BIBLE PASSAGE: – Galatians 5:13 – 21
MEMORY VERSE: – “Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, heresies” (Galatians 5:20).
INTRODUCTION: – Nothing hinders the work of the spirit more than the works of the flesh. If the flesh is at work in the life of a family or a Church, the flash will put out the fire of the spirit. This is what Apostle Paul identifies the flesh as the culprit in the Church at Corinth (1Corint.3:1-3).
1) Works In The Sexual Realm
a) Lasciviousness (GK: – aseleia): – Some translations calls it “licentiousness”, sexual irresponsibility” “debauchery”. The Greek word means to become blatantly open with immorality. It is immorality that parades itself without shame. It is a point in human behavior where num not only live immoral, dirty minded lives, but they hang that depravity out for the whole world to sea.
Lasciviousness refers to shameful and abnormal behavior and a lack of self-control. It involves selfishly following one’s passions and desires to the point of having no shame or thought for public decency (2 Corint.12:21).
Lasciviousness, licentiousness or lustfulness, unchastity and lewdness (Mk.7:22; 2Corint.12:21; Gal.5:19; Eph.4:19; 1Pet.4:3; Jude 4); wantonness (Rom.13:13; 2Pet.2:18). And filthy (2 Pet.2:7). Lasciviousness is the promoting or partaking of that which tends to produce lewd emotions, anything tending to foster sex “sin and lust. That is why many worldly pleasures have to be avoided by the Christian – so that lasciviousness may not be committed.
2) Works In The Spiritual Realm
a) Idolatry: – (GK eidolotaria) This is the worship of false gods represented by man-made images. The pagans were known for their idolatry. We may feel that modern western civilization is free form this work of the flesh, but we have our own deadly, sophisticated manifestation of idolatry.
Idolatry is also means worshiping spirits, false gods, persons, images, or anything else instead of the one true God. Idolatry is also an issue whenever someone or something is loved, trusted or given importance over God. Allowing anyone or anything to have equal or greater influence or authority than God and His Word is the most subtle form of idolatry (Col.3:5; 1Corint.10:14; Gal.5:20; 1Pet.4:3). Idolatry includes anything on which affections are passionately set, extravagant admiration of the heart (Eph.5:5; Gal.3:5), in modern day, some worship possessions, positions, status symbols and even sex (John 4:24).
This manifestation of the flesh focuses on man’s desire to have a physical representation of God. Man hungers to see God, to know God, to have a God who can be comprehended by the human sense. This is evident in Exd.32:1-6, when after having been marvelously delivered by God, Israel longed to have an image of that God. Aaron took good earrings that the people had collected in Egypt and made a golden calf to represent Jehovah. God forbade any man to make images because there was coming a day when God was going to reveal His image to man – who is Christ Jesus (Col.1:14-18).
Flee from every form of idolatry (1Corint.10:14; Exd.20:17).
- What is Lasciviousness?
- Describe what you understand by modern day idolatry
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1 Samuel 28: 3 – 25
MEMORY VERSE: – “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:31).
INTRODUCTION: – Those who practice divination or observes of times sought to predict future events or cover secrets by the means of evil spirits or by some human means (Rev.9:21). In contrast, God’s way for us to gain the truth is to listen to faithful prophets who declare His Word. This include charmers, necromancer, mediums, spiritists or anyone who calls up the dead or consults with the world of spirits or demons in order to discover secrets, predict the future or gain power, communication with the dead is actually communication with demons (Isa.8:19).
1) Works In The Spiritual Realm
a) Witchcraft of Sorcery (GK: Pharmakeia): – This is the practice of dealing with evil spirits, magical incantations and casting spells and charms upon one by means of drugs and portions of various kinds (Rev.9:21; 18:23; 21:3).
The Greek Pharmaiceia, from which we get our word, pharmacy, devotes the use of drugs in worship. The moderra drug culture is basically a spiritual movement, an effort to get in tune with spiritual realities through the use of drugs. It is a false movement leading millions of deluded people especially youths into slavery, ruin and perdition.
The use of enchantments to inflict evil, pains, afflictions, hatred, sickness, sufferings and death or to bring good, health, love and other blessings is part of witch craft (Ex.7:11; 22; 8:18).
2) Works Of The Social Realm
This third category of the works of the flesh is the largest; more things are listed in this category than in all others put together. This is because this category concerns our dealings with one another and bothers on the unity of the Church. The things mentioned in this category are description of the “old man”. They vividly portray the life style of those who are the greatest enemies of the ministry of the spirit in the Church.
a) Hatred or Enemity (GK, echthra): It involves all forms of consuming hostility in thoughts, motives, actions and words including extreme dislike, anger or desire to cause conflict. The Greek word for enemy is “echthros”. So the Greek word used here “echthra, is an attitude of an enemy. It is the show of hostility toward another person. It also involves bitter dislike, abhornece, malice and ill-will against anyone, tendency to hold grudges against or be angry at someone (Lk. 23:12; Rom.8:7; Gal.5:20; Eph.2:15-16; Jam.4:4).
b) Variance (GK. Eris): – It involves dissemisions, discord, quarreling, debating and disputes. It includes causing undue tension and disunity and struggling for superiority over others (Rom.1:29; 1Corint.1:11; 3:3).
c) Emmulations(GK Zelos: – This is resentfulness or envy of another person’s situation or success (Rom.13:13, 1Corint3:3). It is resentment against others who are enjoying good fortune and blessing. It involves envies, jealousies, striving to excel at the expense of another: seeking to surpass and out do others, uncurbed rivalry spirit in religion, business, society and other fields of endeavor.
The same Greek word is used in a good sense to mean zeal, such as being zealous for spiritual gifts (Jh.2:17; Rom.10:2; 2Corint.7:11; 9:2; Phil.3:6; Col.4:13; 1Corint 14:12).
Our relationship with God is pivoted on our relationship with fellow brethren. If you don’t love or relate well with your fellow brethren who you can see, how can you say you love God who you cannot see?
- What is witchcraft?
- Why are the works of the flesh in the social realm are the largest?
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Romans 1:18 – 32
MEMORY VERSE: – “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger reseth in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9).
INTRODUCTION: – What is sin? In is basically selfishness- pursuing our own interests and pleasures and ignoring the commands of God and the welfare of others. This leads to cruelty to others and to rebellion against God and His law.
1) The Works Of The Flesh In The Social Realm
a) Wrath (GK thumos): – These are explosive outbursts of anger that can result in violent words or actions. It is turbulent passions; domestic and civil turmoil: fits of rage; determined and lasting anger (Lk.4:28; Acts 19:28; 1Corint.3:3; 2Corint.12:20; Eph.4:31; Col.3:8; Heb.11:27).
Though, there is anger that is justified because it is based on devotion to God and His standards of right and wrong, truth and falsehood, justice and injustice such as Phineas demonstrated (Nu.25:6-13). Yet, even at that, we must be careful not to act or respond in ways that could dishonor God. To do so allows anger to control us, giving Satan a prime opportunity to stir that anger into resentment, bitterness or hurtful actions that lead to greater evil, including divisions among Christians (Eph.4:26-32).
b) Strife (GL Oritheia): – This is a contentious temper. While enmity is the attitude of the mind towards another person, strife is the outworking of that attitude. It involves, contention (Phil.1:16; Rom.2:8; Jam.3:14, 16), disputations, jangling; strife about words; angry contentions; contest for superiority or advantage. Strenuous endeavor to equal or pay back n kind the wrong done to one. It also involves pursuing personal power or success without considering the desires of God or the impact it will have on others (2Corint.12:20; Phil.1:16-17).
c) Seditions (GK. Dichostatia): – This means literally “a standing apart”. It means divisions (Rom.17; 1Corint.3:3), seditions, parties and factions. Popular disorder, stirring up strife in religion, government, home or any other place or introducing teachings not supported by God’s Word.
d) Heresies (GK. Haireseis): – This brings divisions within a Church congregation or group of Christians that develop into selfish groups or cliques (i.e. exclusive groups), thereby destroying the unity of the Church (1Corint.11:19).
e) Envying (GK. Phyhonos): – This is a jealousy and resentful dislike of another person who has something one desires. It can also simply mean jealous desire to have something that belongs to someone else. It involves pain, ill-will and jealousy at the good fortune or blessings of another; the most base of all degrading and disgraceful passions. The difference between jealousy and envy is that jealousy resents what others possess, while envy wants to take what belongs to others.
f) Murders (GK. Phonoi):-This is to kill, to spoil or mar the happiness of another (Mt.15:19; Mk.7:21; Lk.23:19-25; Rom.1:29; Acts 9:1; Gal.5:21; Rev.9:21).
All these nine works of flesh in the social real are listed along with adultery and idolatry as enemies of the spirit.
Some may wonder why jealousy is in the same category as lasciviousness and witchcraft. But these nine works in the social realm do more to hinder the cause of Christ than do the grosser works in the sexual realm.
- What is the difference between jealousy and envy?
- Contrast seditions with heresies?
BIBLE PASSAGE: Proverbs 23:29 – 35
MEMORY VERSE: – – “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares” (Luke 21:34).
INTRODUCTION: – God gives a clear picture of the dangers of alcohol and its corrupting influence. The body and mind are led to sorrow, conflict, violence, injury and addiction. Throughout history, and certainly today, all kinds of ungodly even demonic influences and activities are connected with the use of alcoholic beverages and intoxicating substances.
God warns his people that fermented wine (i.e. alcoholic and intoxicating beverages) can hurt and destroy a person like a poisonous snake. This metaphor is used to compare the effects of physical illness distorted vision, a confused mind, twisted judgment and a loose tongue than can result from drunkenness and carousing. Alcohol can cause harmful results physically, socially, morally and spiritually. Continued use can also open one’s life to intoxication and addiction.
Works In The Realms Of Self-Indulgence
The final two works of the flesh, drunkenness and carousing are in the realm of self-indulgence.
a) Drunkenness (GL. Methai) involves impaired menthol or physical control as a result of consuming alcohol and intoxicating drinks. Living intoxicated; a slave to drink, drinking bouts (Lk.21:34; Rom.13:13).
b) Reveling (GK. Komoi): – Rioting (Rom.13:13) Lascivious and boisterous feastings, with obscene music and other sinful activities; pleasures; carousing (1Pt.4:3; Lk.21:34).
reveling refer to group of activities that usual involve a number of individuals who assemble for sexual exchange or involvement as a part of pagan festivals or pagan religious practices.
The Church has done fairly well in protecting herself from the works of the flesh in the sexual realm, the spiritual realm and the self-indulgence realm but, the havoc in the |Church has been wrought primarily by the eight works in the social realm.
The Holy Spirit has been hindered repeatedly in His ministry by the jealousies, divisions, envyings and fits of rage in the body of Christ. The flesh is hostile to the Spirit. The flesh is the enemy of the gifts and ministries of the Spirit.
The gifts of the Spirit are given to us to enable to minster to other members of the body of Christ. The life of God flows from one member to another according to the grace given to each one. Any disruption of the lines of communication between members is deadly. The flesh is the chief culprit in these disruption. All of the eight works of the flesh in the social ream are aimed at destroying the unity of the body of Christ. In God’s sight these works are just as heinous as adultery and drunkenness. Thus God said, anyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer and anyone who is covetous is an idolater (1Jh.3:15; Col.3:5).
- What is the chief culprit in the disruption of the move of the Holy Spirit?
Describe the two works in the realm of self-indulgence?