DATE: -5TH JUNE, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 2Corinthian 10: 1 – 10, Ephesians 6: 10 – 18
MEMORY VERSE: – “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but might through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2Corinthians 10:4)
INTRODUCTION: –Our welfare is not with other people, but against spiritual forces of evil (Eph.6:12). For that reason, worldly weapons, such as human intention, talents, wealth, organizational skills, military might, eloquence, propaganda, charisma and personality, are inadequate to defeat our real enemy and to demolish Satan’s strongholds. Only the weapons that God provides are adequate to resist evil; crush Statan’s resistance, defeat ungodliness and combat false teachings.
1) The Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Weapons
Everything that happens physically has a spiritual under tone. If it is not concluded in the spiritual ream it cannot manifest physically (Eph.6:12).
Christians can be tempted to face the battles and challenges of life with physical worldly tools, methods and weapons. They can easily often rely on humanistic wisdom and philosophy in meeting the challenges of life.
These things often become substitutes for the true potent spiritual weapons that comes from deep uncompromising devotion to the study and meditation on God’s Words, earnest, effectual fervent prayers, true God-centered worship, serving God before Him in holiness and righteousness and soul winning.
Worldly weapons and strategies cannot bring victory in spiritual warfare. Only the effective spiritual weapons of truth, faith and power of the Holy Spirit can destroy the power of sin in people’s lives, rescue them from Satan’s schemes or overthrow the uncontrolled evil passions in the world today. Using the world’s weapons makes the Church more like the world and robs the Church of an effective Christian witness that reveals Jesus and reflects a difference worth considering the Church that fails to use the spiritual weapons available through Christ will be overcome by the spiritual powers of darkness, and its families will be battered and be taken captive by worldly forces of evil.
2) The Weapons Are Powerful
The weapons available to us through Christ are lethal and potent because they are spiritual and come from God. By using these spiritual weapons against spiritual enemies, the Church and individual Christians will come through victorious battles and conflicts of life. As a result, God’s presence, power and purposes will work through His followers to save people spiritually, force demons out of people’s lives, destroy the works the devil in people’s lives, purify and develop Christian character, baptize believers in the Holy Spirit, heal the sick and work divers’ miracles in the Church and people’s live (Mark 16:17 – 18).
One of the ways the gospel messages are confirmed to be genuine and that God’s kingdom has come to be established on the earth in a powerful and supernatural way is the demonstration of God’s power through the use of the spiritual weapons which are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and casting down of every stronghold.
Faithful Christians on earth have access to powerful spiritual weapons through Christ Jesus for overcoming Satan, his schemes, accusations and works. It is not a matter of their won power, ability or efforts; it has everything to do with what Christ has already done and the victory He has already won for them on the cross.
- True / False: Christians engage in warfare daily.
- How can a Christian overcome battles of life?
DATE: – 12TH JUNE, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Ephesians 6: 10 – 24
MEMORY VERSE: – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
INTRODUCTION: –Christians are involved in a spiritual conflict against evil every day and it continues until they pass from this present life and enter the life to come (2Tim.4:7-8). Satan is a master strategist who aims to hurt and destroy us by His various schemes. Causing division in the Church and unbelief in God’s promises is among Satan’s schemes. Satan’s strategies also include discouragement, temptation, unforgiveness, fear, accusation, giving in to our sinful desires (particularly in our weak arears), spiritual laziness etc. but thanks be to God that causes us to triumph through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Corint.15:57; 2Corint.2:14).
1) Primary Source of Warfare
We must keep in mind that our primary source of our conflict in life is not our circumstance or other people around us who irritate, offend, annoy or hurt us; they are not the real enemy. The enemy with whom we are at war is Satan and a multitude of evil spirits. These powers of darkness are the spiritual forces of evil (John 12:31; 14:31; 2Corint.4:4; 1Jh.5:19), that energize, influence and control ungodly people. These forces of darkness oppose God’s purposes, plans and desires (Gen.3:1-7; Dan.10:12-13; Matt.13:38-39). They frequently attack people – particularly Christians – using various schemes and strategies (1Pet.5:8).
There are multitudes of these evil powers (Rev.12:4,7), and they are highly organized into an empire of evil with rank and order (Jh.14:30).
These Forces of Darkness Include:
– Principalities: These are the fifth highest order of the manifold celestral hierarchy. They are the chief order; the demonic brains behind evil strategies. They are high-ranking, evil supernatural powers, as well as the power of sin and evil in operation in the world. They are the chief of ruler in Satan’s kingdom.
– Powers: These are those demons that derive their power from and exercise the will of the chief rulers – the principalities (Eph.1:21; Col.2:10).
– Rulers of Darkness: These are world rulers of the darkness of this age. They are the spirit world-rulers. Like the prince of Persia (Dan.10:13-21). They are the ones that rule over or control the darkness of this world (Eph.1:21; 6:12; Col.1:16-18).
– Spiritual Wickedness: These are the wicked spirits of Satan in the heavenlies (Eph.1:21; 6:12; Col.1:16-18). They execute the wickedness of Satan their master in the world.
Whatever happens in the physical realm has a spiritual; undertone because it is the supernatural that controls the natural. Whatever somebody does or does not do is not that man or woman but the spiritual forces. A good understanding of workings of these forces will bring peace on every side.
- List the order of the Spiritual forces?
- Who controls most happenings in the world?
DATE: – 19TH JUNE, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: -Ephesians 6: 10 – 21
MEMORY VERSE: – “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2Corinthians 2:11).
INTRODUCTION: –One of our key defenses against Satan’s attacks is an awareness of our enemy’s continual effort to gain an advantage over us and lead us away from devotion to Christ. We must not be ignorant of his devices. And just as Satan is constantly seeking to steal, to kill and destroy us, we must always and constantly “Be sober, be vigilant” (1Pet.5:8) so as to remain dependent on God and ready to use the weapons God has given us to defeat the evil.
1)The Wiles of The Devil
Satan is a master strategist. His strategies against man from the beginning in the garden of Eden have not changed (Ge.3:1-8). What wiles he used against Adam and Eve, he used against our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 4:1-13) and he is still using against the Christians today; lust of the eyes, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1Jh.2:15-17). His aim also has not changed; to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10).
With his wiles he causes division among brethren, unbelief and doubts in God’s promises, offenses, unforgiveness, fear, accusation, prayerlessness, discouragement, misrepresentation, spiritual laziness, temptations, lasciviousness, departure from the truth and sound doctrine etc. He will do whatever it takes to entice believers to compromise their conscience and distract them from their devotion to Christ.
2) The Disposition Of Believer In Warfare
As Christians we can take confidence that our victory has been secured for us by Christ Jesus through His death on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Jesus disarmed the evil powers and authorities leading captives to freedom and rescuing those who entrust their lives to Him (Col.2:15; Lk.10:18; Eph.1:7; 4:8; Rom.3:24; Col.1:13-14).
We must stand in battle against all evil, not in our own power (2Corint.10:3) but with spiritual weapons depending solely on the Holy Spirit (Eph.6:10-18).
In our warfare of faith, we are to put on the whole (full) armour of God, stand firm (i.e. courageous), wage ware (better be at the offensive than to be at the defensive side), fight the good fight of faith (1Tim.6:12; 2Tim.4:7), persevere in fervent prayer, endure hardships like good soldier of Christ (2Tim.2:3), shun worldly affairs (2Tim.2:4), suffer for the gospel of Christ (Matt.5:10-12; Rom.8:17; 2Corint.11:23; 2Tim.1:8), defend the gospel (Phil.1:16), constant for the faith (Phil.1:27), destroy Satan’s stronghold (2Corint.10:4), take captive every thought (2Corint.10:5), and become powerful in battle (Heb.11:34).
The end time Christian must be constantly ware of the devices (i.e. the wiles) of the devil so that he will not any way or by any mistake an advantage of us – Christians must be cirmspect and be vigilant
- What are the wiles of the devil?
- What should be believer’s disposition in Christian warfare?
DATE: – 26TH JUNE, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 2Corinthians 10: 1 – 9
MEMORY VERSE: – “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2Corinthians 10:4).
INTRODUCTION: –Our warfare is not against flesh and blood – people; both known and unknown but against spiritual forces (Eph.6:12). Thus, we must fight the battle with only spiritual weapons. And these weapons are divided for us by the Lord are very potent.
1) The Battle Ground
As Christians, our spiritual warfare is often fought on the battle ground of our minds, and the conflict involves bringing all our thoughts and desires into line with Christ’s character and purposes.
Failing to do so will lead to ungodly thoughts which in turn will lead to immoral desires, wicked behaviours and in the end, spiritual death (Rom.:16, 8:13).
The following steps will help to bring your thought lite under Christ’s leadership and authority.
i) Beware that God knows every thought and that nothing is hidden from Him (Ps.94:11; 139:2-4, 23-24). You will have to give account to God for your thoughts as well as for your words and actions (Eccl.12:14; Matt.12:35-37; Rom.14:12; 2Corint.5:10).
ii) Beware that your mind is a battle ground. Some thoughts originate from your own desires, imaginations and fantasies. Others come from worldly influences or directly from evil forces trying to influence your thinking. Whatever the source, ungodly thoughts and temptations will resist, oppose and set themselves up “against the knowledge of God”. But you do not have to be a slave to your thoughts, you do have control over what you think. Keep in mind that it is not a sin to be tempted. Jesus Himself was tempted (Matt.4:1-11), but giving in to temptation is sin. In fact, if you deliberately and foolishly expose yourself to images and situations that inspire ungodly thoughts and desires, you have already crossed a boundary line and set yourself up for spiritual failure.
ii) “Bringing into captivity every thought” requires doing battle against your sinful nature as well as Satan’s spiritual forces” (Eph.6:12-13). It literally means that when a thought or temptation comes into your mind, you immediately take hold of it before it goes further into your spirit. You then consider how it measures up to the standard of purity; decency and truth established in God’s Word.
This means that you do not dwell on the thoughts and let it take hold of your mind. Instead, you take hold of the thought and turn it over to God submitting it to His examination and relying on His strength to resist temptation. It is as if you are saying “God here it is take it. I need your help with this issue, and I submit my thoughts to you”.
The mind is the battle ground for both the Holy Spirit and the devil. Whichever you submit your mind to rules over your entire life. Your thoughts determine who you really are.
- Why is the mind so important?
- How can we bring our thoughts under Christ authority?
DATE: – 3RD JULY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: -2 Corinthians 10: 1 – 9
MEMORY VERSE: – “And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
INTRODUCTION: – There is a very great battle against the believers from the kingdom of darkness. For us to overcome and remain victorious, our minds must continually be renewed and transformed to God’s way of thinking (1Corint.2:16; Phil.2:5). This can only be achieved when we spend time studying and meditating on God’s Word daily (Josh. 1:8). This will allow the visions, values, behaviours and plans to be directed by God’s eternal truth, rather than by the world’s temporary and deceptive pattern.
1) Then, having submitted to God and having resisted and rejected the ungodly thought, you must replace the bad with the good – with thoughts and desires that honour God. The kinds of thoughts in our minds must be guarded by the standard as stated in Philippians 4:8 against every ungodly desires. This will help you to say “NO” to the devil, temptation and sin (Tit.2:11-12; James 4:7; Rev.12:11).
2) Firmly focus your mind – your thoughts, desires and strategies on Christ and eternal things, rather than on earthly and temporary things (Phil.3:19; Col.3:2).
Remember that the mind controlled by the spirit is characterized by life and peace (Rom.8:6-7). Fill your mind with thoughts of God with His Word (Ps.1:1-3; 19:7-14) and with those things that are noble, excellent and praise worthy (Phil.4:8).
3) Always be careful what your eyes see and your ears hear. These are the doors through which thoughts the mind.
a) Refuse to let your eyes or ears be instruments for ungodly sensual desires, moral corruption or any “high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God” (2Corint.10:5; Job 31:1; 1Jh.2:16).
b) Refuse to set any worthless or evil thing in from of your eyes, whether in movies, books, magazines, pictures, television programs, social media etc. or in other areas of your daily life (Ps.101:3; Isa.33:14-15; Rom.13:14).
c) Renew your mind daily by constantly studying and meditating on the Word of God (Josh.1:8). Studying and carefully be thinking about God’s Word in order to know and understand its principles and deepest meaning. Then apply those principles to every area of your life (Ps.1:2; 63:6; 77:12; 143:5).
Since the Word of God are completely effective guide for living, we cannot afford to abandon or neglect it for anything anytime. Living by the Word of God is a life-giving, refreshing experience enabling us to fulfill our highest purposes in life and keeping us free from constant failure, guilt, defeat and spiritual emptiness.
“Guard your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov.4:23). We must not allow anything to come into or flow out of our hearts that is not pleasing to God and helpful for our spiritual growth and well-being.
- How can we submit our thoughts to Christ’s authority?
How can we renew our minds daily?