Eschathological Study series


TEXT: Daniel 9:20-27; Revelation 4:1-6; 2

“After these things…….” (That is after writing the things concerning the Churches of Rev.2-3). “I looked……… and the first voice…….. said “Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter”. This shows that all that is written in Rev.4:2-22:21 must be after all that is written in Rev.2-3 concerning the Churches. That is the Church is no longer on earth when the events in Rev.4-22 will take place. The events in Rev.4-22 are the 70th week events that will take place on earth with Israel as the focal point.

1) The Seventieth Week

The 70 week as earlier mentioned in the series concern Israel as a nation with their holy city Jerusalem. And since Israel who scattered and Jerusalem destroyed in 70AD; the 70th week events as mentioned in Dan.9:24 will be fulfilled in the future i.e. after the rapture of the Church.

Events That Will Take Place In The 70th Week (Dan.9:24)

i) To put and end to transgression: – The Hebrew world Pesha translated transgression, means revolt, rebel or sin against lawful authority. This is talking about the work of Messiah when He comes to save the Israelites from their sins and convert them in one day (Romans 11:25-29; Isa.66:7-10; Eze.36:24-30).

ii) To make reconciliation for iniquity: – The Hebrew Kaplar; to make atonement. This was done on the cross both for Israel and whole world (Isa..53; Col.1:20; 2:14-17; 1Pet.2:24), but Israel as a nation has not yet experience this covering for sin. They will be nationally reconciled fully to God at the second advent of Christ (Isa.1:18-20; 66:7-8; Zech.12:10-13; Mt.23:37-39; Rom.11:25-39).

iii) To bring in everlasting righteousness: – When transgression comes to an end, when all end of sin is made, and when all full atonement for all sin is experienced by Israel, then everlasting righteousness concerning Israel and Jerusalem will be ushered in (Isa.9:6-7; 12:1-6; Dan.2:44; 7:13-14; 18,27; Eze.43:7; Zec.14; Lk.1:32-33; Rom.11:25-29; Rev.11:15; 19:11-20:10; 21:1-22;5)

iv) To seal up the vision and prophecy: – The prophecies concerning Israel and Jerusalem and their eternal restoration under their Messiah will be fulfilled (Isa.11:9; 9; 66:7-10; Jer.31:31-40; Rom.11:25-29).

v) To anoint the most holy: – This refers to the cleansing of the holy of holies, the temple and the city of Jerusalem from all the abomination of desolation, the sacrilege of Gentiles ; and to the anointing of the Millennial Temple (Eze.40-43; Zech.6:12-13).

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