of purity. The work in the Greek describes one who becomes obsessed with immorality. He not only commits the deeds of immorality but he thinks about it all the time. It includes evil behaviours, ungodly habits, traits and habits, sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion (Matt.23:27’ Rom.1:21-32; 6:19; 2Corint.12:21; Eph.4:19; 5:3; Coll.3:5; 1Thes.2:3; 4:7).

      It also include such things as pornography where sexual pleasures are fed through pictures or sexually suggestive forms of entertainment films or writings (Matt.531-32; 19:9; Acts 15:20,29; 21:25; 1Corint. 5:1). It includes secret thoughts and desires, which is where impurity begins and affects us morally and spiritually (Eph.5:3; Coll.3:5). “Dirty mindedness” is a good translation. Surely we ought to know what that is in our day. Dirty mindedness is one of the most shocking characteristics of our society, and it is exported around the world by means of television and movies. It has become popular in our society to use sexual immorality as the care of both comedy and commerce. Even toothpaste, toilet soap, phones etc. are sold these days by parading sex. Our society is so sex soaked that most everything seems to be oriented in that direction. Popular comedy shows on television are filled with off-collour jokes. The more risqué the program, the better raves they get in the social media. This is because we are dirty minded people.


      The sexual sin in all its forms is so rampant in our today society that animals have more decorum than humans. And it is becoming more and more perverted and pronounced. It has come even into the Church of God. But one thing very sure is God’s standard remains forever unchanging (2Tim.2:19).


      1. List the categories of the works of the flesh?

      Why is our society so highly soaked?