    Health Talk, Uncategorized


    January 14, 2023

    What is Stress?

              Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. It also means your body’s response to a situation that requires attention or action. The way you respond to stress however makes a big difference to your overall well-being.

    Examples of Stress are:

    1. Too much responsibility
    2. Having a heavy workload
    3. Working for long hours
    4. Working under dangerous condition
    5. Taking care of an Elderly or sick family member
    6. Loss of job
    7. Divorce
    8. The death of loved one etc

    Sometimes the Stress comes from inside rather than outside. You can stress yourself out just by worrying about things.

    Some of the period of time you may start to notice one physical signs;

    1. Change in mood
    2. Tiredness
    3. Difficulty in sleeping
    4. Clamoring or sweaty palms
    5. Decreased sex drive
    6. Diarrhea
    7. Digestive problems
    8. Dizziness
    9. Feeling anxious
    10. Frequent sickness
    11. Grinding teeth
    12. Headache
    13. Low energy
    14. Muscle tension especially in the neck and shoulders.
    15. Physical aches and pain

    When stress becomes longtime and is not properly addressed,it can lead to Chronic health issues. The serious health conditions are;

    1. Depression
    2. Heart diseases
    3. High blood pressure
    4. Diabetes
    5. Anxiety
    6. Obesity
    7. Flare-up of asthma or arthritis
    8. Mental problem
    9. Skin problems such as ache psoriasis and eczema

    How to manage stress

    1. Take good care of yourself
      • Exercise
      • Eat healthy
      • Get plenty of sleep and give yourself a break if you feel stressed out.
    2. Take care of your body
      • Stretch
      • Eat healthy, balance meals
      • Avoid excessive alcohol/substance use
      • Continue with your routine preventive measures such as cancer screening, vaccinations as recommended by health care personnel.
      • Get vaccinated against covid 19 as soon as possible
      • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
      • Talk to others, talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling
      • Connect with your spiritual leaders.
      • Take a break from watching, reading or listening to news, including those on social media. Disconnect yourself from TV, phones and computer for a while.
      • Recognize when you need help, talk to your psychologist, socio workers or professional counselors.

    How can you live healthy in 2023?

    We can achieve this by carrying out general medical check-up. General check-up helps us to identify any early signs of health issues before they become a problem. It also help us to avoid a wide numbers of diseases.

    Maintenance of health matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce diseases and even death.

    Common Medical Check-up or test to carry out are;

    • Heamogram
    • Blood sugar
    • Cholesterol
    • Pulmonary function test
    • Liver profile
    • Thyroid profile
    • Vitamin check
    • Ct calcium score
    • ECG
    • Chest X-ray
    • Cardiac test
    • Lungs function test
    • 2D ECHO
    • USG Abdomen
    • Pelvis and more

    Health Tips for 2023

    1. Eat a healthy diet; fruit, vegetables and grains.
    2. Consumption of less salt and sugar
    3. Reduce intake of harmful fat
    4. Avoid harmful use of alcohol
    5. Don’t smoke
    6. Regular exercise
    7. Check your blood pressure regularly
    8. Get vaccinated e.g meningitis
    9. Drink safe or pure water
    10. Clean your hand regularly and properly
    11. Personal hygiene
    12. Take your drugs as prescribed by Doctor (accordingly)
    13. Cooking of food properly
    14. Store your food properly
    15. Separate your raw food from cooked food
    16. Smile always
    17. Learn to say no to the things you did not want
    18. Connect with happy people
    19. Listen to inspiring music
    20. Get enough sleep
    21. Meditate on/read your bible.


    January 14, 2023

    TEXT: LUKE 8:37-40

    INTRODUCTION: The nature (the wind, storm and sea) obeyed and were subject unto Jesus, the devil (in their millions) obeyed and were subject to Jesus. But men resisted, refuse and rejected Him.

              However, the man that had the great encounter with him was ever ready to go with him wherever He went.

    The wise and the foolish (Matt. 25:1-13)

              The coming of the Lord will be like a thief in the night (1Thes. 5:1-8, Matt. 24:43-44)at a time when no one expects. The parable of the ten virgins teaches us readiness or preparedness of His people.

    The Lord first described the foolishness of the foolish;

    But the wise took their lamps and took oil with them. They went prepared and were able to go in with the bridegroom.

              How prepared are you for the coming of the Lord Jesus? It is only those that were ready that “gladly received Him; for they were all waiting for Him” (Luke 8:40). Are you waiting for Him? How are you waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ?

              “They were all waiting for Him in holiness and righteousness (Luke 1:74-75)”. They were waiting for Him in Love (1John 3:13-16;4:7-12). They were all waiting for Him in Prayers and fervent spirit (Rom. 12:11). They were all waiting for Him in peace, not having any grudge or offence against anyone (Heb. 12:14).

    Are you waiting for Him? Will you be accounted worthy to receive Him when He comes? Remember, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. How prepared are you for the coming of the Lord Jesus? (Amos 4:12).

    The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.


    The Testimony of A Muslim Convert

    December 30, 2022

    Why I Converted From Islam to Christianity.

    I converted from Islam to Christianity simply because Islam gives no guarantee of salvation. 

    Because Islam recognizes that Jesus is ‘the word of God’ so God “the Messiah” therefore the savior ( Surah 3 v 45). 

    Because Allah recognizes in the Qur’an that those who follow Jesus Christ (Christians) will be above those who do not follow Jesus Christ ( Muslims and others) until resurrection ( surah 3 v 55). 

    Because Qur’an itself recognizes that Jesus Christ is without sin (pure) (surah 19 v 19), while the Qur’an asks Mohammed to pray for the forgiveness of his sins ( surah 40 v 55).

    Unlike Mohammed, Jesus has lived more than 33 years without ever sinning.

    I converted because where Mohammed recommends the killing of enemies, (surah 9 v 5) Jesus Christ recommends loving them (Matthew 5 v 44).

    Mohammed just affirmed, but Jesus Christ confirmed his words with all kinds of miracles and resurrection of his death.

    I converted because Mohammed is asking the Muslims to turn to Christians to get the truth (surah 10 v 94).

    I converted because despite Mohammed’s claim to be the seal of the prophets, he is dead and will never return, but Jesus Christ whom I hated before, died and resurrected and will come back to fight the Antichrist (even according to Islam).

    I converted because despite Jesus Christ being surrounded by several women, he did not seek to have s*x with them unlike Mohammed who even had sex with Zaynab the wife of his son Zaid, (surah 33 v 37).

    And also because up till this day, the name Jesus delivers all kinds of captives, unlike the name of Mohammed! Because Mohammed recognizes that he doesn’t know where he and the Muslims will be after death (surah 46 v 9).

    I converted because Mohammed says all Muslims will go through hell (surah 19 v 71) while Jesus Christ gives eternal life to all those who come to him (heaven) John 3 v 17.

    I converted because Jesus never attacked someone to take something from him, while Mohammed used jihad to force people to follow his beliefs.

    May I conclude by saying Jesus Christ is indeed the Way, and the Truth and the Life, no one can come to God except through JESUS CHRIST.

    Special Message, Uncategorized


    December 18, 2022

    Xmas or Christmas?

    What are the differences?

    Are they the same?

    Hmmm! Let us take a look at this…..

    The difference 

    between the word 


    and the word 


    CHRISTMAS is the

    combination of 

    two words:

    “Christ and Mass.”

    Before Christ was born,

    many years ago, 

    25th Dec was used to be

    “PAGAN’S day for SACRIFICES.” 

    Later in the year 

    533 AD Constantine, 

    the head of the then

    Roman Empire being a Christian in the Roman Church which is today the Roman Catholic, 

    changed the day from

    “pagan’s day of”

    “sacrifices to” 

    “Jesus Christ’s birth commemoration.” 

    He called the day 


    i.e. CHRISTMAS

    1. CHRIST in 

    Hebrew means, 

    – The Anointed One


    – The Chosen One.

    2. MAS in 

    Greek means 

    – A Big Gathering

    of People


    CHRISTMAS means 

    – The Gathering of

    People of Christ,

    (His Followers/Disciples)


    where did the word 


    come from?

    Be ware!!

    It’s believed that after 

    the day of gathering of

    Christ’s Followers


    became famous and respected worldwide,

    Atheists & Antichrists decided to change it by

    removing the name Christ for an X to mean

    that there is no Christ.

    It changed the meaning

    by reading X-MASS 

    i.e to mean 

    “there is no gathering

    of Christ’s Followers.”

    – Merry CHRIST-MAS

    & NOT X-MAS

    X is often used to

    designate a person


    whose true name is


    “X” has nothing 

    to do with 


    “The Anointed One,”

    Let’s not replace 

    Christ with “X”

    Therefore as a Christian,

    don’t use X-MAS but use


    You might have made

    that mistake last year by

    wishing people 


    instead of 


    Why don’t you share this message with your Christian friends? 

    God bless you as you

    help and join in

    correcting this big error. 



    Student Posts, Uncategorized


    June 18, 2022

    Few weeks back. An impromptu test came up. The questions were as thus:



    3.”Who are you”?

    An easy question right? My course mates began whispering….trust students to do that. Some answered verbally immediately they saw the question on the white board; “I am that I am”. Funny, right? The questions on our minds were: Why this question? Of all the questions from that big handout, why this? What’s this Lecturer’s business with who we are? What is the relationship between who we are and this particular course? What’s the correlation between who we are and a school test? Now this question was like the easiest question on that White board for me. I mean who doesn’t know themselves? This is an open check to write about myself….Who am I? I confidently wrote who I am.

    The test came to an end few minutes later and the answers from my course mates were:

    • My name is ……
    • I am a human being.
    • I am a student Nurse and so on

    I don’t really know if anyone actually wrote the “I am that I am though”.

    I was confident that I was going to ace the test likewise every member of the class and then the shocker. We didn’t know ourselves. Apparently the answers we gave wasn’t the Lecturer’s expectation of a correct answer.

    I could remember some people saying; Is he me? Am I he? Does he know me better than myself? You can imagine the comments we jokingly told ourselves that as big as we were we don’t know ourselves.

    How can a full-grown adults not know who they are?

    Yes…. it’s very possible.

    I once watched a movie by the Mount Zion Film Institute. This movie was titled “Identity Crises”.

    The question here is do you know who you are? Most people would fail this question woefully.

    Are you who you say you are? It’s so sad a lot of Christians today are sitting on the fence.

    When challenged in dire situations do you cower? Why live a life of a lie?

    When you brag and boast in Christ, check your status in him.

    Just those three words carry a heavy weight.

    You can’t be living a life of comprise at every little nudges of sin and still boast in Christ. A little storm and you are already on your knees in the mud of immorality. A pretentious life.

    The prodigal son became a slave, a pauper and a beggar.

    He fed on pigs’ feed and crumbs. A pathetic end he was almost having until he woke up one day and realized who he was. That moment was his turning point. He broke through that siege. He recognized himself as a prince and an heir to an empire. It marked the beginning of a new dawn for him. Who are you? Are you still in the dark of your personality? If everything still goes with you, you are not aware of who you are.

    You cannot proclaim being Christ Jesus’ heir and still be in the chains and shackles of fear.

    When a mighty storm is raging against your life and you quiver in fear do you remember the mightier one who’s living inside of you. Do you know what you’re carrying? Who is solidly behind you? You can’t be shivering at that trial or test of faith.

    You are ‘Extra ordinary’. That is far above ordinary.

    A document is brought forth for you to sign for a dubious act and you are cool with it. Do you know who you are?

     Every rebellion has your stamp of partnership. Ah! Remember the end of Korah, Dothan and Abiram.

    Every fight, quarrel or malice has your fingerprints on them. Who are you really?

    Outside you are a saint, but inside a terror. Aren’t you a deceiver and not a believer?

    You are seen on the street and your outfit looks like that of a club girl. Ah! ‘E de sope yahweh’s delight leyin na’! ? No difference between you and the world. Who are you?

    That sickness raises it’s ugly head and you are weeping and biting your fingers. Rise up! Do you know what you carry?

    That raging storm seems to be drowning you. Arise and command it to seize.

    Who Are You?

    By: Israel Success Olamide

    Message, Special Message


    December 26, 2021

    THE STAR (Matthew 2:1-11) The Christmas is here again and the old story is being told. But I want us to consider the star that the wise men saw in the East. There were many stars in the sky that night but The Star was peculiar (1Pet.2:9, 2Corint5:17,6:14-7:1)You as Christians must be peculiar where ever you are in the world. 

    -It was different from others. As Christians you must refuse to be like others. Even if it means standing alone, yes you must stand for Christ. 

    -Seen by the wise men to be different. You may not be noticed by anyone but be sure that someone who is ‘wise’ in the heart will see you someday

     -The Star led the wise men from the East all the way to Bethlehem where the new born King laid. As Christians we are to lead souls to Christ our King and disciple them. 

    -Though the journey took about two years, yet The Star was patiently unrelenting in leading the wise men, uncompromising in its shinning and unconquerable in the battle against the forces of darkness and clouds. 

    -The Star was patient with the wise men(even when they ignored its leading and deviated to seek counsel from the enemy -Herod) The Star patiently waited for them to come back to it from their consultation with Herod at Jerusalem. Everyone who must win souls for the Lord must be patient with the converts.

     -When the wise men returned, the Star was not angry with them for deviating to consult with Herod. Rather it gladly received them back and began to lead them again to the perfect Light 

    -The Star was not controlled or influenced by men:what men did or did not do, what they said or did not say. It was absolutely under Divine obligation (1Corint.9:16)-The Star led the wise men to the perfect Light. We’re to lead men to the Saviour and not to ourselves. 

    -The Star rejoiced in leading the wise men to the perfect Light. It was not boasting of its achievements. It never sought the  praise of men or to share the glory with the perfect Light 

    -The Star withdrew having led the wise men to the perfect Light. No show off. No self praise. No reward. No prize. No recognition. It laid down all the trophy at the Master’s feet

    -The Star was only concerned with its Divine mandate. There was no room for competition with others. Though its members were few, it remained focused on leading them to the perfect Light.

     -The Star was not entangled with the affairs of life, it was unmovable, always abounding in God’s work (1Corint.15:58)

    -The star did not only led the wise men to the perfect Light, it also made it to the perfect Light. When the wise men saw that the star made it they rejoiced. Lord please help me to make it to heaven at last not just to lead people there. Lord please let me not be a sign post in Jesus name.

    Prayer: Lord please make The Star that will lead the    wise men of this age to You :the Perfect Light

    Message, Special Message

    SALT: are you salt or Insult

    December 26, 2021

    “Ye are the salt of the earth, if the loses its savior it is thence good for nothing salt has no need to look like other ingredients, sends out no aroma like other seasonings, but without it the soup is tasteless.
    Men of true impact don’t fight for position, visibility or appearance.
    Their results speak for them not their propaganda.
    You don’t need to shout to be heard, people keep quiet to listen to intelligent people
    A salt maintains its integrity amidst pollution.
    Have you seen where a salt buyer demands to taste it before buying? because salt has proved its integrity over the ages.
    If you will need to swear before people believe you, you lack integrity.
    Is your life a salt to the earth or an insult?
    The easiest and only way the salt can lose its taste is when mixed up.
    Watch your association, you are too needed to be wasted..
    Be a salt not an insult.



    July 5, 2021

    My daughter at just six years old was my savior. When I married my husband, David, he was working with a very  reputable company and making so much money. “I don’t want you to work. Just stay at home and take care of my children. I will provide everything you need,” my husband would always say. And true to his words, he provided everything I needed.

    Whenever I asked for anything, he gave it to me without any hesitation. I initially did not like the idea of me staying at home all day like a spoilt car beyond repair but when my husband did not renege in his promise and the monthly upkeep kept coming as and when due, I got used to it. I became a full housewife and ballooned into a mother whale. I did not bother to learn a trade or invest my money in any venture. My husband was doing great. We lived in a big house with house helps at my beck and call.  What else should I ask for?

    One morning as I prepared my kids for school, my six years old daughter, Sarah echoed; “Mummy, what job do you do? When my teacher asked me at school yesterday I was speechless and embarrassed. My classmates laughed at me when I said you do nothing. They all had something to say about what their mothers do. I was the only one who said my mother doesn’t do anything. My teacher said it was wrong for people not to do anything because it shortens their life span.”

    When she said that, Gabriel, who was four at the time challenged rather indignantly. “But Mummy prepares us for school and sometimes cooks the food we eat. Isn’t that work?” I felt stung by what Sarah had said and thought Gabriel was right. Sarah turned to him. “No, she cannot get her own money when she does that. She has to work and earn some money or engage in a trade so that she could make more money. What if Daddy stops to give her money? What will she do?” I was pregnant with my third child at the time. As I wore Gabriel his uniform, my mind began to wander aimlessly. I felt like a bomb that was just seconds away from being detonated.

    My anger was kindled against Sarah’s teacher. Why on earth would she talk to a little girl like that? Why would she tell her that people who didn’t work would die young? Was that what she was paid to teach a six years old child? Was she crazy? As I drove the kids to school that morning, my heart was filled with so much loathe and anger. I wanted to meet with my daughter’s teacher and tear her to shreds. At the school gate I inquired if the proprietress was in the school. “Yes,” the gate man, a tall fellow with patches of grey hairs on his scalp nodded. “She just drove in a while ago. She should be in her office.”

    I handed the kids to a teacher who led them away and headed to the woman’s office. Mrs. Obiageli, the proprietress was making a call when I came in. with the wave of the hand; she pointed me to a chair. And no sooner had I sat on it than she ended the call and turned to me.

    “Good morning Mummy Sarah. This one that you came to see us today, hope all is well.”

    She was a small woman who had done so well for herself. Her school was said to have started from a one room and blossomed into a gigantic edifice within a decade.

    I cleared my throat and coldly began to tell her what my daughter had told me that morning.

    “Why would a teacher tell a little girl a thing of that nature? My daughter has been very worried that was why she had told me this morning. Please talk to that teacher. I am terribly upset right now.” When I had finished talking to Mrs. Obiageli, she looked at me the way an elderly woman would look at her teenage daughter who had said a foolish thing and yet did not know. Holding my hands across her desk, she looked me straight in the eyes and asked; “Do you know bitter leaf?”

    I could not fathom why she had asked the question. Of course I knew bitter leaf. Everyone knew what bitter leaf was. I wondered where she was driving at. “Mrs. Obiageli, why ask me such question?” my face was crumpled now like a rumpled newspaper. I could not understand at that moment what my complaint had to do with bitter leaf.

    “Bitter leaf is like the truth.” She said. “You hate to chew it as it is but when you use it to make a pot of soup, you will be glad you did. When people tell you things like this which makes you feel bitter, just relax and ponder on it. You might end up making a delicious pot of soup from it.”

    She went on to tell me how her late husband who was a business man and was very successful had insisted that she should be a stay-at-home wife. “I did not object to that because I didn’t want to be labeled a recalcitrant wife.” Mrs. Obiageli went on. “But I told him that as a trained teacher I would love to be teaching little children at home. He agreed and I began the school in our boys’ quarters. Thank God I had already bought this land before he died. His kinsmen scrambled all his properties like wolves because according to them I did not have a male child for him and have no inheritance.

    My three girls and I began from the scratch when I made a makeshift building on this land and constantly prayed to God for direction. Two of my daughters who were writing JAMB and IELTS at that time helped me to teach here. They couldn’t go to school for years. Look at me today. All my girls studied abroad. When my first daughter now a medical doctor came home last year for her marriage; my in-laws could not look her in the eye. They were all ashamed of what they did to us. One even had the guts to beg my daughter to take his first son along with her.” I heaved a long sigh.

    “My sister, go and ponder on what your daughter had come to tell you. It might just be a message God is trying to pass across to you. Go and make a good soup with these bitter leaves. I am sure you and your children will enjoy it when it is dinner time. There is nothing as good as making your own money.”

    I felt reoriented when I left her office that morning. By the time I got home, I was already thinking of what to do to be making my own money. Many ideas floated into my head but left almost immediately. I was not a buying and selling kind of person. I would fail woefully if I ventured into any business of buying and selling.

    That evening, I called my younger brother, Eric. I told him what was bothering me.

    “Don’t start thinking of big big businesses for now since you have never done any before.” Eric advised. “Assume that you don’t have any money. Start little. The business will grow gradually while you are thinking of the bigger ones. And don’t do a business of buying and selling for now. Render services instead. Better to have businesses that do not require your attention much since Oga does not want you to work. All that you should be thinking about is how to satisfy human wants. Identify the problem that people have and think of how to help them solve it. That’s the quickest way to making good money.” That was what Eric my brother told me on the phone that evening.

    I had just about five hundred thousand naira in my account. I decided to drive around town the next day and see if I could identify one problem that people have. Not too far from my estate, I saw people carrying water on their heads. I parked the car and began to count the number of people carrying water on their heads. When I counted about a hundred, I sensed that I had just discovered my goldmine. I noticed that the distance from where the only borehole was to the place where people were coming from was very long. If they got one closed to them, they would be happy and I too would make more money.

    After my research, I told my husband that I needed a million naira for the project and surprisingly he gave me the money without delay. “I hope you will not be leaving the house,” he threw. “I won’t leave the house dear,” I replied. That was how I built my first borehole. Within a year, the money I made from there, built two more in other locations. I don’t stay there. I have people there who sell the water and send money to me. I have ten scattered in five states of the country now and they all bring me money – my money.

    One thing about business is that it exposes you to other businesses. I am now doing other businesses now that fetch me more than what my husband earn as salary. We have now shared responsibilities in the house. I take care of all the domestic needs of the family and send money to our aged parents in the village for their upkeep while he handles all the other bigger projects.

    Three days ago, I visited Mrs. Obiageli. My kids are no longer in her school because they are now grown. I went there to give her a bottle of wine and thank her for the advice she gave me years before. “Thank you so much,” I told her. “You told me many years ago to take the bitter leaf home and make soup with it. I took your advice and I am very glad I did. I have made good soup with it and my family is now happy and nourishing it. Thank you so perceived

    I inquired about the teacher who years ago asked Sarah if I worked. “She is married now and living with her husband in Kano.” The proprietress told me. I collected the woman’s number and called her that day. Later she sent me her account number and I sent her the sum of one hundred thousand naira. I thanked her for giving me some bitter leaves. “I have made good soup with them,” I chuckled and she laughed at the other end after I had told her what she did for me without knowing.

    This is how our lives are shaped. It all depends on how we react to the bitter leaf some people give to us. When those words that are meant to sting are thrown at us, we must always not get angry over them but try to meditate on them and take positive actions. Sometimes God speaks to us even through our perceived enemies.


    1. Look around and within you, take note of the bitter truth people tell you about yourself and give consideration.

    2. If you look carefully, there might be a very small business around you that serves the people and which you may prosper in. Yours may not be a water business.

    3. Look carefully into your character, there may be some bitter truths people tell you about your pride and ego. That may be a bitter leave that can refurbish you for a better future.

    4. Look deep into the inside of you, there may be a bitter truth about your relationship with people that may need adjustment and which may serve you hundreds of delicious meals tomorrow.

    5. Your speech mannerism may require deep conscious bitter pills that would porch and edify you with better dinner tables in future.

    Consider bitter leaf today!


    If you have followed this bitter story up to this point, answer this simple question. Between the teacher and the proprietress, who gave the bitter leaf to her, why and how?

    Good evening to you beloved, prayerfully consider this story, and ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Even if you are not a house wife, you may still learn a lot from this Bitter leaf story.

    Message, Story


    March 7, 2021

    Listen my Son, your antagonists will increase at every second of your progress. My entrepreneur father said some few years ago. One day he said, walk with me, I have something to show you. He went to the mango tree at the backyard, and requested I pluck a fruit from the tree, actually the ripe one.

    I looked carefully and replied; dad, I can’t see any ripe one here. He stared at me for few seconds, this time, my heartbeat increased.

    He had actually warned me to be prudent like King Solomon anytime I come close to him because the race is not for the ignorant anymore.

    I adjusted my breath for another few seconds, I said again; dad, I can’t find any ripe MANGO. Beautiful, he said, with a confident tone. Then he continued……

    Nobody will know you when you are not ripped. Nobody will attack you when your glory isn’t showing. At this stage, you are like the unripe fruit. Ignored and overlooked because your fruit is not nutritional.

     Here is your first lesson Son, don’t fight to be seen or noticed, rather work to get your fruit to be ripened.

    It’s the nature of man to ignore people who are not productive.

    To be noticed, work more on your seed.

    Come with me, this time, he took me to the coconut tree. Look around here and pluck two fruits for me. I looked critically at the coconut tree, it was tall and uneasy to get, so I carefully took a big stick and hit it from afar and it fell loudly to the ground. Then I gave the two fruits to him. Then he said,

     Here is it Son, the more productive you become, the more enemies you attract just like the coconut tree.

    It’s the nature of man to come for you because you are ripe. They attack you just like you attack the coconut tree.

     Don’t be moved, it is your right to fulfill destiny no matter the attack on you.

    Keep growing. You are growing for two purposes.

    One, as a shade for those that are helpless to hide and two, as a fruit for those that are hungry to eat from.

    Understand this, your COURSE is beyond the attacker. Grow your lens of reasoning if you will last long as a fruitful tree.

    You see that coconut tree, no matter how many you pluck, it won’t dry up because of you. It will keep producing more coconut. It is because it produces more that makes it relevant in my compound. If not, I would have uprooted it a long time ago.

    Just because your partner betrays your love doesn’t stop you from loving someone else.

    You are productive, and you need to show your commitment as a tree that is fruitful, not as a tree that dries up, because of one person that plucks from it.

    Just because someone defrauds you, is not enough reason not to trust.

    Trust is part of what makes your tree productive. Keep trusting till it gets you to your breakthrough.

    Just because some people don’t like what you do is not enough reason not to like yourself.

    Be your first admirer. Treat yourself with so much love and respect.

    Nature will command people to take the course of likeness on you.

    See Son, look at that bitter leaf at the other side of the compound, go and taste it. I moved a bit and I said, dad, I don’t really like it. He smiled and said,

    This shows that, not everyone will like what you are, but you must never allow that to determine how you grow.

    That bitter leaf is never scared of growing no matter the hatred you have towards it because it knows, one day, you will come looking for it and it will be your only saviour at that time.

    You will give it all the attention you thought you couldn’t give.

    Don’t stop growing Son.

    When your enemies increase for no reason, pay attention, your success is taking another dimension they can’t handle, the effect is dimensional.

    The bitter leaf will attract enemies because of the kind of projection and growth it takes but sooner, it will be the ultimate search for many.

    You can be the ultimate search for someone tomorrow, so learn to improve your skills of growth today.

    You are not growing to compete with the next person.

    Coconut trees don’t compete with the apple tree, their seasons of growth and cycle are different.

    Learn to apply this in your journey in life.

    Your competition is not with someone else. It is God who brought you on this journey and he knows when your fruit will ripe, so don’t envy others when their fruit ripens.

    Seasons of growth is what matters. Move and grow at  your own pace.

    May the good Lord strengthen us all Amen.

    Message, Special Message


    January 12, 2021

    Even if you are married to the best spouse in the whole world, if you do not guard your heart, you may end up “falling in love” with someone aside your spouse and eventually ruin your marriage.

    No one gets married and plans to have affair but lots of married men and women are into affairs today because they slept when they should have been wide awake with their five senses alert.

    1. Don’t be too friendly with the opposite sex.

    This is where lots of married people land in trouble. Over spirituality and pride will destroy your marriage! You can’t handle close

    friendship with the opposite sex as a married person. Your heart is involved.

    Set boundaries.

    Be disciplined.

    Be cordial.

    Be respectful.

    Be godly.

    Be holy.

    2. Don’t share your personal problems with an opposite sex friend. It will bond you together. Problems bond people.

    3. Don’t contact any opposite sex you are fond of.

    If you secretly admire them, you are fond of them and there is a tingling in your heart at the mere thought of them, avoid contact!

    4. Avoid unnecessary eye contact that lingers with the opposite sex.

    5. Don’t tell an opposite sex you are romantic or sexy. That private information is for your spouse only.

    6. Avoid discussions with the opposite sex when you are tired, very sad, depressed, sorrowful, drowsy, sleepy or very sick.

    This can cloud your judgment and make you say silly things. Talk to your husband/wife instead.

    7. Avoid unnecessary compliment of the opposite sex.

    8. Stop saying “I love you” to the opposite sex. For what?

    9. Work on your Marriage. Keep the fire of love and romance alive in your marriage. Do to your wife what you would have thought towards that lady.

    10. Protect your Family.

    Don’t share your marital problems with your opposite sex friend. It will bond you.

    11. Never flirt with the opposite sex.

    12. Mind the pictures you post on social media. Limit your pictures especially that which shows your curves or portray you as sexy.

    13. Do not contact all your Ex after marriage. Break the bridges.

    14. Don’t chat with the opposite sex on the days you are horny.

    15. Stop focusing on your spouse’s weaknesses and appreciate their strengths.

    If you always see the bad side of your spouse, you will be angry, bitter, critical and look for someone who can “understand” you and make you happy aside your spouse. That is the beginning of an emotional and eventual sexual affair. It is the beginning of the end of a once glorious marriage!

    What you will not eat, don’t bring it to your nose. Don’t smell it!

    Don’t start what you cannot finish!

    Avoid all emotional and sexual affairs. They will destroy your marriage!

    Let this message get to the Good Women Leader and Men’s Fellowship Leader and let them share it on their various group platforms so all married men and women will get it. Let them discuss it at their meetings.

    The Lord will keep our homes and marriages. Amen

    Thank you for reading through

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