Browsing Category: Uncategorized


    What is Stress?           Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. It also means your body’s response to a situation that requires attention or action. The way you respond to stress however makes a big difference to your overall well-being. Examples of Stress are: Sometimes the …

    January 14, 2023

    TEXT: LUKE 8:37-40 INTRODUCTION: The nature (the wind, storm and sea) obeyed and were subject unto Jesus, the devil (in their millions) obeyed and were subject to Jesus. But men resisted, refuse and rejected Him.           However, the man that had the great encounter with him was ever ready to go with him wherever He …

    January 14, 2023

    Xmas or Christmas? What are the differences? Are they the same? Hmmm! Let us take a look at this….. The difference  between the word  “CHRISTMAS” and the word  “X-MASS.” CHRISTMAS is the combination of  two words: “Christ and Mass.” Before Christ was born, many years ago,  25th Dec was used to be “PAGAN’S day for …

    December 18, 2022

    Few weeks back. An impromptu test came up. The questions were as thus: 1…….. 2…….. 3.”Who are you”? An easy question right? My course mates began whispering….trust students to do that. Some answered verbally immediately they saw the question on the white board; “I am that I am”. Funny, right? The questions on our minds …

    June 18, 2022
  • There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.

    The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real. In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the …

    March 5, 2020