TEXT: Daniel 2:36*45, 7:1-8; 27
INTRODUCTION: – As mentioned in our previous study, the agenda or time table of God for this end time is tied to the Hebrew nation.
The kingdoms’ visions revealed and interpreted in the book of Daniel are explicit and thoughtful to those of us expecting the LORD’s glorious return. The great image shown to Nebuchadnezza, the beasts visions of Chapters 7 and 8 revealed to Daniel are all visions pointing at end time events.
1. The Great Image: – The great image of five different materials stands for five different kingdoms or empires on the earth beginning with Nebuchadnezza’s empire.
– The Head of the Gold: – The head of the gold portion of the great image represents the 1st of the world empire (Dan.2:32; 35 & 38). This is the Babylonian Kingdom headed by Nebuchadnezza (Jer.15:4; 24:9; 25:1-12; 29:18). Babylon conquered Israel in the first year of Nebuchadnezza and ruled over them for seventy years (from 616BC – 546BC). Nebuchadnezza reigned for 43years and was succeeded by evil Belshazza who reigned jointly until Babylon was over throned by Danus (Dan.5).
– The Breast and Arm of Silver; – This represents the Medo-Persian Kingdom which succeeded Babylon at the end of the 70 years caprivity of Judah as prophesied by Jeremiah (Dan.2:39; 5:1-31; 8; 20; 9:1; 2Chro.36:22; Ezral 1:1-3).
The two arms symbolize the two nations of Medes and Persians making up the Kingdom. This Kingdom was interior to the Babylonian Empire as silver in inferior to gold, though not in power but in splendor, wealth, glory and form of government (Isa.13:19).
In Babylon, the king was the absolute power, but in Medo-Persia, he was superior to the king who could not alter a law even for the best good of His subjects (Dan.6:1; 14). Babylon took Judah captive for 70years (Jer.25) and Medo-Persia librated them (Isa.44:28; 45:1-4; Ezra 1:1-4; 6:1-14). Medo-Persia reigned till Alexander the great took over and established the old Grecian Empire (334BC).
– The Belly and Thighs of Brass: – This part of great image represent the third or Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great. This third world empire also dominated Israel in the times of the Gentiles (Dan.2:39; 8:20-21, 11:1-34). This third empire became the greatest in territory as it was very swift in conquests (Dan.7:5-6). In 13years Alexander the great had conquered the known world starting from Greece and Macedonia and conquered all the territories of the other two previous kingdoms and even part of India. The Grecian Empire began to decay with the death of Alexander. His vast territory was divided among his four generals.
– The Feet and Toes of Iron Mixed with Clay: – This part of the image represents the future Roman Empire. This is the 5th Kingdom in the great image. It will be a divided kingdom,, partly strong and partly weak as symbolized by the two materials of clay and iron. The clay represents the masses and the iron the kings. And just as clay and iron will not mix together, so the two forms of government will not mix.
The final outcome will be that the Iron will become predominant; kings will again rule inside Roman Empire as Emperor. The ten toes represents the ten kingdoms, which will exist in the last days within the Roman Empire territory before the coming of Christ – the stone from heaven that destroyed the great image (Dan.2:34-35; 44-45).
2) The Time of The Gentiles (Luke 21:24; Romans 11:25, Revelation 19:11-20; 10). The term “The Times of The Gentiles refers to the period God uses the Gentiles (non-Jewish nations) as rod of correction to chastise Israel in order to accomplish His purpose concerning them (the Israelites). It began with their oppression by the Gentiles in Egypt and will continue throughout this dispensation of Grace. It will end at the coming of the Messiah in glory when He will deliver Israel from the Gentiles establish His earthly Kingdom and exalt Israel as the head of all nations forever.
3) The Dispensation of Grace: – (Luke 21:24, Romans 11:1-36). This is the period when God open the door of mercy to the Gentiles. This is the Church age that salvation through faith in Christ is offered free for the Gentiles. This does not mean that God will not save the Gentiles after this dispensation or that no Israelite would be saved during this dispensation (Rom.11:1-5).