    Message, Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    SCRIPTURE: And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25

    Unforgiveness refers to the lack of forgiveness; it is the inability of a person to let go of offences and offenders from his/her heart. It is very important to forgive because unforgiveness has many dangers.

    Now, what are some of the dangers of unforgiveness?

    1. Unforgiveness prevents people from receiving from God

    The truth is, if you feel someone’s offence against you is too grievous for you to forgive, your sins as well would be too grievous for God to forgive (Matthew 18:32-35).

    2. Prayer becomes a waste of time where unforgiveness is in place

    Without forgiveness, prayer becomes a waste of time and an exercise in futility (Matthew 18:35).

    3. Unforgiveness attracts the ministry of tormentors

    If you don’t forgive, you have signed in to the activities of tormentors in your life. Cancer is a tormentor, ulcer, paralysis, arthritis, poverty, witchcraft attacks, etc. are all tormentors (Matthew 18:32-35). But that shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.

    4. Unforgiveness invites troubles to life.

    The root of bitterness (unforgiveness) makes life bitter

    5. Unforgiveness leads people to eternal damnation in hell fire (1 John 3:14-15).

    Unforgiveness is the pathway to eternity in hellfire. Therefore, refuse to go to hell because of being hurt by a person.

    Now, what are the keys to forgiveness?

    1. Remember that you have been forgiven by God of your sins

    Always know that if God could forgive you, you too can forgive another person.

    2. Remember that your eternity is at stake

    To agree to be unforgiving is to sign in for hellfire.

    Beloved, I prophesy the grace and the spirit of forgiveness upon you, in Jesus’ Name.


    1. Make up your mind not to go to hell because of offence or hurt.

    2. Ask God daily for the grace to forgive.

    3. Pray for and reconcile with all offenders.

    PRAYER: Lord, I make demands on your grace to be able to forgive offences and offenders. Help me not to be an agent of offence to people Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

    When we carry bitterness and unforgiveness, we carry again what was nailed on the cross with Jesus Christ. We take on the nature of satan and God is forced to look away from us.


    Today, I release upon your life the grace to overcome bitterness and  forgive all offences in the Name of Jesus. May the nature of Christ be released upon your life to bear fruit that will abide in Jesus’ Name. Shalom!

    Message, Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    Ladies,  please cover up properly, you don’t know who is looking from afar.

    We usually pray, 

    Our Father who art in Heaven…..

    Hallowed be thy name…..

    “Lead us not into temptation “….

    I think we should pray to God and be careful not to lead others into temptation also. If temptation is not good for us, we should not lead others into it .

    Some people blamed Bathsheba,  some blamed David,  why didn’t he go to war?

    But come to think of it, 

    What about Uriah?

    Yes Uriah, why would he bring his wife to an apartment whose bathroom has no roof?

    Some Uriahs are parents,   you will wonder whether some parents didn’t see their children before leaving home.  Some friends are the ones who talk them into buying those clothes that leave their bodies uncovered.

    If you fall into the category of Uriah, Watch it!

    Be responsible; Put a roof on your bathroom!

    So your Bathsheba can have a harmless bath.

    Parents….. Don’t allow the world teach your children how to dress up….don’t leave your bathroom uncovered! ‘

    You are a Christian and a model of Christ. Your body is d temple of the Holy Spirit. You have been bought with a price.

    Husbands! Please put your wives under check.  We know she is your wife; she can wear anything because you like it that way….. But don’t raise eye brow if she is treated like a prostitute…..

     Under Uriah’s nose, Bathsheba got pregnant with another man’s child.

    Keep a roof over your bathroom.  You have no idea if there is a man who is not at war or work strolling lazily around.

    Just because a woman’s sensitive parts was revealed to David, he lost control of his life & things never remained d same.

    One would have thought Bathsheba’s bath was a harmless one  but look at the consequence :-

    ==>>> David  killed Uriah.

    ==>>> He was cursed.

    ==>>> Bathsheba lost her baby.

    ==>>> Amnon slept with Tamar.

    ==>>> Absalom overthrew David and slept with his father’s wife’s.

    ==>>> War in David’s house!

    Please, stop tempting others in the name of fashion!

    Stop showing everybody your breast and cleavage.

    Stop wearing expensive rags in the name of fashion.

     Some men are running away from Bathsheba yet they have her pictures, wearing bikini on their phones”

    Brothers, what do you have on your phones? Pictures of naked women? You call them celebrities; I pray they don’t celebrate u to hell.

    Stop watching pornographic movies. It is addictive.

    Some people are dealing with masturbation, they are sincerely trying to come out of it, some are walking away from fornication,  don’t drag them back there.

    Dear sister be your brother’s Keeper.

    Dear brother, cover the bathroom roof!

    Resist the devil and he will flee!!!

    DARE TO BE different.

    Message, Story

    CHURCH CLOTHES. You’ve got to read this.

    August 28, 2020

    The man behind the pulpit is a sex addict and He is struggling but no one knows..There are things clothes covererd


    She blast in tongues like a Multipurpose machine Gun.. Brutal in prayer meetings.. BUT dying deep down because she’s struggling with masturbation.


    I was once a victim many years ago.. Sitting with some of my friends one day and they said “.. Uncle, please tell us your story and hide nothing”

    I tried to answer them;I looked at them and as I replied, I struggled not to get emotional and I said “.. My tongues were deep and brutal on the microphone, everyone hailed my fine voice but no one knew I was struggling with sexual addiction….”


    He always used the word “Bless you brother” on me, he was my leader in our Christian gathering. but I didn’t know HE WAS A GAY..


    The beautiful angel on the microphone watch pornography everynight to satisfy her lust she wishes to stop, sadly she can’t break free BUT SHE LAYS HANDS ON PEOPLE’S HEAD EVERY SUNDAY… And she’s called “MAMA”


    She hates it, He hates it but they just can’t stop and no one knows that they have sore underneath their garments, they look good on Sunday.. They lift up holyhands.. They are pure on Sundays but impure on mondays… But no one knows because….. CHURCHclothes


    She| he have a nice voice but she struggles with immortality…. Everyone knows them as choir masters or choir mistress but they are abortionist


    He perform miracles every day, but have a lady who have a child for him out of wedlock

    Whorld wide Prophet, Apostle, bishop, evangelist, gospel artists, let humble ourselves and deal with our secret sins

    AREN’T YOU TIRED OF THE CHURCH CLOTHES/CHURCHDRAMA? So many DRAMA in the church today… So many religious drama on Facebook… Everyone is preaching… Why not admit you need help?.. Kai..

    Churchclothes. Preaching publicly against the same thing we struggle with in the secret, public success but private


    … So many people DYING INSIDE/STRUGGLING inside… So many excos of fellowship… Youth leaders… Youths…Pastors, bishops, evangelist, pope, revered, Apostles, Dying of masturbation.. Sex addiction.. Pornography… BUTTTTTTTTT THEY CAN’T OPEN UP… WHY??? CHURCH CLOTHES…. Church clothes give them a covering…






    Oh lord, am tired of CHURCH CLOTHES, I want to make heaven, this is my earnest crying for myself and my generation…… Oh lord, invade my privacy

    Why not cry out today…….. May God deliver us from every secret SIN

    AMEN……………Good Morning



    August 28, 2020


    When the Lord Jesus rose from death, Mary Magdalene came to the sepulchre with some other women (Mk16:1-4), and saw that the stone (though sealed and guarded by soldiers) had been rolled away. The Lord’s body was no longer in the grave. They ran to the disciples to get them informed about the happening. Peter and John ran to the sepulchre and they saw as they were told.

    “And then the disciples went back to their own home ” verse10. The disciples went back not just to their own house but to their own home, their families and friends. They could not endure the heat of the happening. They went back without seeing their Lord, they went back without making any effort to unravel the situation. They could not stand for the Master any longer. Ho!  What a message for us today. The question is ‘will you also go back'(John6:67). As the heat of pestilence called Covid-19 is ravaging the whole world, and famine with wars and rumours of war, persecution and violence every where is getting hotter by every single day passing, ‘will you also go back?’ The love of many are already waxing cold and they are denying the Lord, many are afraid of the government of the day and thereby denying the Lord, some others are ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ and thus they have ‘gone back ‘

    The Lord is looking for the likes of Mary Magdalene who will ‘do all to stand and stand therefore ‘

    ‘But Mary stood ( for, by, and with the Master) without…. ‘ vs11. Mary stood fearlessly not minding the great men-Apostles of faith that have gone back. Leaders may fail, faint, falter or fall but Mary was steadfastly minded. Others may go back but not Mary. Others may desert or deny Him but not Mary. Though no one joined her in this race or expedition, even those women they started the journey together had long gone back for fear and unbelief, but Mary stood. No wonder she saw the vision of heaven, no wonder she saw what others that came before her and even entered the sepulchre could not see, no wonder she got the singular privilege and honour of being the first person to see the risen Lord Jesus. 

    Jesus said ‘But he(not they because it’s an individualistic race) that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved ‘(Matt. 24:13). Will go back like Peter, disappoint the One that calls you? As the coming of the Lord is drawing faster near, let’s get prepared at all times for we know not when the Lord will come to gather us home to  glory. Let’s live each day as if the Lord will come that same day. MARANATHA

    Message, Special Message

    Escaping the wrath of God.

    August 28, 2020

    Isaiah 33:14-16.

    14.The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

    15.He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes,  that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil;

    16.He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.

    In this scripture, Isaiah describes those who  will escape God’s wrath. They will only be those who live godly lives that flow from hearts that are right with God. These are those who

    1.conform to the righteous requirements of God’s law.

    2.speak sincerely without deceit.

    3.do not make money by fraudulent means.

    4.refuse to be involved in criminal violence and

    5.refuse to look at evil with pleasure or to delight in the wicked actions of others.

    Ps 1:5 says the wicked will not stand in the judgment but rather perish, neither will any sinner be able to stand in the congregation of the righteous for their end is destruction if they fail to repent. Every ungodly person will be condemned before God on the day of judgment. We are also told  in Ps 24:4 that  only the pure in heart will see God and be with Him eternally.

    The only way of escaping God’s wrath is the new birth in Christ Jesus who gave His life so we may have life. This great sacrifice and love must not be taken for granted.


    Message, Special Message


    August 9, 2020

    TEXT JOHN 9:24 41

    KEY VERSE – The answered and said, whether he be a sinner or not, I know not: one thing I know that whereas I was blind, now I see (John 9: 25) this was the testimony of the man that was born blind, who had lived probably half of this life time in utter darkness as he was blind from this mother womb but on a day like this he had a divine encounter and his life story changed. (I was blind everybody knew me and could testify to this) but now I see. What a clear difference! There was a past that was clearly different from the present. The past was night but the present is day, the past was darkness but the present is light. The man said I have a past well known to you all but now is a new damn.

    Everyone has a past. It may be a past in sin and iniquity, a past in outright disobedience and rebellion against God. A past in immorality, vulgarity, wickedness, drunkenness, hatred etc.

    But the present must be different from the past. You cannot use religiousness to cover your past, NO! You cannot use churchliness to cover your past NO! Every past that is not forsaken remains part of the present. That is why the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul says “Therefore if any man be in Christ” (this ‘’any man’’ was outside Christ in the past, this ‘’any man’’ may be religious, may be tolled, may be highly placed in the church or society but outside Christ in the past, this ‘’any man’’ was in the world, in sin and iniquity outside Christ in the past but now in Christ he is new creature; old things (that is) the inward sin nature and power of sin, which is nothing more nor less. The power of the devil working in human nature or in man of disobedience and (iv) the outward sin or transgression of the law (John 8:44, Eph. 2:2; mark 7:19-21; Rom. 1:18-32; 1Corint.6:9-11; 2Corint. 4:4; Gal 5: 19-21; Col 3:5-10; 1John 2: 1517; 3: 8; 5:18) are passed away behold all (not most, not all most, not some) things are become new (2Corinthians 5:17).

    When a man outside Christ (though he may profess relation with Christ according to the flesh before but he is unchanged, unregenerate in heart and life, and he is dead in trespassed and sin) gets to a point and turns to Christ (not by becoming churchy or religious or moral but by acknowledging his sins and sinfulness, confess the sins sincerely from the heart and forsake them (Proverb 28: 13), then accepting Christ Jesus into his heart and life as Lord and Saviour. He then becomes a new creature i.e regenerate newly (being born again not of corruptible but of the incorruptible word of God (1Peter 1: 23).

    What does it mean to be “a new creature?”

    Reading through the lines of 2Corinthians 5: 17 You take note of the semi-column immediately after the phrase “a new creature” it is telling us that the statement that follows is explaining of giving meaning to the previous statement.

    So, to become “a new creature” is to have “old things passed away including both the inward and outward sin”. The belief that only outward sins are forgiven and that one is still under the control of the old man, the devil, is not only erroneous but demonic doctrines in Christendom (2Corinthians 5: 17-18; Ephesians 4:24; Romans 6: 6-23; 8:1-13 1John 5: 18). Old things; old ways of life, old friendship (2Corinthians 5: 14-18), Old association, old ways of thinking, old pleasures, surfeiting e.t.c must pass away. Holding on to any old things is compromise and double standard life. You cannot be inside and outside Christ simultaneously. You cannot be one leg in, one leg out. To be in Christ is a total and complete departure from sin and its pleasures it’s a severance or disconnect or abstinence from evil. It is the abolishing of the old things and connecting to the new way of life.

    Coming into Christ brings about transformation of life, conversion from evil to good, t6ransfer from darkness into light, a shift from the valley of sin death to the mountain top of righteousness, joy, peace and life in the Holy Ghost.

    Yes, a clear difference in life, in thought, in conduct, in association, in relationship, in dressing, in comportment, in conversion, in business, in charity (1Timothy 4:12).

    If your coming to Christ has not brought any change into your life, then you need a visit to Calvary. When that man encountered the Lord Jesus his life changed. If your encounter with the Lord Jesus does not bring a meaningful change in your life, then you need to visit Calvary.

    If the old things are still presently manifesting in your life and deceiving you that it is your nature. Old things must pass away, and behold all things, not some things, not many things but ALL THINGS (in every facet of life) must become NEW Now Experience Wonders!

    Yes, that is the stage, the level you get to when ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW: You become NEW (Now Experience Wonder) yourself in every area of your life.

    The man born blind told the Sahendrin. I was (note the tense) blind but (a turning point has come) now I See (John 9:25).

    Before I only hear you speak I could not see you but now my level has changed I can see you yes, you that asked me the question I can see that you are bearded, I can see that the man standing by your right is also wearing a heavy beard I can see the man on your left is bald headed I see all of you are wearing sad and sorrowful countenance on your confused face because of my miracle. Yes it is real, very real that I was the one sitting begging for alms all these years, I was the very same man. You said was born blind because I sinned from my mother womb. I am no other person than the one you knew from aged but. My story has changed, my level has changed, my turn around has come now I see, I see, I see with my own two eyes yes now I see.

    What a testimony! What a great changed you have been in the church for many years enjoying fellowship, getting tittles and recognitions but you are still living in sin, what a wasted life you are living.

    Church cannot changed you, age cannot convert you (No matter how old a man is the wickedness in him still remain in him and you must come into Jesus, you must repent (and not just be remorseful) of your sins you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior today so that life will make all things become new in your life. Christ will give meaningful meaning to your life if only you give him room in your heart (Rev 21-22).       

    Message, Story


    July 12, 2020

    “A few days ago in the village, I went to an event, a house-warming ceremony.

    When I entered the compound, I saw some village elders I knew sitting in one corner. I went up to them and started to greet them one after the other.

    I shook their hands, even with the ones I didn’t know until I got to one man. I didn’t know him and when I extended my hand, he ignored it. After a few seconds, I withdrew the hand.

    I felt very embarrassed and angry. Embarrassed for myself and angry at the man.

    What was he feeling like, I thought. All those other men accepted my greeting, older men even. And to my knowledge, I hadn’t done anything wrong. I gave him a very scornful look, greeted the remaining men and went to take a seat.

    Now, even after I sat down, I was still pissed. I kept stealing glances at the man to see how he would react to other people.

    Then I saw it…

    He was blind!!!

    His eyes were open, but he couldn’t see at all! The other people who came to greet him had to touch him first, then take his hand if they wanted to shake hands with him.

    Now my embarrassment level tripled. In addition to that, I felt stupid, very stupid. I was still angry, just angry at myself. I felt like that till I left the occasion.”

    Assumption kills like poison. Any small thing, we assume…

    Someone doesn’t pick our calls, we assume he or she is avoiding us or is up to something…

    Someone doesn’t give us the money we asked for, we assume he or she is stingy and wicked…

    Once we are turned down or rejected, we start assuming…

    We don’t put into consideration what the other party might be going through.

    The guy that promised you money might get into a financial situation a day before he’s supposed to give you the money.

    The person that didn’t pick your call was probably in a meeting or too busy at that moment, or even sleeping. He might not be in the mood  to take your call.

    But we just assume instead…because it’s easier and it tends to make us the good guys…the one who is always right.

    Give someone benefit of the doubt…..make an excuse for that person……

    Don’t judge without the benefit of both sides of the story. If you can’t get both sides then you must give the benefit of the doubt.


    S I L E N C E…..

    July 12, 2020

    A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, but creation is silent. In your success remain silent as there is power in silence. Grow Silently. Cultivate Silence…..

    A farmer discovered that he had lost his watch in the barn. It was no ordinary watch because it had sentimental value for him…..

    After searching high and low among the hay for a long while, he gave up and enlisted the help of a group of children playing outside the barn…..

    He promised them that the person who found it would be rewarded. Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through and around the entire stack of hay but still could not find the watch…..

    Just when the farmer was about to give up looking for his watch, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another chance. The farmer looked at him and thought, “Why not? After all, this kid looks sincere enough.” So the farmer sent the little boy back in the barn…..

     After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The farmer was both happy and surprised and so he asked the boy how he succeeded where the rest had failed…..

    The boy replied, “I did nothing but sat on the ground and listened. In the silence, I heard the ticking of the watch and just looked for it in that direction.””””””

    A peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind. ….

    Sometimes the noise in our life is so much with no clarity on what to do. The mind seems so occupied with lots of thoughts that promote fear, discouragement & anxiety……

    Let peace guard your heart all the time. *Consciously clear your head and mind; be patient and listen.When you are busy talking or your mind is clouded with things, God will not speak to you. So learn to be quiet!



    July 12, 2020

    A group of women were in a Bible Study on the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse three, which says: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

    One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, this woman called up a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn’t mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.

    As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot then she thought again about the verse, that “He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.” She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered saying, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

    The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?” He smiled at her and answered, “Oh, that’s easy – when I see my image in it.”

    If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you. He that watches Isreal will neither sleep nor slumber and will never  allow you to be destroyed in the fire. 




    July 12, 2020

    God told Jeremiah, the prophet, to go and get a linen girdle and put it upon his loins. After doing this, God told him again to take the linen girdle to River Euphrates and hide it in a hole of a rock.

    By the word of the LORD again after many days, Jeremiah went to remove the linen girdle from where he hid it. ‘’Then went I to Euphrates and digged and took the girdle from the place where I had hid it, and behold, the girdle was marred, it was profitable for NOTHING.

    ‘’Then the word of the LORD came unto me saying; ‘This evil people which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is GOOD FOR NOTHING.’’ (Jeremiah13; 7,8-10).

    Jesus said in Matthew5; 13 ‘’ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth GOOD FOR NOTHING but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.’’

    A linen girdle is an article of dress, a strong clothing material especially when it is starched. When a linen lost its strength it becomes ‘’A GOOD FOR NOTHING.’’

    Jesus said salt is good, and as good as salt is in seasoning our foods, such that any food without salt is tasteless, salt is good in creating thirst, salt is good in look-white, salt is good in conduction of electricity, salt is good in several other ways’

    Yet if the same salt lost its savour, it becomes GOOD FOR NOTHING.

    When you hold good titles such as Bishop, Reverend, Apostle, Pastor, Deacon or deaconess, Senior or Most senior Apostle prophet, Imam or chief imam, Alfa etc. You may even be a Knight or a JP, If you are still engaging in sins (secret or open), you are in the sight of God ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING’’.

    You may be very religious, keeping all the religious rites faithfully such as fasting, praying, giving of alms, observing special or holy days etc, but if you are still living in sins, you are a ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING’’ before God.

    If you give good alms, good offerings, good cash for God’s work, you may even build a church or mosque, you may pay good tithes regularly. Yet as long as your life is not right with your Maker, you are a GOOD FOR NOTHING.

    When people see you outwardly, they see a fine Christian, zealous of good works, and they wish to live such fine and zealous life. You outwardly create thirst in people’s heart for righteousness, but if you are living in secret sins, you are a ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING’’.

    When you are good in kingdom service, you are good soloist or praise worship leader, you are a good instrumentalist, you are a good organizer or administrator, you are a good mobiliser or usher, that when you are not there things would not work well. Yet, if you are living in secret or open sins, you are a ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING.’’

    ‘’Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and be trodden under foot of men.’’(Matthew5; 13). This declaration from no other than your Maker is greatly dangerous. A GOOD FOR NOTHING like empty carton or tin would be cast out.

    Thus no matter your title or position or status as long as in the sight of God you are ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING’’, the LORD says you will be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth’’, (Matthew25:30)

    When you get good for nothing materials in your house you don’t continue to keep such, rather you pack them out and burn. So, in the kingdom any ‘’GOOD FOR NOTHING’’ would not only be cast out but also be burnt in the lake that burns with sulfur and fire.

    ‘’But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and idolaters, and all liars, (And whosoever was not found written in the book of life. (Rev.21:15)) Shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.’’ Revelation21:8. Then they become trodden under the foot of the saints.

    With all that the LORD has invested in you; He loved you so much He laid down His life for you, He died that you might live, His blood was shed for the remission of your sins, He ever lives to make intercession for you so that you might be saved. (John3:16, Luke13:6-9). Will you allow all these to be in vain? You can still turn to God now that you are still alive. Your Maker can still make good thing out of your ‘’good for nothing’’ if only you will turn to Him right now in penitence and humbly confess your sins to Him and ask for pardon. He is merciful and just to forgive because He does not have pleasure in your death. Do not procrastinate for the best time is NOW.

    ‘’Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. For HE saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee; behold, now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation.’’ (Isaiah55:6-7, 2Corinthians6:2).

    What else are you waiting for, this is your own day of salvation, open your heart and invite the LORD Jesus Christ into your life now, accept HIM today and now as your LORD and SAVIOUR; tomorrow may be too late.

    For counseling and prayers, you can call: 08034388844 ,08089467186.