    Message, Special Message


    January 12, 2021

    A salt has no look like other ingredients, sends out no aroma like other seasonings, but without it the soup is tasteless.

    Men of true impact don’t fight for position, visibility or appearance.

    Their results speak for them not their propaganda.

    You don’t need to shout to be heard, people keep quiet to listen to intelligent people

    A salt maintains its integrity amidst pollution.

    Have you seen where a salt buyer demands to taste it before buying? because salt has proved its integrity over the ages.

    if you will need to swear before people believe you, you lack integrity.

    Is your life a salt to the earth or an insult?

    The easiest and only way the salt can lose its taste is when mixed up.

    Watch your association this year, you are too needed to be wasted..

    Be a salt not an insult.


    My First 2021 lesson

    January 12, 2021

    On my way back from church, this first Sunday in Jan. 2021. I decided to take a walk home following a quiet street not far from the church and my house and on the quiet street that leads to the major road where I live, a group of children where on their way back home too, obviously from their own church. The noise they were making behind me was pleasant as it kept me company and warm. I turned to steal a glance at them.

    There were two young girls probably 7 and 8 years or there about and their young but older teenage sister, maybe 13. Matured and very beautiful.

    They were chatting nicely and happily behind me, the two little girls started running, obviously they must have sighted their house and suddenly the teenage girl said with a loud voice, “without me, you cannot open the door because I have the key. So you are just running.” 

    (She said the “just running” with a voice that shows that it was a fruitless effort.)

    She said it with a note of confidence and finality in her voice. There was this authority in the way she announced it with a gentle but definite voice. Then her little sisters drew back to her. After few minutes, they started running again and she announced, ” without me, you can not enter, so you are just running for running, just for running”.

     Then again, the little ones, drew back to her. This they did for few more times or so and she kept announcing with a loud voice,  “without me you cannot enter! I have the key!

     Then the Holy spirit asked me, ” Who does she sound like?”

    Then I told myself that her words sounds so much like the words of Jesus, #John 15:5  ….without me, ye can do nothing#.

    I smiled and listened to the discussion the Holy spirit was bringing up. At this point, they have caught up with me and I turned with a smile on my face and took a good look at the three of them. And the lord continued speaking within me and I was enjoying every bit of it.

      Then I noticed that there was a woman and a little boy ahead of me but a bit far. Then I heard the teenage girl say again… “Mummy and Ire are just running for nothing. Without me, they cannot enter.”

    At this point a man was passing by and heard her, he laughed a bit and shook his head and I felt that probably he got the message that the girl was rechoing almost the same words of Jesus. “Without me, you cannot enter”.

    Then I noticed the woman ahead was her mom. At this time, her two little sisters have gotten the message and stopped running. They were now steadily walking by her side. No more running. Then the younger of the two girls said quietly, “Mummy and Ire, they are just running, they don’t know that without my big sister, they cannot enter”.

    I told myself that the mother should have known better and the Holy spirit replied me asking, ” How many of you know better?”.

    The Holy spirit took over and ministerd to me, a whole lesson of my 2021 future endeavours and efforts. (Time will not permit me to share all.) But Let me ask you friends, do you know that if you start any business run now, or relationship run, or academic or ministerial run or anything at all without Him. You cannot open the door of success when you get there? Because He alone has the key and without Him, ye can do nothing! You will just be running for running sake. It’s called rat race.

    Few steps ahead, the mother stopped at their black gate ahead and waited till the custodian of the key arrived. She stood under the sun, stranded till the teenage girl arrived. I took a good look at the faces of the beautiful girls the lord used to teach me, smiled at them and passed, headed for my own house with a lot of lessons learnt from the family.

    Pls don’t just be running in 2021, without Jesus you cannot open any door.

    Wait on God, move only when He moves, stay by His side, walk with Him.

    For without Him ye can do nothing




    December 20, 2020

    God is not an opportunist. Life on earth is about investments; it is only those who make deposits that man make withdrawals. You cannot withdraw from a bank that you did not make deposit in. if you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing. In God’s agenda, every harvest must start with a seed; you cannot reap where you have not sown (Ecc. 3:2)

    Jesus had to lay down His life before He could take it again. Sometimes, we want blessings but we don’t want the responsibilities that come with it. (John 12:24)(John 10:17-18)

    As you lay down your life for His service, you will never remain the same in Jesus name!

    Addiction originated from the word ‘Addict’. An addict is someone who is devoted to or surrenders himself habitually to the control and influence of a thing or person. He is someone, who without compulsion, likes and enjoys something so much that he spends time, valuable resources and energy in doing it, for example a drug addict.

    An addict is a devotee; a fanatic and one who is obsessed or possessed by something or someone. He is someone who is accustomed to a thing or person that he cannot stay away or live without that thing or person. He is so sold-out to that thing.

    An addict is someone who allows himself to be influenced and controlled by something or someone he loves and holds in high esteem.

    Kingdom addiction is joyfully allowing God to exercise full ownership and control over your life, time, resources, career and decisions towards the advancement of God’s cause on earth.

    It is to be sold-out to God so much so that nothing in life matters to you except those things that matter to God.

    Kingdom addiction is to be devoted to God and His work. It is the readiness to live and die for God’s cause on earth without due consideration to self.

    It is feeling what God feels and allow only what moves God to move you. It is humanity allowing divinity to dominate and exercise absolute control over her; interrupting her activities any day and time; spirit soul and body.

    It is having the habit of being obsessed with the mentality and lifestyle of promoting God’s cause and advancing His kingdom.

    Life is of no worth if you are not living it for Christ. Most Christians have accepted Christ as their Savior but have not made Him the Lord of their lives; they are not dedicated to Him. There is a great difference between Altar call and dedication.

    Altar call does not guarantee heaven; otherwise, Judas would have made heaven. He accepted Christ as his master but was not dedicated to Him. So, do not get carried away by the altar call you made; you must be sold-out to Him if you want to make heaven.

    Kingdom addiction calls for total surrendering of all you are, all you own and all you do. It is a total dedication to God.

    Kingdom addiction is the secret behind earthly distinction. Until you are sold out to God, you cannot stand out in life.

    There are five cardinal points or principal pillars of kingdom addiction and they include:

    Vineyard addiction

    Fishing and hunting addiction

    Capital investment addiction

    Affection/love addiction

    Stewardship addiction

    Vineyard addiction is about becoming addicted to fellowship; when coming to church becomes a delight. David was so addicted to fellowship that he went to the temple three times to pray and seven times to praise daily. He was the wealthiest and the most powerful man in his time, ye, he had time for God. People who avoid fellowship usually get into trouble.

    When you are addicted to God’s presence, you enjoy divine health, obtain joy and gladness; and God reveals His ways to you among other benefits

    Fishing and hunting addiction is about being addicted to soul winning. The primary reason you are born again is to save others. You have no justification to condemn a sinner you have not preached to. Your love for God is fake if you are not interested in soul winning. Use everything you have to bring them to Jesus.

    Capital investment addiction involves serving God with your finances while affection addiction is simply being committed to God delightsomely. It is your affection for the kingdom that triggers your rapid promotion and guarantees your earthly distinction.

    Finally, stewardship addiction is when you are addicted to serving God. Stop waiting for big titles and start serving with all your heart. Every title in the church is a call to service and fruit bearing.

    When you are addicted in the areas listed above, God will cause you to be distinguished here on earth, your coast will be enlarged and God Himself will announce you to your world in Jesus name!



    December 20, 2020

    Dear Servants of God all over the world all over the World, please hear me very well.

    The Battle against your Spiritual Father is a Battle you can Never Win no matter who is backing you.

    Don’t even attempt it, you can never win it.

    You may be anointed to kill Golaith but will forever not be Anointed and Permitted to kill Saul.

    Ask David whenever you see him.

    You cannot ERASE the man who RAISED you.

    You cannot DISHONOUR the Man who made people HONOUR you.

    You cannot bring EMBARRASSME to the Man who gave you ENDORSEMENT.

    Never become a PROBLEM to the Man who gave you a PLATFORM to Rise.

    Why become WARFARE to the Man who took care of your WELFARE.

    Determine not to become a DISAPPOINTMENT to the man who gave you APPOINTMENT.

    How can a man put so much INVESTMENT into your life, and your thank you to him, is to put so much BEREAVEMENT into his own life.

    In most cases, Fathers may be the one who WRONGED you. But still remember, the God who ANOINTED David to kill Goliath will not ALLOW him to kill Saul.

    The DRUNKENNESS of Noah is not a license to expose his NAKEDNESS.

    That will be WICKEDNESS AND FOOLISHNESS in the sight Of God.

    One of the sons of Noah EXPOSED his father’s NAKEDNESS, FORGETTING it was his father’s RIGHTEOUSNESS that once SAVED him from the FLOOD.

    Remember, Noah found GRACE with GOD, yet he found DISGRACE with his son.

    Some sons think they are more RIGHTEOUS than God who CHOSE a man despite his WEAKNESS.

    If you KNOW the WEAKNESS of your Father, It is because he gave you the ACCESS you don’t DESERVE.

    Imagine for a moment, if Noah had LOCKED himself up ALONE in his BEDROOM to drink his stuff, he will wake up and Packaged himself all by himself. Without any son SEEING him, and coming under a CURSE.

    The MISTAKE of Moses in MARRYING an Ethiopian Woman has not taken away from him the MANTLE to make Mariam LEPROUS.

    Members must beware of Assistant Pastor Aaron, They will lead you in a FIGHT AGAINST Your GOD GIVEN MOSES, but when it is time for leprosy to be given, the oil on their head MAY save them, but the GULLIBLE Mariam will suffer alone for following what is wrong.

    It was Aaron that lead the attack against Moses, Yet it was Miriam alone that suffered leprosy.

    God respect the Priesthood ANYDAY and ANYTIME.





    Never forget this statement for the rest of your life.

    The PERSONS who came to TELL king David that they have finally KILLED Saul his ENEMY, were also killed by David as their REWARD for KILLING a BACKSLIDDEN PROPHET.


    Let us pray for Spiritual Fathers:

    Dear Lord,

    We ask you keep our Fathers all over the world from Failing and Falling.

    Help them to live a life of Scriptural examples at all times.

    For those going through the pain of betrayal, heal them and bring them out stronger.

    Some are bleeding and leading at the same time, let your Grace be sufficient for them.

    This I ask for in Jesus Mighty Name i have prayed. AMEN.

    Message, Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    Text: Isaiah 60:1-5
    INTRODUCTION: In this portion of the scriptures there are four things that are evident which we are going to look at:

    • There is proclamation to arise and then shine.
    • There is a provision for your rising and shinning.
    • There is a purpose for your rising and shinning.
    • There is a prophecy surrounding your rising and shinning.
      There is a divine commandment for you to arise and thereafter shine. God is never pleased when His children are stagnant and are not making progress.
    • His will for everyone that believes in Him is to rise and make progress in every facet of their lives.
      Let us see the possible initial situations before the proclamation to arise and shine:
      I. In a fallen position. (Micah 7:8)
      It is possible to fall into sin, error, or failure. Whichever is the case God is willing to draw you out so that those positions will only be temporary and are not meant to be the end or the final state of your life.
      II. In a dead situation. (Ezekiel 37:10)
      God has a plan to raise you up from you up from the state of spiritual death, and any thing that is dead in your body or your life can be raised back to life by the power of His Spirit. I prophesy after the order of Ezekiel that the power of the Holy Ghost come upon you and raise up to life whatsoever is dead in your body in Jesus name.
      III. In a confused situation. (Acts 9:6)
      There are sometimes that one will be confused and know not what to do or the right step to take. God is telling you today to arise from the state of your confusion and receive divine leading and direction in Jesus name.
      It is the devil that will want to keep you in confusion, because a confused soul is a captured soul, but God says to you ‘arise and shine’
      IV. In a sitting situation (idleness). (Acts 9:10-17)
      Whenever one is idle and doing nothing profitable to the Lord and His kingdom, he or she is living below the purpose of God for his or her life.
      There is something you can do for the Lord, stop sitting idle in your local assembly, discover a need and make yourself available for it as you depend on the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.
      V. In a sleeping situation. Spiritual and physical (Acts 12:1-7)
      When the church was sleeping spiritually, they suffered greatly from Herod, but when they rose to pray there was supernatural deliverance, not only for Peter but for the whole congregation.
      We need heaven-sent revival upon the church today so that we can rise to the task of the
      kingdom and be effective and victorious over the kingdom of darkness.
      VI. In a fearful and reluctant situation.
      Most people God called for any specific assignment in the Bible were usually fearful and reluctant in the first instance, but through the help of God and His encouragement, they were able to do great exploits for the Lord that they could not imagine they could do.
      Men like Moses, Gideon, Jonah, Joshua, and including the entire apostle Jesus called in the New Testament.
      God is saying to you to drop your fear and break up your reluctances so that you can rise up to do whatsoever He has called you to do. You are not going to do it by your wisdom or strength, but by those of His.
      VII. In a lazy and slothful situation.
      The major problem of some believers is that they are lazy, and this is having a negative effect in their spiritual lives and in one way or the other affecting them even in other aspect of their lives.
      It is the will of God that you arise from laziness in every area of your life and be diligent and remain fervent in the Spirit.
      Without arising, shinning will not be possible, as we have seen in our text.
      Your light has come, and the glory of God is risen upon thee. You are not left alone to make the progress on your own, infact you can not even succeed on your own, because without Him you can do nothing
      All you need to do is to arise and seek for the help He has made available for you to make necessary progress in every area of your life.
      Jesus is the light shinning upon us, and until He shines on us, there is no way we can shine
      Our shinning is a reflection of his light. That is why He described Himself as the Light and called us the light of the world. It is as we receive the light from the source that we can then shine it to the darkness of the world.
      When God appears for us, his glory will be seen upon us. We will see ourselves doing the unusual things, but we must remember to return all the glory back to Him.
      Attempting to shine without his light and glory will bring: failure, shame, disappointment and falsehood. (Zechariah 4:6)
      The seven sons of Sceva attempted to shine without the light of God upon them, and their authority was questioned and they were disgraces by evil spirits.
      There is a divine purpose for your rising and this is for you to standout and show forth the glory of God, so that other people may come to know the Lord through His marvelous works in your life. The reasons include:
      I. Darkness covering the earth.
    • The whole world lies in darkness and God desires that there be separation of all His chidren from the worldly principles and standards. (1 John 2:15-17)
      II. Gross darkness covering the people.
      This world is full of wicked people practicing all forms of wickedness against mankind and against God and His words, so God desires that there be separation of the children of the kingdom from wicked people. (Psalms 1:1-3)
      i. Gentiles coming to the light.
      You are the light of the world. When you begin to shine, the unbeliever will be attracted to God and His kingdom through your life.
      This is the purpose for which you are created and called. Your life must win souls to the kingdom of God, not only through your preaching but much more through your living right according to the will of God.
      ii. Kings shall come to the brightness of thy rising.
      Your rising and shining is not only to attract mere men but also people in the high position of honor and authority.
      The life of Philip attracted the Ethiopian Eunuch to the kingdom of God; likewise Paul was able to win Governors to the kingdom of God during His days.
      You are not to be intimidated by men of high position in the society, all of them need the gospel of peace, and they can have it only through your rising and shining.
      iii. All that belong to thee shall come to thee.
      You have a wonderful promise that you will have all that belong to you; either they have been stolen, destroyed or delayed. I pray that this come to fulfillment in your life speedily in Jesus name.
      iv. Enlargement on every side.
      You will also not be limited on any side, but the Lord will enlarge your coast and expand your territory.
      -His word says little flock should not be afraid because it is the will of God to make it a greater kingdom. I prophesy divine enlargement in every area of your small beginning in Jesus name.
      v. Riches of the gentiles to be given to thee.
      The riches of those who refuse the gospel and rejected God will be transfer over unto you as a child of the kingdom.
      We need proper understanding of these promises over our lives as children of God and we should believe them that they are being fulfilled in our lives if we can remain faithful unto God in all areas of our lives.
      God says to you today arise from whatsoever is your situation unto a greater height where you begin to shine, fulfill His purposes for your life and enjoy His blessings to the fullest.

    Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    SCRIPTURE: And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25

    Unforgiveness refers to the lack of forgiveness; it is the inability of a person to let go of offences and offenders from his/her heart. It is very important to forgive because unforgiveness has many dangers.

    Now, what are some of the dangers of unforgiveness?

    1. Unforgiveness prevents people from receiving from God

    The truth is, if you feel someone’s offence against you is too grievous for you to forgive, your sins as well would be too grievous for God to forgive (Matthew 18:32-35).

    2. Prayer becomes a waste of time where unforgiveness is in place

    Without forgiveness, prayer becomes a waste of time and an exercise in futility (Matthew 18:35).

    3. Unforgiveness attracts the ministry of tormentors

    If you don’t forgive, you have signed in to the activities of tormentors in your life. Cancer is a tormentor, ulcer, paralysis, arthritis, poverty, witchcraft attacks, etc. are all tormentors (Matthew 18:32-35). But that shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.

    4. Unforgiveness invites troubles to life.

    The root of bitterness (unforgiveness) makes life bitter

    5. Unforgiveness leads people to eternal damnation in hell fire (1 John 3:14-15).

    Unforgiveness is the pathway to eternity in hellfire. Therefore, refuse to go to hell because of being hurt by a person.

    Now, what are the keys to forgiveness?

    1. Remember that you have been forgiven by God of your sins

    Always know that if God could forgive you, you too can forgive another person.

    2. Remember that your eternity is at stake

    To agree to be unforgiving is to sign in for hellfire.

    Beloved, I prophesy the grace and the spirit of forgiveness upon you, in Jesus’ Name.


    1. Make up your mind not to go to hell because of offence or hurt.

    2. Ask God daily for the grace to forgive.

    3. Pray for and reconcile with all offenders.

    PRAYER: Lord, I make demands on Your grace to be able to forgive offences and offenders. Help me not to be an agent of offence to people Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

    When we carry bitterness and unforgiveness, we carry again what was nailed on the cross with Jesus Christ. We take on the nature of satan and God is forced to look away from us.


    Today, I release upon your life the grace to overcome bitterness and  forgive all offences in the Name of Jesus. May the nature of Christ be released upon your life to bear fruit that will abide in Jesus’ Name. Shalom!

    Message, Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    In Chemistry, chemicals when they come in contact with one another react to form something else like a compound. When an acid whether concentrated or diluted comes in contact with a base, it result in the formation of salt and water.

    For instance, if tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid commonly known as Sulfuric acid reacts with a base say sodium peroxide, it will give us Sodium Hydrogen sulphate and water. Likewise, if you combine Hydrogen chloride or Hydrochloric acid with base, it will give sodium Chloride commonly called common salt and water.

    So, in the spiritual matters, every man is born toxic and acidic. Though the level of concentration differ, this may be due to upbringing or religion etc.

    Nevertheless, everyone is born toxic, that is: sinful.

    David said “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51: 5).

    No matter how moral one may be he/she still dwell in sin due to the Adamic nature. Morality is not synonymous to salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In fact, the most saintly saint is saintless when the grace of God is not there.

    Eliphaz the Temanite said “shall mortal man be more just than God? A man be more pure than his maker?”

    “Behold, He put no trust in His sarvant; and His angels He charged with folly.”

    “How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth? (Job 4: 17 – 19)”

    Man that is born of a woman is filthy, impure, unjust, unrighteous, and all together unholy. Sin has contaminated every part of man even from the womb to the tomb. That is why the psalmist declared “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God, They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good”.

    “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the Children of man, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.”

    “They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Psalm 14: 1-3; 53: 1-3; Romans 3:10)

    These verses of the scripture succinctly describe the state of the unregenerate man; corrupt, abominable, without understanding of the things of God, ignore

    God, ignorant of God, have gone from God, become filthy etc.

    These are the traits of the terrible state of the natural man.

    But alas! When the same man is born and met with Christ before death, the product of such a spiritual reaction is a salt of the earth and light of the world.

    When an injurious, a blasphemer and a persecutor man, called Saul of tarsus, (filled with fury and indignation going from one city to another arresting, casting into prison and killing people) was on his way to Damascus with letters from the

    High priest got in contact with Jesus Christ (Acts 9: 1-22; 1Timothy 1: 13-16), he became a new man; a salt of the earth, a light of the world.

    From his personal experience of spiritual reaction, Paul declared to the Corinthian brethren.

    “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh, yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more”

    “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things (both the spirit, nature and power of sin called the old man i.e. the lust of the eyes, lusts of the flesh and the pride of life; which is nothing more or less than the Spirit, nature and power of Satan working in man of disobedience. And also the out ward sin or transgression of the law. These outward sin are listed in Mark 7: 19-

    21; Rom: 1: 18-32; 1Corinthians 6:9-11; Gal 5:19-21; Col 3:5-10) are passed away; behold, all things are become new” 2Corinthians 5:16-17.

    Yes, all old things both inward and outward sins must pass away, and all things are become new when an acidic and caustic fellow comes in contact with Christ

    Jesus, his/her life can never remain the same. Those that knew him on the other

    side of the divide or in sin, cannot but testify to a changed man.

    A visit to Calvary, is to meet with Christ and there be changed. A man/woman that professed to have met Christ or be in Christ and no noticeable change can be seen in his/her life is only deceiving him or herself. Christ makes the difference. If the type of life you are living before coming to the Lord is still the same after you professed to have come then you are still in your sins, you are not yet in Christ.

    “For if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away and, behold all things are become new” 2Corinthians 5:17

    There must surely be a difference between night and day, darkness and light, Christian and unbelievers, sinner and saint.

    Are you in Christ not by profession but by acting then show it by a change of life seen not by you but others. When there is a spiritual reaction there definitely must be a greatly noticeable change seen by others around you.

    “While passing through this world of sin, and others your life might view, say doth it point them to the sky?

    Do others see Jesus in you?

    Ref “Let others see Jesus in you /2ce

    Keep telling the story, be faithful and true

    Let others see Jesus in you”

    Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

    “For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His pleasure

    “Do all things without murmuring and disputing

    “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke; in the midst of a crooked and perverse nations, among whom ye shine as light in the world (Philippians 2: 12-15).

    Coming in contact with Christ must bring a noticeable change. And if you are still outside Christ, you are on a dangerous path. The Bible says “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death”

    Proverbs14: 12.

    If you are persuading yourself that easily besetting sin, evil dealings, false religion

    and selfish way are right, or your morality, religious activities and services, tithes and recognition with no life changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Then you are living in Fool’s Paradise or self-delusion.

    Just as an acid remains what it is until it comes in contact with base and the forms salt and water, so you remain who you are; a filthy, wretched sinner damned to eternal destruction until you come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

    It is only those in Christ that can bring forth new life. Come to Jesus today, surrender your life to Him completely and let Him have His way in you. By this your life will completely change and you will at last be a candidate of heaven!



    August 28, 2020

    Text: John 9:1-37

    Key Verse: He answered and said, whether He be a sinner or no, I know not; One thing I know, that, whereas, I was blind, now I see “John 9:25” One of the outstanding miracles, the Lord Jesus Performed in His earthly ministry was the one recorded in our Bible passage today.

    Truly, He opened many blind eyes including that of Bartimus in Mark 10: 46-52; but this one was unique and peculiar because Christ demonstrated His creative power as God. The blind man above forty years was born without eyes, blind from

    His mother’s womb, other ever saw with their eyes at one point or the other in their lives before they became blind. But this man never saw anything since he was born, no wonder, it was believed that he was born a sinner or that the terrible sins of His parents were visited upon him from the womb (John 9: 27-33).

    He was made to believe that his case was an irrevocable impossible (John 9: 30-32).

    But mercy came in, and his story changed. His miracle was such as never been “Since the beginning of the world” (vs32) and has never been after his own.

    It was not only unique, it was also peculiar.

    The enemies tried to cover his testimony through intimidation but it could not be covered. (John 9: 18-22), they tried covering the testimony through cajoling but it could not be covered. The enemies tried to cover his testimony through mockery but it refused to be covered.

    Before the end of this year, that miracle that people never thought could happen  to you, that miracle that is difficult for people to believe, that miracle that will bring exclamation from the mouth of people, that earth rendering, earth shaking  miracle, may the Lord God give you in Jesus Mighty name.

    The testimony that cannot be covered, miracle that cannot be explained by  human reasoning, that miracle that is far beyond, human understanding, human  wisdom, human knowledge, that miracle that cannot be gain said, that miracle

    that cannot be denied, I say that miracle that will make you the receiver to dance without music, that miracle that will make you celebrate and be celebrated, that miracle that will confound your enemies I release into your life and family this season in Jesus name. You are sure coming back with your testimony, I say you are coming back with your change of story in Jesus mighty name.

    Message, Special Message


    August 28, 2020

    Psalm 103:9,95:1-5, Daniel 2:20-22


    God has ever been involved in the affairs of man from the creation. Has a matter of fact He is the

    Creator, the owner and the sustainer of the universe. He came down at the cool of the day to see how

    Adam is administering the garden of Eden. Gen. 3: 8. From then it has been a direct government by God through the instrument of Men.


    GOD – The supreme being; God of all. – The eternal King and the controller of the heaven and earth. Dan 4:37

    – He who sits in heaven and sovereignty does what pleases His will. Psa. 22:28, Dan.34:35

    ADMINISTRATION: – Is the Management of the resources in order to accomplish the goals of the organization. – God govern inanimate matter, Earth, and Air, Water, hail and snow, stormy winds and angry seas. All perform the word of His power and fulfill His sovereign pleasure. – God govern the children of men.

    MAN:- The term used for humanity. – God’s creature (on the 6th day) made in God’s image and likeness (Gen 26:,27). – The beneficiary of God’ love, tender care, benevolence and grace.(Jn. 3:16,1Jn3:16) – The victim of Fall, becoming deprived, sinful, and helpless, and so, needs redemption

    (Rom.3:23;6:23), and so needs God- instituted redemption to make it back to God and heaven.

    WHY IS GOD INVOLVED IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF MAN?.  ( Job 26:8-10, Psa. 24:1,2 ; 89:11,12)

    God justification/authority for involvement in the administration of Man.

    (1)The creator;  Every one who design a thing has the patent right to it.  As creator/Designer, God knows the makeup of every creature, including man.  He has the right to maintain and moderate everything for His glorious purpose (Rev.4:11)

     (2) The Owner (Psa. 24:1)h  The creator is also the owner of any product. Such is the case with God. He creates and thus owns the universe, Man inclusive.  Ownership talks about the right of possession; the legal right of possessing  something.  As the Owner of the universe, He has the legitimate right as to what He choose to do with His creatures He so desires ( Psa. 115:3)  Man is God’s property.

    (3) The Controller:  No one has total control over a thing than the owner.  God has been in control ever before the heavens and earth were, continues as such since He called them to be, and continue till eternity. Many mighty Kings testified about Him.

    Dan. 4: 34-35

    He has knowledge and power with which He controls everything.( Psa. 95: 1 -5)  His complete ownership of, and sovereignty over everything, making all things to depend upon

    Him for their existence and their continuance.   As controller of human race, He has a definite plan for us that is revealed to those who have committed their ways to Him. (Eph. 1:9-11)  He govern all human plan and acts (Prov. 16 :9,33; 19:21; 20:24 ; Jere.10:23).


    Recognition and acknowledge of God as the Creator, Owner and Controller of heaven and earth

    (Eccl. 12:1,6).  Love and worship (Deut.6:4,5,13 Lk 4:8). Cordial relationship/ Fellowship/Friendship with Him (Jn 15:14).  Faithfulness (Lk,12:42; 1 cor4:2). Cooperation with Him (Jn 8: 29).  Total submission to, and dependency upon His Holy Spirit (Rom 8:1).  Understanding  His ways, work and workings.  The true fear of God evident in keeping His commands.(Eccl. 12:13,14).


    Shortly after the creation and exaltation of man over all other God’s creation, man yielded to the temptation of wanting to be equal with his Maker. He believed the lies of the devil his enemy thereby making God a liar. He disobeyed his Maker eating the forbidden fruit and the consequences are still here with us. Generations after generations have followed the steps Adam and Eve with increase in iniquity till the flood wiped out that generation. Yet the insubordinate nature of man continues to manifest even after the flood. God then decided to redeem man by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. But man went ahead and killed Him (Matt. 21:33-40). Till this age man’s affront against God is multiplying and iniquities are abounding with the consequences all around us.


    There are grave consequences for every act of insubordination to the Almighty God. Such include death (both physical and spiritual), pestilence, famine etc. Examples abound in the scriptures but we shall consider these few:

    Fools (Psa. 14:1) exhibit wickedness and corrupt practice as demonstration of their query of the legitimacy of God’s involvement in their affairs, and that is dangerous ( Rom. 1:28).  Sodom and Gomorrah – consume by fire ( Gen. 19:12-29)  Pharaoh – Plague and destruction(Exo.5:2,7:17,  Nebuchanezzar – dethroned and leave with animal for seven years .Dan. 2ff.  The rich fool – death Lk. 12: 16 – 21.


    Two alternative confront us, and is either we acknowledge and recognize God has the owner

    and the controller of everything, man inclusive or not. No matter the situation God is in control.

    Let us recognize His Lordship and controllership to avert gnashing of teeth at the end. Rev. 19: 20 -21; 20: 12-15. May such not be our lot, in Jesus’ name.  Amen



    August 28, 2020

    1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gifts and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot.

    2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy.

    3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections.

    4. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighbourhood was once a puppy. Keep the information/secret to yourself.

    5. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future works less in the future.

    6. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers, both religious and educational.

    7. Attend seminars and trainings on any area you need to improve yourself – Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales etc.

    8. Have the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come in the form of flashes. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain.

    9. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words.

    10. Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sit in front of them to watch men with big libraries.

    11. Put control over your mouth; never say evil of any man; what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men.

    12. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received.

    13. Always help someone in need.

    14. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size.

    15. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.

    16. Create legitimate multiple sources of income.

    17. Save at least 10 percent of your income.

    18. Invest a portion of your income, and be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed; sow it.

    19. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go”

    20. Be involved in community services, Control traffic, free lesson class for students etc.

    21. Keep getting better on your daily goals and dream, develop yourself on them and make sure you get to the top 10 % of your industry.

    22. Make sure you engage in physical exercise. It keeps your brain alert and your body fit to enjoy your success.

    23. Pray often, and know that for every success, God made it possible.