
    MR. I

    June 1, 2020

    TEXT: Mathew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23-24

    There are many enemies of man. Some are small while some others are great. But the greatest enemy of man is MR. I.

    Every man is born as a vessel filled with self and corked. That is why no one teaches a child to commit sin, he does it because it is inherent in him.

    Satan cannot do anything against a man except he passes through this enemy called MR. I

    MR. I is so powerful that he made the first man (Adam) lose his original (spiritual) state and estate (physical).

    MR. I has destroyed many lives, broken many homes, scattered many ministries and many dreams.

    MR. I is inherent in man because we inherited it from our first parents (Adam and Eve).

    It was this man MR. I or SELF that brought ruins and destruction upon the world. It is the cursed self that separates and turn man away from his God. Indeed, MR. I is the root of all sins.

    It does not respect age or gender. It has no religious limit or economic or social status barrier. It operates in every man of every age, gender, religion or non religionists, rich or poor, great or small. It has no respect for education. It manifests everywhere whether at home, in the church, in the Ministry, in the market place, shops, on the pulpit, in the prayer room, in the choir or fellowship executive meetings. In political groups and meetings or social gatherings. At school, in the class or hostel, among pears or family members. Wherever it is, whenever (whether day or night) MR. I can easily be recognized.

    MR. I manifests in self-will, self-density, self defense, self confidence, self-exaltation etc.

    Self-will and self-pleasing is the great sin of man. It is the reason why there is much compromise in the world today.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ succinctly described this man in His parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:15 “And some fell on stony ground …..” MR. I is very hard, rigid and tough. He struggles to maintain his shape and form. He is highly self-opinionated, unteachable, he says “I am a principle man” because he finds it difficult he finds it difficult to receive or accept opinion of others.

    MR. I is always defensive and argues, always trying to have his way. He fights against being taken for granted, never wants to receive damages.

    MR. I finds it difficult to make sacrifice for others except where he would get a return, or be noticed and praised. He loves self praise and seeking personal attention and praises from man. He is very diverse and deceptive. He is highly secretive and too protective of his own things and hates to be corrected.

    On many pulpits today, you see MR. I manifesting. Preachers are full of ego, proclaiming themselves more than the MASTER. You hear”I” a hundred times while you hear of the LORD may be only five to ten times from a preaching.

    Several collections and donations are encouraged because of MR. I. It is him that is first psyche before collection of offerings and donations are made.

    MR. I loves achievements, acquisitions, pleasures, fame and honour. He is behind most church magnificent buildings, acquisition of state of the art cars and personal effects of many “Ministers of the Gospel”. He is behind most projects in Ministries “Personal Jets” etc. self is behind the flaunting of wealth by Ministers whether directly or subtly.    

    MR. I is behind many testimonies being projected in ministries and churches today whether through print or electronic media. He is the man behind body guards and security details of many Ministers of the Gospel. He is always protective.

    MR. I is behind a person, a group or a church making donation in the church or to an orphanage or other organizations and inviting the media to publicise it (Matt. 6:1-8)

    MR. I is covetous, wanting to have everything and in a bid to get everything to him, he steals, embezzles, cheats and corners all that are meant for others.

    When in an office, say a political office or public office, MR. I would not want to leave and if he must leave, he would rather put someone close to him in the office (if possible his family member) to still protect his interest or surrogate.

    When you are ashamed of meeting your mates unprepared MR. I is alive in you. He does not want to be criticized, corrected, embarrassed or disgraced. MR. I does not want any lack, discomfort, mistakes or failure not because of the fear of God but because of himself. He thinks of what will become of his honour and integrity. He wants to succeed in everything because he wants to impress, good public image and praises.

    When MR. I enters a gathering, he looks round to compare others outfit with his/her own and if not noticed on time, he must do something for him to be noticed and recognized.

    At home, in the neighbourhood or workplace or even in the Church, MR. I finds it difficult to appologise, he is ever right. He must be appeased, applauded and attended to and when you don’t give him attention he gets irritated and offended. He defends himself even when he is wrong and finds it difficult to appologise.

    MR. I is behind feelings of shame, fear and insecurity. He is the cause of every strain in relationships. It always insists in its own way and rights. It is revengeful. He finds it difficult to forgive when offended, he has to be severally appealed to before he can consider (Matt. 18:21-35).

    There is no true love where self has not been dealt with. In short, behind every sin is MR. I; he tells lies, brags, gives excuses for wrong doing etc. He is indeed the old man. (Gal.5:19-21, Col.3:5-9).

    Jesus Christ in most of His teachings emphasizes on this man MR. I because of the danger he poses to our souls. That is why He said, “If any man will come after me, let him (first of all) deny himself…..” (Matt.16:24, Luke 9:23) that is to renounce all self dependence, self interests, self glory, self pursuits, self will, self confidence, self exaltation and all that is self.

    The cork of the bottle of your life must be removed and let the man “self” the “MR. I” be poured out. Pour away the self life, so that there can be room for Christ life to fill in you. Many times, when the cork is removed, you see MR. I violently and boisterously coming out, don’t try to save it, let it pour away, so that there can be room for the savior to fill you with His own life.

    Who is a Christian? It is not a title holder or a church goer or a miracle worker or preacher or prophet rather a Christian is one whose life has been poured away or lost and filled with Christ’s life thus becoming CHRIST. I AM NOTHING…. That is, he is a man in whom Christ is ALL and I AM NOTHING (Ps. 40:6-9)

    When MR. I arrests a man, he puts him under terrible bondage with locks and keys. When he arrested Paul as Saul, he made his life so miserable that he cried out “O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (Rom. 7:14-25, ps. 56:9).

    The Holy Ghost, speaking through the same Paul said in Col: 3:5 “MORTIFY therefore your members (Self, I)….” You must put the self life to death. He said “I die daily” (1 Cor. 15:31) corroborating with what Jesus Christ taught in Luke 9:23 “Die daily ……” you must dead to SELF daily.

    The Lord Jesus went further to say that anyone who desires to follow Him as a disciple must add to self denial “take up his cross daily…………..” (Luke 9:23)

    MR. I is the most stubborn of all creatures, every attempt you make to subdue it, and you see it springing up again and again. This is why you cut your hairs and they grow back within a short time, you cut your finger or toe nails and they grow back within a short period. That is why Paul exclaimed “I die daily”.

    So how does daily death of self-life possible? He answered this in Gal. 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live is the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

    To die daily is to be crucified. Treat the MR. I as a criminal daily, whenever he raised his logger head, get him arrested and executed on the cross. This is the reason the Lord Jesus said you “carry your cross daily. Anywhere you go, carry your cross with you, so that at any point in time, MR. I rises up you quickly get him arrested and crucified on the cross. Note that the Master did not say “……………… carry my cross daily …’’ He said “…… let him ….. take up his cross daily ….” Take up you own cross daily to get MR. I crucified thereon. This means at every point you noticed the manifestation of MR. I in you, treat it as a criminal act for which “I” must die. Whether at home or in the church, office, market, neighbourhood, or even on the road, don’t spare him at all, you are already carrying the cross, nail him immediately. Your “………. Taking up your cross  …” is not for fun, it is “to execute the judgment that is written against MR. I (Ps. 149:9). The only cross that is expected to be empty is that at Calvary where our Dear Lord was crucified, because He has already resurrected. But mine is expected to be seen daily with SELF hanging on it. And as I am daily crucified, Christ becomes the only life in me. Thus, the making of a Christian is the crucifixion of I, so that I am (reduce to) nothing, all that is left in and of me is Christ.

    Will you pray at this time, that MR. I in you will die, so that Christ might take over and live in you?’’


    A lesson from football match.

    April 26, 2020

    I watched a local football match in a school playing ground. As I sat down, I asked one of the boys what the score was.

    With a smile, he replied; “They are leading us 3-0” !

    And I said, REALLY!!

    I have to say you don’t look discouraged.

    “Discouraged?” the boy asked with a puzzled look …

    Why should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle?

    I have confidence in the team and the managers; We shall definitely overcome!

    Truly, the match ended 5-4 in favor of the boy’s team!

    He waved at me gently, with a beautiful smile as he left; I was amazed, mouth wide open; Such confidence; Such beautiful faith;

    As I got back home that night, his question kept coming back to me:

    “Why should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle?”

    Life is like a game.

    Why should you be discouraged when The Almighty God is your manager? Why should you be discouraged, when there’s still life? Why should you be discouraged when your final whistle has not sounded? The truth is that many people blow the final whistle themselves;

    But as long as there is life, nothing is impossible and it is never too late for you.

    Half time is not full time and the Lord’s calendar for your life is not man’s calendar.

    Don’t blow the whistle yourself.


    With God all things are still possible!”

    Today is a new day with potentials. Make sure your faith is not shaken and keep on believing in the Lord God Almighty.



    April 11, 2020

    John 20:1-18
    When the Lord Jesus rose from death, Mary Magdalene came to the sepulchre with some other women (Mk16:1-4),and saw that the stone (though sealed and guarded by soldiers) had been rolled away. The Lord’s body was no longer in the grave. They ran to the disciples to get them informed about the happening. Peter and John ran to the sepulchre and they saw as they were told.
    “And then the disciples went back to their own home ” verse10. The disciples went back not just to their own house but to their own home, their families and friends. They could not endure the heat of the happening. They went back without seeing their Lord, they went back without making any effort to unravel the situation. They could not stand for the Master any longer. Ho! What a message for us today. The question is ‘will you also go back‘(John6:67). As the heat of pestilence called Covid-19 is ravaging the whole world, and famine with wars and rumours of war, persecution and violence every where is getting hotter by every single day passing, ‘will you also go back?’ The love of many are already waxing cold and they are denying the Lord, many are afraid of the government of the day and thereby denying the Lord, some others are ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ and thus they have ‘gone back ‘
    The Lord is looking for the likes of Mary Magdalene who will ‘do all to stand and stand therefore ‘
    ‘But Mary stood( for, by, and with the Master) without…. ‘ vs11. Mary stood fearlessly not minding the great men-Apostles of faith that have gone back. Leaders may fail, faint, falter or fall but Mary was steadfastly minded. Others may go back but not Mary. Others may desert or deny Him but not Mary. Though no one joined her in this race or expedition, even those women they started the journey together had long gone back for fear and unbelief, but Mary stood. No wonder she saw the vision of heaven, no wonder she saw what others that came before her and even entered the sepulchre could not see, no wonder she got the singular privilege and honour of being the first person to see the risen Lord Jesus.
    Jesus said ‘But he(not they because it’s an individualistic race) that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved ‘(Matt. 24:13). Will go back like Peter, disappoint the One that calls you? As the coming of the Lord is drawing faster near, let’s get prepared at all times for we know not when the Lord will come to gather us home to glory. Let’s live each day as if the Lord will come that same day. MARANATHA


    What is your Testimony?

    April 11, 2020

    “Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the scribes and elders said

    He saved others :himself He cannot save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him

    He trusted in God :let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him : for He said, I am the Son of God ” (Matthew 27:41-43).

    Beloved as we celebrate the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let’s reflect on the testimonies of the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross.

    They said “He saved others ” what is your attitude towards others. Are you not selfish, are you not egocentric? What is meant for others in your care how do you handle it? Our politicians are only after their own good, what happens to others does not concern them. Is this true of you in your work place, family, neighborhood, and even the church? Yes, what is the testimony of your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow brethren about you. For our Lord Jesus Christ the testimonies of His constituents were and still sterling, but even His enemies testified that He lived to save others. And if He saved others He could not have saved Himself.

    The second testimony is that “He trusted in God “. Do you trust God with all your heart and soul? In this time of crises all over the world, where do you put your trust :in man or science or God? Many people have abandoned their faith because of covid-19 pandemic. The  Americans have on every of their currency ‘In God We Trust ‘. In who or what do you trust?

    Honestly, if everyone that is a Christian can have such testimonies in their lives, oh what a glorious church we would have. If all Christians would have such testimonies what a better world we would be living in.

    Please check your life, what testimony do you have? It is a great shame what we have today in the church as testimonies. You don’t see or hear people testifying of salvation, sanctification, restitution, soul winning or spiritual exploits for the Master. Unconverted sinners will come and share testimony of how he made millions and people will be clapping, prostitutes come to share testimony of how her ‘business ‘ is booming and Pastors will be laughing jeering people to clap their hands. Ho!  What a terrible generation we have now in the church? Please this is time for sober reflection, let God take us back to Calvary where we can get true life changing testimonies in Jesus name



    April 11, 2020

    A new dawn is here. In less than one month, our world has changed beyond recognition. A new word now dominates our vocabulary – Corona Virus Disease (aka COVID -19) Suddenly, the world seems to have come to a standstill,  from trading, to travels to tourism and even wars! Hope is being displaced by despair; Faith by fear and confidence by confusion. How then do we as Great Commission Believers live and fulfill our mandate in times such as these?

    One thing is sure,  our Lord and Commander -in-Chief has neither withdrawn nor suspended His commission. If anything, it requires more urgency at this time.  For the Scriptures warned: “…Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.” – Revelation 12:12b

     The challenge is, how do we keep GOing when borders are being shut, people are locked in,  travels are restricted,  Church doors are shutting, social distancing is the prefered social norm and  the economy is in a meltdown? Is the night finally here when no man can work (John 9:4)?

    Solomon in his book of wisdom wrote:

    “If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything” – _Ecclesiastes 11:4, GNT.

    Apostle Paul in exhorting Timothy on this commission said, “Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not… ” – 2Tim. 4:2, NLT.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to His Disciples about seasons and the Great Commission said  to them, “You may say there are still four months until harvest time. But I tell you to look, and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready to harvest” – John 4:35, CEV

    How then do we GO with the Great Commission at a time it appear there is no where to go or no one to go to?

    》 GO on your KNEES in prayer on behalf of people needing God’s touch and salvation. COVID-19 has thrown up many of such.

    》 GO ONLINE to share words of hope and encouragement with people living with anxiety, fear or pain.

    》 GO INWARDS and seek the Lord’s face in PRAYER  and the WORD as you  FACEhisBOOK. “Those who love your law have great peace. Nothing causes them to stumble”- Psalm 119:165, GWT

    》 GO FORWARD with whatever vision,  dreams or plans the Lord gave you before this season. This is not the time to pull back or despair. Always remember, the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not along  with the winds. Also, the sea waves only give the dedicated surfer speed and direction.

    “If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited. – Prov. 24:10, CSB

    “There is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its shoots will not die” – Job 14:7, CSB

     Be ready and watchful.


    Fire For The Kingdom Service

    April 11, 2020

    After he preached, money was dropped all over the pulpit. Some people were removing their gold necklaces and wrist watches and were dropping on the pulpit. Some removed their SIM cards and dropped their expensive phones.

    Another man of God came to preach to the same people. The same people who dropped their car keys ran back home and brought out their juju and surrendered to the altar and were crying to God for mercy.

    Some brought the guns and masks they use for arm robbery. While some brought out their phones in front of the church and were destroying their SIM cards which they used to dupe people. You could hear adults crying like babies begging God for mercy.

    What did the first preacher preach that made them ran back home to bring their money and didn’t make them drop their charms?

    The difference is in the burden of the preacher.

    How can we see the people who are trooping to hell.

    Their prayer lives are dead.

    And all that we are after is their landed properties and car keys?

    But Lord, help my life.

    I don’t want to join those that are entertaining this generation to perdition.

    If people hear me and drop their money without dropping their charms, it means I have failed.

    Man of God, this month,  ask God to give you fresh burden for the lost.

    If you can, cry to Him to impact you once again with the passion for souls.

    If not, people will look for you and will not see you.

    You may be all over social media , television, billboards, radio etc. Yet people that use to know you will start asking where you are?

    The reason so many Pastors have gone to bow to mami-water for power to grow their ministry is because God’s grace have left them.

    They started very well, but along the line, they started making merchandise with the anointing.

    God lifted His Hands from them and they became shadows of themselves.

    Instead of them to cry back to God for realignment, they went down to Egypt for help, So as to maintain their crowd and their  fame.

    Today, forget the laughter on their faces. They are in trouble Without fleets of cars and crowd in your church, you are still better than them.

    This month, go back to where you dropped your burden for souls…

    Go back to those days when you use to pray and groan in Gods presence before the program for God to give you souls as you go to preach.

    Remember the days when you use to celebrate anytime sinners were running out to surrender to Christ..

    Go back to those days, sir.

    Money will come.

    But let’s not lose what money cannot buy while looking for money.

    Tell your host to make arrangements before inviting you to preach.

    Let them not mount pressure on you to raise funds to cover the hotel bills and recover publicity cost.

    This is a generation that packs sinners in crusades and start raising funds from them without leading them to Christ.

    A generation that organizes revival meetings where no one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

    No one was reconciled to Christ.  Yet, everyone sowed dangerous financial seeds.

    And we don’t care. God is about to move in the land.

    He is about to silence many who are using Him to rob people and to give volumes to voices of men who have been carrying His burden genuinely….

    If you are accepting preaching engagements this year, let it be for God to use you to reconcile people back to Him…

    If not, you are declaring to heaven that you are no more useful in this on going end time revival and global harvest …


    May God not raise another man to do what He anointed us to do for Him…

    In Jesus Name I pray.



    April 11, 2020

    5G is an improvement over 4G it is 10x faster than 4G. 5G is not the 666 but 5G is part of the medium for introducing the 666. How ? Now look at this.

    With a 5G phone , you don’t need to move around with your Phone. You just keep it at home. But a MicroChip will be implanted under your skin. With that Micro Chip . you can answer your phone with your body and you can call someone with your body without using phone. The device can read your mind. They know your next action before you do it.

    With a 5G and the Implant MicroChip you don’t need an International Passport at the air port and you can do any bank transaction any where in the world. And that means you can use it to buy and sale. (Can you see that BUY AND SALE, Rev 13 ) Tomorrow a leader would rise up and say nobody should buy and sale until you have that MicroChip (666) clearly that’s what the Bible warned us, 2000 years ago.

    They know Christians will not buy the Idea of MicroChip Implant that’s why people like Bill Gates a confirmed FREEMASON is saying everybody should take vaccination. They want to secretly introduce the Implant through the vaccination and we Christians say no to their vaccination, because whether the MicroChip is the 666 or not God has warn us in Rev. 13 thousands of years before this evil people were born not to put any microchip Implant in our body. They produce a disease and they are bringing a solution to the disease (Think about that) . We can’t stop their plans, because God didn’t say we (Christians) can stop them, but we have to warn people, not to fall to their traps.

    They suppose to introduce CORONA VIRUS a man made disease since 2012 . 50% of this evil people and people that brought this CORONA VIRUS live in America , the coming of Donald Trump dealt with their plans greatly that’s why they had to move to China an ungodly nation to launch it. But God is above them, they are trying to go faster than God. The foolish people thing they are intelligent but unknown to them they can not destroy Earth that they did not create.

    The CORONA VIRUS, 5G and the MicroChip is just a rehearsal by this evil people , they cannot force it on everybody until Christians are raptured away for the wedding feast between JESUS CHRIST GLORIFIED and His bride (Church) . CHRISTIANS do not get panicked and start losing hope on life that JESUS CHRIST is coming now and you say what is the hope in life. Yes JESUS CHRIST is coming very soon but nobody knows when. Please go ahead with your normal activities. Go to school, get married , aspire in life but be more wiser. Watch and pray with the consciousness that JESUS can come the next minute. Stop living carelessly anymore. As we wait for his coming at any time. Let’s Preach the Gospel everywhere in the world and get as many people as possible to Jesus.


    BRING BACK OUR MEN!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    April 11, 2020

    One evening I was reading about a book written by R W Shambach, where he went into a Quarantine area and told them to give him a deadly virus that was killing people then, without using gloves or wearing a face mask, R.W Shambach held the virus in his palm and it died and dried……oh God where are these men again?… My eyes couldn’t go off that scenario; I used my pen and marker to mark it out and cry and read it everyday, then one day the Hunger came on me and without clothes or footwear I ran to the bush to Encounter the God this man Encountered, stayed there for hours, till at the middle of the night I felt something cold crawling through my back; by morning I realise it was a snake, it crawled through fire died and dried up… BRING BACK OUR MEN!!!

    I read about John G. Lake who finished praying, Laid one of his leg on a Stone, immediately he lifted up his leg to go, 89 lepers touched the stones and they were healed permanently…. John G Lake’s ministrations were backed up with Raw Miracles in the presence of the Crowd…WHERE ARE THESE MEN AGAIN OH GOD?

    Oh I read about John Wesley, who passed through a Town and Alcohol seized for 100 years, same man went to his father’s tomb when he was banned from Preaching in the city and people troop to hear him talk, he raised the dead in every town he goes to preach….DO WE STILL HAVE SUCH MEN TODAY?

    Do you know that Billy Graham preached only from John 3:16 since the onset of his Ministry till he finished his assignment on earth and yet he jammed stadiums full, oh what level of Passion was he carrying then?…. Today all we have on the pulpit are men that know only how to speak grammar without power…oh God…

    Time will fail me to talk about other great Men in the Kingdom who through faith wroth wonders and miracles…..

    They showed us that it is Possible to be in this World and move in the Supernatural

    They showed us that it is Possible to be in this World and Manifest the Life of God….

    Oh God I wouldn’t ask for you to bring back those men again…. because I know you are producing AN UPGRADED AND UPDATED VERSION OF THIER GENERATION HERE AND NOW…..

    Men that will work in Kingdom Power and Authority.

    Men that will Usher God into their Generation without fear or favouritism

    Men that will say thus saith the Lord and Heaven will back them up…..

    Men that will stand for the real meaning of Holiness and Purity.

    Bring back our Men Oh God….

    Men that will stand for the Gospel even at the face of death…..

    Men that will preach to other men on God’s behalf and pray to God on men’s behalf…

    Men that will Walk as God on earth and make the government of Heaven to be seen and stamped on earth…

    Oh am Blessed to be in this Generation for this is that which was spoken by Prophet Joel …


    Oh God as you are making the UPGRADED VERSION of these Fire-full, Focused and Firm men please I don’t want to be AROUND them I want to be AMONG them….

    Oh God don’t let my weakness stop you from making me….

    Don’t let my tears stop you from prunning me….

    Don’t let the appluase from men make me think I have arrived….

    Oh God I won’t stop seeking you until I see your POWER and GLORY as I have read in books and history…..

    God you gave mighty Prophetic Utterances that Nigeria will be the Trigger point of Revival on earth…..but LORD WHERE ARE THE SIGNS OUR FATHERS TOLD US OF?…..

    Oh God 😭😭😭  We are no longer Triggering out Revival, we are triggering out youths that are involved in all manner of Crime…..

    Oh God we are triggering out Half Baked Preachers who are bringing shame to the body for Christ…..oh God😭








    Will you be among the UPGRADED VERSION OF THESE MEN?

    Share This Post as Far as Possible….

    The Revival Has began already…


    Ten Important Facts About Money That Are Worth Knowing at 30 to Avoid Regrets at 50

    April 11, 2020

    Some people manage to buy their own house and open their own business by the age of 30. Others, at the same age, are still trying to figure out how to earn decent money. There are certain obvious facts that can lead to prosperity, while others can lead to financial disaster.

    Bright Side chose the most effective tips for you. They can be very useful when you are still young!

    1. Invest in your health and education.

    It’s very hard to achieve success when you are not healthy. That is why it’s important to take care of yourself, to have a vacation at least once a year, to sleep well, and to eat healthy food. A good education, in its turn, can open a lot of doors and erase borders.

    2. Don’t invest in something you don’t know well.

    Even if you want to get rich as soon as possible, you need to have a cold, sober, and calm mind when it comes to financial questions. By following your emotions and investing in dubious projects, you can lose a lot (if not all) of your money. It is always better to consult experts beforehand to have a sensible assessment of the project and its chances of becoming successful.

    3. Don’t borrow to pay old debts.

    There is a very popular concept of taking on a new loan to repay an old one or to pay a debt to a person by borrowing from someone else. This is a vicious circle. It is much better not to have debts at all. But if it happens that you had a loan, it is better to stop yourself from buying something and save the money to repay the loan.

    4  Stay connected with your friends, and meet new people.

    They say that “A friend in court is better than a penny in the purse,” and there is much truth in it. Sometimes connections are much more important than money. Perhaps you’ve faced situations that prove that saying.

    5. Avoid impulsive purchases.

    Impulsive purchases are evil, even though they bring joy. If you have a tight budget, they will make a lot of holes in it. Impulsive purchases are nothing but a need for happiness and pleasure. Find joy in something else.

    6. Start saving money for old age now.

    Today you are 20, and you’ll be 30 before you know it. Time is fast and merciless. One moment, you are young; in the next moment, you have to pick up your grandchildren from kindergarten. By saving at least #3,000 to #5,000 a month, you will have quite a decent amount in your account when you are old, which will make you feel more confident.

    7. Eat and cook at home.

    Many of us prefer to eat in cafés and restaurants. Perhaps we are too lazy to cook at home, or maybe we mistakenly think that eating out is not so expensive. Visit grocery stores, and count how much you spend on your food. You’ll see that cooking at home is much cheaper.

    8. Put a certain part of your salary into a savings account to create a “financial cushion”

    Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen that may demand a lot of money from you. But where will it come from? If you save money every month and put it into a savings account, you won’t panic in an extreme situation because you have that financial support.

    9. Find a passive source of income.

    It’s good if you have a job which brings in enough money for you. But in our unstable world, it’s always better to have different sources of income. That’s why it’s worth starting to think about investments.

    10.  It’s more efficient to buy shoes and clothes of good quality.

    Clothes of good quality will serve you much longer than cheap clothes. Therefore, it’s more effective to spend money on durable things. And if you buy them during the sales, it’s twice as effective. Try to make a list of necessary items, and buy them during sales. Then you can save money for an upcoming vacation.

    I Love you.


    There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.

    March 5, 2020

    The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.

    In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.

    I want to make it so clear and not in jargons or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexual, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more which time will fail me to mention.

    Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by ‘so called boyfriends’. And every guy is now dating because of sex.

     God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven’t married.

    It’s a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?

    A pastor slept with his junior pastor’s wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.

     Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?

    If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?

    If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?


    Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house of Jacob their sins, and Israel their transgressions. Pastor why are you not crying aloud? Why are you so mute like ELI? Heaven is shedding tears over the perishing souls every day and you are there raising funds every Sunday to build bigger Auditorium.

    You call your members for anointing services and prayer meetings without urging sin out of them.

    Some are living together with men that did not pay any dowry on them.

     Some commit abortion and cover it up. Some are lesbians and homosexuals. What are you doing about that?

    Where has the word of God that says “flee fornication” gone to in your Bible? From henceforth, if you don’t take this warning and start declaring war against this strange spirit that has taken over the church, you’ll have questions to answer.

    And those who claim they love holiness messages with negligence to this particular truth about sex have actually missed the mark.


    To be active in church and still be committing immorality, God is watching you.

    To be a child of God and still having a boyfriend or girlfriend, God is watching you.

    To be a choir member or youth leader and still be doing what the married are doing, if you like continue.

    All you need is genuine repentance.



    God Said : There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things.*

    1. They will love the enjoyment  of this world and forget the day of judgement.
    2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.
    3. They will fear things that are created and  forget the creator.
    4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.
    5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God’s forgiveness.

    Oh God, bless those who spread this message.

    Come to think of this?…….

    1. Eternal life = free

    2. Church entrance = free

    3. Christ’s salvation = free

    4. God’s love = free

    5. Breath of life = free

    A. Cigarette = pay

    B. Prostitution = pay

    C. Alcohol =pay

    D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay

    E. Powers to rule the world = pay

    Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?

    Think twice

    Believe in Christ and you shall be saved..                   

     We always think of Valentine’s day

    Birth day

    Father’s day

    Mother’s day

    Children’s day

    Our day,

    Farmer’s day

    Teacher’s day

    Christmas day

    Independence day

    Boxing day,

    This day,

    That day,

    Day in Day out.

    Have you ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you ?

    If you’re safe, what about your friends & loved ones. Show them love by telling them about the Judgement Day. Please pass this to any group let heaven be happy for you to

    day. Please don’t say later, do it now because tomorrow may be too late.