Eschathological Study series


TEXT: – Daniel 9:1-13; 13

INTRODUCTION: – Daniel saw other visions in which God revealed to Him what shall be fold his people (the Israelites) at the end time.

The seventy weeks determined against the Israelites are the different domination of Israel by the Gentiles and their eventual deliverance (Rom.11:26; Isa.59:20-21).

1) Seventy Weeks: – (Daniel 9:24)

The Hebrew word translated weeks is Suabua (Heb), which literally means seven. So. The term seventy weeks means seventy sevens.

The seventy weeks or seventy sevens are divided into three main periods:

i) The 1st Division: – Seven weeks (or seven seven). And as Daniel’s vision did nit concern days but years, so, the 1st seven weeks stands for seven x seven years = 49 years. During this period of forty nine years, Jerusalem shall be result (Dan.9:25). This was fulfilled during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah.

ii) The 2nd Division: – Sixty two sevens i.e. 62 x 7years = 434years from the completion of the city at the end of 49years to the time the Messiah is cut off or crucified for me (Dan9:25-26).

iii) The 3rd Division: – One seven; i.e. Seven years.

The last 7years of this age ending with the 2nd advent of Christ to fulfill the six events prophesied in Dan.9:24.

The last seven of the seventy seven is divided into two parts of 31/2years each.

The whole 70 weeks (or seventy sevens) is a period of 490years out of which the first two parts had been fulfilled i.e. 432years.

It is very important to note that this prophecy does not concern the Church at all. The whole 490 years are determined to be fulfilled concerning Daniel’s people and Daniels holy city – Jerusalem to fulfill the 6 events of Daniel 9:24. The Church was not birthed till after the 39th week; when the Messiah was “cut off” (Christ Crucifixion). And the Church will not be there to witness the 70th week; the Church will be raptured before the 70th week begins (1Thes.4:13-18, 2Thess.2:7-8; Rev.4:1).

Moreso, this prophecy concerning the Israelites and Jerusalem would be fulfilled not during the time they were scattered among the nations but when they are settled as a nation in their land and in possession of their holy city – Jerusalem.

As earlier mentioned, the Messiah was crucified at the end of the 69th week fulfilling every other part of the 70 weeks remaining only the six events mentioned concerning the 70th week in verse 24 to be fulfilled. This means that the 70th week in the future when Israel as a nation gets full control of the holy city Jerusalem again which they lost since 70AD when they were scattered and Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed.

However, as earlier discussed in the previous series, Jerusalem has been taken back by the Jews and on 6th December, 2017; President Trump declared the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.

This shows that the ground is set for the fulfillment of the 70th week prophecy.. since the Church will not be involved in the 70th week events, the window period provided between 69th and 70th week is for the door of mercy to be opened to the Gentiles, the Church will soon be taken out so “that the man of sin may manifest” (2Thes.2:7-8).

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