April 2023

DATE: – 2ND APRIL, 2023


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Hebrews 8:1 – 13

MEMORY VERSE: – “For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26).

INTRODUCTION: – After Jesus took upon Himself the punishment for our sins by giving His life as a sacrifice, He entered heaven, where He serves in His Father’s presence on behalf ot all who have entrusted their lives to Him, presenting no other sacrifice but His own precious as an atonement or propitiation for our sins (1John 2:2).


1) Jesus Christ The Propitiation For Sins

God’s holiness and perfect justice required that a penalty be paid for humanity’s offenses against Him. But out of His ineffable love, God Himself provided the only means of completely meeting the requirement of the penalty for sin by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place (Jh.3:16; 1Jh.4:10). As our “Propitiation (i.e. sin covering, forgiveness providing)”, Jesus took on Himself the punishment for our sins and turned-away God’s wrathful judgment from us. Forgiveness is now offered to everyone throughout the world, but it must be personally received by turning to Christ in true faith and repentance.

Christ became our High Priest who offered to God His own blood as the propitiation for our sins.

2) The Supremacy Of Christ’s Ministry As High Priest

The effectiveness of the supremacy of Christ’s ministry as high priest is in six areas:

a) Jesus was both the priest and the sacrifice itself. He offered Himself for all people as a perfect sacrifice for sin by shedding His own blood and dying in the sinner’s place (Mk.10:45; 1Corint.15:3; Heb.2:17-18; 4:15; 7:16-28; 1Pet.1:18-19; 2:22-24; 3:18).

b) Jesus establishes and mediates (i.e. serves between God and people), the new and better covenant in order that all who are “called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance” (Heb.9:15-22).

Those who accept Christ’s sacrifice for their sins and entrust their access to God (Heb.4:16; 6:19-20; 7:25; 10:19-22).

c) Jesus is in heaven in the Father’s presence to give God’s grace to us who believe and follow Him (Heb.4:14-16). By His grace, |Christ renews us spiritually (Jh.3:3) and generously gives the Holy Spirit to fill, guide and empower us to serve Him (Acts 1:4; 2:4,33).

d) Jesus serves as a Mediator between God and all who have broken God’s law but want to be  forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God (1Jh.2:1-2).

e) Jesus is our permanent priest, who extends His mercy, empathizes with our struggles and temptations and helps us with our needs (heb.2:18; 4:15-16).

f) Jesus lives forever to make intercession continually for all those who in faith “come unto God by Him” (Heb.7:25). He will eventually bring the believers’ salvation to final fulfillment when he brings them to be with Him in heaven (Heb.7:25; 9:28).

* Jesus Christ’s role as mediator (i.e. One who rightfully stands the representative between God and mankind in order to bring about communication and reconciliation) of the new covenant (Heb.8:6; 9:15; 12:24) is based on His sacrificial death (Matt.26:28; Mk.14:24; Heb.9:14-15; 10:29; 12:24). The promises and obligations of this new covenant are embodied and expressed in the entire New Testament. The purpose of the New Testament message of Christ is (i) to save from guilt and spiritual death all those who entrust theirs to Him and devote themselves of the truths and obligations of His covenant (Heb.9:16-17; Mk.14:24; 1Corint.11:25) and (ii) to form Christ’s followers into a people who are God’s very own (Heb.8:10; 1Pet.2:9).


The new covenant can be called the new covenant of the Spirit for it is the Holy Spirit who administers life and power to those who accept God’s covenant and salvation (2Corint.3:1-6; John 17:3).


  1. How is Jesus Christ the Propitiator for our sins?
  2. Mention the six areas of the effectiveness of the supremacy of Christ’s Ministry?

DATE: -9TH APRIL, 2023


BIBLE PASSAGE: -Luke 7:36 – 50

MEMORY VERSE: – “And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? (Luke 7:42).

INTRODUCTION: –Everyone of us is a debtor to God. We owe Him a great debt for our sins. But like songs writer put it “He paid the dent He did not owe, I owed the debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away …….. Lord Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay”. Yes, the Lord Jesus has graciously paid all the debts for us at Calvary through His vicarious death on the cross. He has taken our place in God’s righteous wrathful judgment. He went through the pains for us; He bled and died that we might live eternally.


1) Jesus Death A Vicarious Sacrifice

Jesus Christ, the Son of God knew, and did not sin and need not to have died at all (2Corint.5:21). But for us, God made Him to be sin, and He paid the ultimate price of sin (Rom.6:23). And so, because He never committed any sin, He has now wage of sin to pay at all. But for our sake, He went to and endured the cross, He died to pay for our iniquities and sins. The death sentence passed and hanging on everyone of us (Ezek.18:4) by the express judgment of God was removed that moment Jesus died on the cross. Thus, we are “discharged and acquitted”.

His death has freely earned us:

i) Salvation From Sin: – We are saved from sins and the consequent judgment there of (Matt.1:21).

ii)Atonement: – Weare brought at-one-ment with God. His death brought us into a position of sinlessness because His precious blood has propitiated for our sins (2Corint.5:21; 1Jn.2:2).

iii) Redemption: – We were like sheep in the sheep market, sold under sin for naught in a slave market (Isa.52:3). But we were bought back by the payment of the ultimate price He made of His blood (lev.17:11). The subjects of redemption are “sold under sin” (Ezek.18:4; Jn.3:18-19; Rom.3:19; Gal.3:10). But are purchased, the purchase price is the blood of the Redeemer who died in our stead (Gal.3:13; 2Corint.5:21; Matt.20:20; 1Tim.2:6; 1Pet.1:18). Our redemption is by sacrifice and by power (Exd.14:30) in which Christ paid the price (the sacrifice of His life), but the Holy Spirit makes deliverance actual in experience (Rom.8:2).


The price for sin and its consequences are too enormous for man to pay as nothing man can offer is  enough to atone for his sins and trespasses against his make. And except one who is righteous and never know sin come in and pay the debt on behalf of man, he would have been damned eternally. But thanks be to God for the unspeakable gift of His dear Son who come and paid the great price on behalf of man through His vicarious death on the cross of Calvary (2Corint.9:15).


  1. Explain why Christ’s death was a vicarious sacrifice?
  2. What is the importance of Redemption?

DATE: – 16THAPRIL, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: -Galatians 3:1 – 20

MEMORY VERSE: – “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).

INTRODUCTION: –The Lord Jesus Christ has bought us back from the curse of the law (1Corint.6:19-20); 1Pet.1:18-23). We are no longer in bondage to the law, sold as a slave to the law, and its death penalty. Christ has freed us from all these things, being made a curse for us. He was made an atonement for us. Whatever was offered as the atonement for sin was considered as bearing the punishment due to sin. If sin, sickness, suffering, sorrow, shame, pain, death and all the effects of sin were a part of the curse and the result of it, then they are all atoned for and removed from us in God’s plan.


What Christ’s Death Has Earned Us

1) Right Standing Before God: – Inspite of our weaknesses, infirmities, depravity, ignorance and fallibility, God by the sacrificial work of Christ on the cross gives us a right standing or position for us in Christ. Man has precisely the same title as the most righteous and illustrious saints. It is this right standing we have that we can cry out “Abba Father” to God (John 1:12; Rom.8:17).

2) Eternal Inheritance: – By the price Christ paid for us, we have become heirs and joint heirs with Him to the inheritance of God (Rom8:17; Eph:1:11).

3) Justification And Righteousness: – We are justified because Christ, having borne our sins on the cross and had made us righteousness unto God, by the redemptive and proprietary work of Christ, has vindicated the law (Rom.3:24-25), this may be defined as the judicial act of God whereby He justly declared us righteous, discharged and acquitted (Rom.8:31-34; 2Corint.5:21).

4)Elevation: – We who were  slaves to sin have been lifted from the dung hill and dust, and have been made kings and priests unto our God to show forth His praises (1Sam.2:7-8; 1Pet.2:9; Rev.1:5-6).

5)Boldness At The Throne Of Grace: – By His death, Christ had made the way to the Holy of Holies, having broken down the middle wall of partition. We now have free access to God (Eph.2:13-16; Heb.4:16; 10:19).

6) Seated In Heavenly Places: – We are raised up with Christ and made to sit together in heavenly places far above principalityand power, with all things under us (Eph.1:20-22; 2:5-6).

7) Sealed By The Holy Ghost: – By the death of Christ we receive the Holy Spirit so that we might not be hurt with the world (Eph.1:13). Thus, we are secured (Matt.27:66; Rev.20:3), and it also confirm God’s ownership on us (2Corint.1:22; Eph.1:13; 4:30; Rev.7:3-8). The Holy Spirit adoption is given to everyone who repents (Rom.8:9; 14-16; 2Corint.1:22; Eph.1:13; 4:30) and he who has this Spirit has God’s seal that he belongs to the heavenly family.

8) Access To All Spiritual Blessings: – Christ’s death gives us free access to all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. These include eternal life (John 3:16; Rom.6:23-24), sanctification (1Corint.1:30; Heb.10:10), eternal perfection (Phil.3:15; Heb.10:14), and a place in His glorious kingdom (John 14:1-2).


‘The life of the flesh is in the blood …..” (Lev.17:11). The life of Christ with ALL His fullness is given to us when He died on the cross and His precious blood was shed. These eternal wealth of glory are for us and everyone that receives Him as Lord and Saviour.


  1. What are the significances of the seal of the Holy Ghost on us that believed?
  2. Mention the things Christ’s death earned us?

DATE: -23RD APRIL, 2023


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Isaiah 53: 1 – 12

MEMORY VERSE: – “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conservation received by tradition from your fathers;

‘But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1Peter 1:18 -19).

INTRODUCTION: –Christ’s death was for us, God was pleased with the death of Christ just to bring about redemption of the whole creation so that His eternal program could be carried out with man on earth. Both the Father and the son volunteered to suffer such indignities for our salvation in order to show His divine perfection, justice, mercy and boundless benevolence. But it takes man to play his own roles in order to enjoy all that was accomplished for us on the cross at Calvary.


1) Steps To Enjoying The Blessings Through The Death Of Christ: – Everything Christ did for us by His Vicarious death on the cross will amount to futility except we access them by: –

Faith: – Whatever we get from God is by faith. Faith is the key that unlock the door to blessing. Without faith it is impossible to please God or receive anything from Him (John 3:16, 1pt.1:4-5; Rom.5:1-2).

The Word Of God: – Everything that God plans, purposes or prepares for us His children are revealed in His Word (Mark 4:11; 1Corint.2:9-10). So to access and enjoy all that Christ earned us through His vicarious death on the cross at Calvary, we must first access them through the study of the Word of God and meditating upon the Word studied (Josh.1:8; 2Tim.2:15) thereby developing our faith to enjoy the finished work, making our ways prosperous and become successful (Rom.10:17).

Prayer: – Everything we are provided for if God through the vicarious death of Christ on the cross of Calvary we receive when we earnestly, effectually and fervently as for it through Jesus Christ our Lord. The effectiveness of our prayers is the Word of God. When we pray according to the Word of God, taking His Word back to Him in prayers makes our prayer to be effectual (Matt.7:7-11, John13:13-14; 1Jhn.5:14-15; James 5:14-18).

Appreciation: – Appreciation makes appropriation easier. We need to thank God regularly and whole heartedly for the finished work of Christ at Calvary, His vicarious death on the cross (1Thess.5:18; Col.1:12-14; Eph.1:5-12). Whatever you appreciate God will appreciate, so to fully appropriate the death of Christ and all that He earned us.

Expressing gratitude for all that God has done for us through Christ should be one of the constant character traits of all Christians (Eph.5:20). This kind of gracious attitude will cause the believer to enjoy the benefits that God releases daily to the saints and also cause him or her to stand out and be a good example for Christ to others.


It is not enough to know that Christ did all for us through His vicarious death on the cross at Calvary. All would amount to nothing if we do not play our roles to appropriate and enjoy all the benefits of His vicarious death.


  1. Why is the Word of God very important in appropriating the benefits of Christ’s vicarious death?
  2. What are steps to take to enjoy the benefit of Christ’s vicarious death?

DATE: – 30THAPRIL, 2023


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Mark 4: 35 – 41

MEMORY VERSE: – “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord!” (Hebrews 12:14)

INTRODUCTION: – Men through ages have peace societies, peace temples, peace plans and peace treaties, but arm for war all the while. Since they killed the Prince of Peace – the Jehovah Shalom (the Lord Our Peace) Himself and ignore Him still. So they will have no peace until He comes to reign over (Ps.2, 1Thes.5:3; 1Corint.15:24-28). But for those who accept Him as Lord and Saviour into their lives, He graciously gives peace that passes all understanding not the kind the world gives (John 14:27; Phil.4:7).


1) Peace (Gk: eriene): – This is a state of quietness, rest, response, harmony, order and security in the midst of turmoil, strife and temptations (Isa.45:7). It is tranquility of mind based on the consciousness of a right relation to God. This tranquility comes to us because we know that we are at peace with God. There is no more conflict in our lives against God; no more war with Him; we have laid down our weapons of warfare. Our wills have been completely surrendered to His will and this brings perfect peace.

It is also the inner calm and contentment based on the knowledge that one is in a right relationship with God and that God has everything under control (Rom.15:33; Phil.4:7; 1Thes.5:23; Heb.13:20).

2) Longsuffering (Gk:makrothumia): – This means endurance, perseverance and the ability to wait without becoming angry, annoyed, upset or weary. It includes the ability to tolerate being hot or provoked without losing one’s temper.

It is a virtue of patient, endurance; to bear long with the frailties, offenses, injuries and provocation of others without murmuring, reporing or resentment (1Corint.13:4-7; 2Corint6:4-6; Eph.4:1-2; Col.1:11; 3:12-13; 1Tim.1:16; 2Tim.3:10; 4:2).

Longsuffering is the opposite of short-temperedness. This word assumes attack, provocation and incentive to wrath. This word means patience and long-suffering in the face of provocation by an enemy.

Only the Holy Spirit can produce such an attitude in the life of the Christian. Any person full of the spirit will be a patient person not given to short-temperedness (Eph.4:2).


The inner peace we enjoy in the midst of crises which peace comes because of our relationship with Christ will reflect in our relationship with others especially when they provoke us to anger, we will endure with them


  1. Describe the peace we receive through the Holy Spirit.

What is longsuffering?