Sunday School May 2022

DATE: -1ST MAY, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Daniel 10: 1 – 14

MEMORY VERSE: – “But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia with stood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the Kings of Persia” (Daniel 10:13).

INTRODUCTION: –There are levels of power and authority in the Spiritual realm, and evil forces do exercise a degree of influence and control over earthly regions and territories. The nations of the world have powerful demons assigned to them; their purpose is to oppose God’s purposes and to promote evil and ungodliness among the people.

However, we must always remember that the forces of God are greater than the forces of evil, and God’s plans will always prevail through His faithful and prayerful people (Rom.8:31; 1Jh.4:4).


Hindrances To Answered Prayer

While Daniel was fasting and praying, an intense battle was raging in the Spiritual realm. The “Prince of the kingdom of Persia” temporarily prevented Daniel from receiving God’s message from the angel. Because of this conflict, he had to wait 21 days for the revelation. The Persian priest was not a human ruler, but a demon from Satan’s kingdom. He was defeated only when Michael, Israel’s prince (Dan.10:21), came to help the angel. Though Satanic forces tried to hinder the delivery of this vision about Israel the forces of heaven – specifically Israel’s angelic prince (Dan.12:1) proved to be stronger.

This incident gives us a glimpse of unseen battles going on in the spiritual realm. These conflicts affect the course of nations and individual live, but they do not have ultimate control over people’s choices. God’s people can be victorious over spiritual forces by applying God’s Word and through prayer.

Notice that God had responded to Daniel’s prayer much earlier, but the answer was delayed by the Satanic forces for 21 days and the answer did not come. Daniel’s prayer was hindered by evil forces in the spiritual real, “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” blocked the answer (Dan.10:13). So God assigned Michael, one of the archangels, to do battle with the prince of Persia, 21 days later the struggle ended and Daniel got his answer.

How powerful is the Devil? Powerful enough to deceive you (2Corint.4:4). Powerful enough to bring sickness (Job 2:7. Powerful enough to oppose the righteous (Zech.3:1). Powerful enough to devour you (1Pet.5:8). Powerful enough to steal, to kill and to destroy (Jh.10:10).

Whatever, you see happen in the physical, know that it has spiritual undertone (Eph.6:12).

You ask, “What can I do to overcome him?

Certainly God Himself can overrule such spiritual obstacles and delays, but He chooses to work through our prayers. You must learn to pray constantly in the spirit (Eph.6:18; Jude 20). Since we know that Satan always seeks to hinder our prayers (2Corint.2:11); that is why we must persevere in prayer (Lk.18:1-8), in the study, meditating and confessing the Word of God (Josh.1:8). Inspiteof the circumstances or opposition, we should have faith that the answer we eventually come. Even if we don’t see or understand God’s answer, we must trust that He is at work behind the scenes. Apply the blood of Jesus Christ and constantly testify (Rev.12:10-11).


The Christ who lives within us is stronger than the enemy you face (Lk.11:21-22; 1Jh.4:4). Satan is strong, but Jesus Christ is far stronger.

Also, the Holy Spirit living within us is stronger than Satan. Through the Spirit, we can overcome sin, Satan, temptations, persecution and false teaching. That is why you must learn to pray constantly in the Holy Spirit.


  1. Why is it necessary to fight the forces of darkness in prayer?
  2. What are the spiritual forces against prayers?

DATE: – 8TH MAY, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 15: 1 – 11, Luke 8: 1 – 8

MEMORY VERSE: – “If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7).

INTRODUCTION: –Receiving answers to our prayers is in direct relation to remaining personally connected to Christ and His Word. It is impossible to have spiritually affective prayer life without knowing, believing and living by Christ’ teachings. As we grow in our relationship with Him through studying and applying His Word, the more our prayers will be in line with Christ’s desires and purposes and the more effective or prayers will be.



1) Lack of The Word of God:

Our prayers are effective in accomplishing God’s purposes only if they are fully submitted to and in tune with God, His Word and His will for our lives. When we pray, we are to focus on who God is and what He can accomplish through our lives if we are in right relationship with Him. Praying with such an awareness will increase our faith and dependence on God.

God answers prayers prayed according to His will which are explicitly revealed in His Word.

Those who live by the principles of God’s Word don’t pray to win the lottery. They know that those are unscriptural prayers, God won’t answer. When you pray, your request must line up with His will. After leading the children of Israel for forty years in the wilderness, Moses naturally longed to enter the promised Land and celebrate victory with them (Deut.3:25). But in spite of his prayers, it didn’t happen; God did not answer. Why? “Because the LORD was angry…” (Deut.3:26-27). Prayer is not some kind of talisman, or lucky charm, or religious formula you repeat to get the results you want. When your prayers line up with the scriptures and in harmony with God’s will, then will answer them. This truth may not be palatable or popular in today’s “feel good” generation where everybody wants all the benefits of God’s kingdom on their own terms,

2) Lack Of Perseverance

In these last days as we wait patiently for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is increase in satanic and demonic opposition to the prayers of the saints (1Tim.4:1). That is why we must resist the urge to quit praying. Because of Satan’s schemes and the pleasures of the world, many will give up a persistent prayer life (Mt.13:32; Mk.4:19).

There are times God would answer with “WAIT”; but because we don’t like that answer, we keep hoping God will change His mind to accommodate us. So we have two options:

1) Keep complaining to Him (2) Start cooperating with Him. God told the prophet Habakkuk to wait when he needed an answer to his prayers in order to give Israel direction (Bab.2:2-3). God works according to His own plan and schedule, and He won’t be rushed. When you try to get ahead of Him you always end up in trouble. Abraham did that, and the end result was Ishmael. That’s when Abraham’s trouble began in earnest!

Other times god answers our prayers and says outright “NO”, He knows what you can handle and when you will be ready to handle it, and He won’t give it to you before then (2Corint.12:8-9). Instead of delivering Paul from His problem, God used it to develop him. Without his thorn in the flesh to counter balance his great talent and potential pride, Paul would not have been nearly so effective in the service of God.


God asks us to be persistent in our prayers, not because He does not want to answer our requests, but because it allows us to express our trust and dependence on Him, which is the basis of powerful and effective faith.


  1. Why is the Word of God very important for effective praying?
  2. What is the necessity of perseverance in prayer?

DATE: -15TH MAY, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: –   Matthew 22:34 – 40 

MEMORY VERSE: – “A new commandment I give unto you: That ye love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34)

INTRODUCTION: – Christ’s followers are commanded to love one another in a special way. The yardstick in the Old Testament is that you love your neighbor as yourself (Matt.22:36-40, Mark 12:28-41). But as He was concluding His earthly Ministry, the Lord Jesus gave “a new commandment”. And that is to love one another in a special way, though we may not belong to the same local Church or denomination, yet we are one body.


1) True Signs Of Christ’s Disciples

A disciple of Christ is not one that professes to be. Neither is the demonstration of spiritual gifts denotes a disciple of Christ. A true disciple of Christ is known by:

  1. His love and obedience to Christ and his unflinching loyalty to God’s word (1Jh.5:24; 8:13; 10:27; Matt.7:21).
  2. Any person who has a true and active faith in Jesus Christ and remains loyal to the authority of God’s word (as revealed by the Holy Spirit through prayers and the study of God’s word) is a brother or sister in God’s family. Those who are willing to stand for Christ and resist the popular but ungodly beliefs and behaviours of our day deserve special love and support from one another.
  3. Loving all true Christians, including those outside our local Church or denomination does not mean we must compromise on our specific Biblical standards or agree totally with their doctrines. While these things should not decide us and prevent us from accomplishing our highest mission of leading others to accept the truth of Christ.
  4. True Christians must never compromise God’s standard of holiness for the sake of a false unity (2Tim.2:19). Loving God and His purpose as revealed in His word will enable us to love others especially to those who believe differently than we do. Love for God must always be to priority.


True, godly love must be the mark of distinction for Christ’s followers (1Jh 3:23). This agape love basically is self-giving sacrificial and unconditional love that seeks and promotes the good of others (1Jh.4:9-10). Relationships among Christians must be characterized by this kind of love and devotion. If this type of love is missing, people outside the Church will not get an accurate picture of Christ’s love and may see no reason to consider being part of His Church. Christians must befriend one another through difficulties.


  1. How can the world know a true disciple of Christ?
  2. Should a Christian lower God’s standard just to show love?

DATE: – 22ND MAY, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 5:38 – 48, Romans 12:9 – 21  

MEMORY VERSE: – “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

INTRODUCTION: – The Lord Jesus tells us how to conduct ourselves towards others, particularly those who oppose or disagree with us. As believers we are to demonstrate the love of God towards all of men irrespective of faith, creed or tongue not minding their actions toward us. Though it is a hard saying but His grace is sufficient for us.


1) Love Your Enemies

The requirements of the Lord for us as His followers is to hate no one and freely forgive those that or offend us.
As believers, we are to accept the responsibility of the requirements He gives to us.

a) Loving our enemies does not mean an emotional love, such as showing affection for them; this love speaks of having a genuine concern for their good and especially for their eternal spiritual salvation. Since we know the terrible consequences awaiting those who are hostile to God and His people, we must pray for them and attempt to introduce them to Christ (Rom.12:17; 1Thes.5:15; 1pet.2:9).
One way we can do this is through kind and gracious actions and by repaying good for evil-love for hate.

b) Loving our enemies does not mean to passively stand by as the wicked continues to defy God. With God’s approval and guidance, we must graciously, humbly but boldly take a stand against evil and ungodliness.
when it is necessary for God’s honour, for the safety of others or for the highest good of the wicked, extreme action must be taken to stop evil (Mk.11:15, 2:13-17).
Loving ones enemies is that when we are wronged, we are not to react in the spirit of hatred but a way that shows Christ-like character and values.
Our actions toward those who are unkind to us should cause them to consider what our Lord is like. Our example might lead them to accept Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

2) Love Your Neighbour

Christians are required to all people (Gal.6:10, 1Thess.3:12) including their enemies. But they are commanded to love all true followers of god in a special way (Jh.13:34, 1Jh.3:11-12).
Christians’ love for their spiritual brothers and sisters in faith, their neighbours and their enemies must flow from their primary love and devotion for God.
Love for God is the first and greatest commandment (Mt.22:37-38). For this reason, God’s holiness, His purposes and standards as revealed in His word must never be compromised in our efforts to show love for people. In other words, love for God must come first, and nothing we do to demonstrate love to others should compromise our devotion to God.


If we love whole heartedly and completely and we lover others unselfishly and practically, then our attitudes and actions will end up aligning with all of the commands, instructions, guidelines and standards of God.


  1. What does it mean to love your enemies?
  2. Why must we love our enemies?

DATE: – 29THMAY, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Ecclesiastes 11: 1 – 6 

MEMORY VERSE: – “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it brings forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater” (Isaiah 55:10).

INTRODUCTION: –God is the Giver of Both bread and seeds. Every bread is potential seed. Every seed can be a bread but not every bread can be a seed. Bread is meant to be eaten and is given to eaters. Seeds are given to sower to be sown and increase in multiples.

Bread eaten, finishes, while seed increases and multiplies. God the Giver gives the same thing into the hands of both the eater and sower. The status of what is received depends largely on the receiver whether it will be bread to be eaten or seed to be sown.


1)Reasons Why A Lot Of People Are Not Sowing

Gluttony: – The habit of eating everything that comes to the hand or spending every dime that one receives is greatly against investing.

Indiscipline: – Especially in the area of spending. Anyone that spends recklessly, cannot invest

Fear of the unknown future: – There are fears of failures, or disappointments of any of such. The fact is fear is just False Experience Appearing Real. Deal with your fear.

Lack of Foresight: – Where there is no vision, the people perish (in poverty and financial struggle). Anyone that cannot see far, cannot go far in life. It is only those that can see the impossible that will do the impossible (Prov.29:18).

Discouragement: One of the greatest weapons of the devil against the people of God is discouragement and it keeps people from their lives’ purpose and goals. Resist the demon of discouragement steadfastly in faith (Num.21:4; 1Pet.5:8-9).

Complacency: – Every tree that will grow tall and become fruitful cannot remain under the shadow of another tree. Complacent man will be careless, nothing moves him. He is satisfy with low life even if it means living at the mercies of others.

2) Turn Your Bread To Seed For Harvest Of More Bread

– Differentiate between bread (to be eaten) and seed (to be sown).

– Recognize opportunity to so

– Discipline yourself. Put knife on your throat

– Diligently sow (Prov. 11:26-27; 12:11; 21:12; 22:29).

– Be determined, no mountain can be higher than determination, where there is a will, there is a way.

– Refuse to be discouraged. Great men are not those who never failed, rather they are men who failed several times on their way up, rose and continued the journey never giving up, never quitting. You don’t hear of quitter; you only hear of winners.


The little boy in John 6:5-13 had bread for his lunch, but he recognized opportunity and quickly turned his lunch bread to seed. He sowed five loaves of bread with two fishes and harvested twelve baskets full at the end of the day.


  1. What are the reasons why people don’t sow?
  2. What are the steps to sowing profitably?