Sunday School April 2022

DATE: – 3RD APRIL, 2022

TOPIC: – HE IS RISEN! (Part 2)

BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Corinthians 15: 1 – 20

MEMORY VERSE: – “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept” (1Corinthians 15:20).

INTRODUCTION: –For those in doubt of Christ resurrection, if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then there is no rescue and freedom from sin and no opportunity for a new and transformed life spiritually. Clearly, those who deny the reality of the resurrection of Christ are denying the Christian faith altogether. They are false witnesses who speak against God and His Word. Their faith is worthless.


1) The Importance Of Christ’s Resurrection To The Believers

* The resurrection of Christ Jesus proves He is the son of God (Jh.10:17-18; Rom.1:14).

* It guarantees the effective result of His death for our sins – that it certainly did provide the means of forgiveness and a restored relationship with God (Rom.6:4; 1Corint.15:17).

* It verifies the truth of God’s Word (Ps.16:10; Lk.24:44-47; Acts 2:31).

* It is the foundation for Christ’s gift of the Holy Spirit and renewed spiritual life to His people (Jh.20:22; Rom.5:10; 1Corint. 15:45) and for His current ministry in heaven as the intercessor for all who rely on Him (Heb.7:23-28).

* It assures the believers of their future inheritance in heaven (1Pet.1:3-4) and of their resurrection when the Lord returns (Jh.14:3; 1Yhess.4:14-18).

* It makes Christ’s presence and power over sin available in our everyday lives (Gal.2:20; Eph.1:18-20).

2) Christ’s Appearances After His Resurrection

Christ appeared to the disciples at different instances and time in the order:

i) Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18)

ii) The women returning from the tomb (Matt.28:9-10)

iii)Peter (Lk.24:34)

iv) Two brothers travelling to Emmaus (Lk.24:13-32)

v) The disciples (Thomas not present at this time) and others with them (Lk.24:36-43)

vi) All the disciples on Sunday night one week later (Jh.20:26-31)

vii) Seven disciples by the sea of Galilee (Jh.21:1-25)

viii) Five hundred people in Galilee (Matt.28:16-20. 1Corint.15:6)

ix) James (1Corint.15:7)

x) The disciples receiving the Great Commission (Mtt.28:16-20)

xi) Those who were with Him when He ascended back to heaven (Acts 1:13-15).

xii) The Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus (1Corint.15:8).


If Christ be not risen, we have no guarantee of resurrection, our preaching is in vain and our faith is also in vain. We are liars, because we have preached such a doctrine. We are also yet in our sin and all the dead are perished. Those of us alive have no hope of eternal life and most miserable of all men. Infact plain fools. All promises of God are lies and prophecies false (1Corint.15:12-56). But thanks be to God Christ Jesus is risen indeed, all these calamities have eluded us.


  1. What are the importance of Christ’s resurrection?
  2. What calamities would have befallen us if Christ be not risen?

DATE: – 10TH APRIL, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 6: 1 – 8

MEMORY VERSE: – “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:15).

INTRODUCTION: –Every child of God should have some place and time to be alone with God. Without such a place and time, we will never develop a consistent and personal prayer life. Secret prayer is not a matter of hiding our faith or keeping Christ’s message to ourselves. It is a matter of growing in our personal relationship with Christ and learning to deiscern the voice of His Spirit as He guides and teaches us. And when we pray we have the confidence that God hears and answers our prayers.

However, there are cases of unanswered prayers which may result from our faults and not God’s fault.


1) Hindrances To Unanswered Prayers

* Unforgiveness

Prayer is a time for confession of sins so we can be forgiven. It is also a time to rely on God for the strength to forgive those who have harmed us (Heb.9:14; 1Hn.1:9). One terrible obstacle to answered prayer that Jesus Christ emphasized on is an unforgiving spirit. Your anger may feel justified, but it can produce long term results that hurt you. Regardless of “who did what to whom”, resentment is hazardous to your health and spiritual wellbeing. “Satan will keep hurting you every day of your life – until you decide to forgive.

Forget it, for God’s sake; when you keep bringing it up you bother Him!

Jesus teaches that there should be no compromise in our readiness and willingness to forgive offenses of others. Holding on to unforgiveness is a sin because of the bitterness and destruction it can bring in one’s own spirit and because it fails to reflect Gods character in our lives. If we refuse to forgive others, Christ will not forgive us nor will He answer our prayers because we choose to hold on to sin.

Is God really serious about this? YES. God uses this important principle as a measure for forgiving us our own sins (Matt.18:35; Mk.11:26; Lk,11:4). He “struck some of the inhabitants of Bathshemesh” for looking into ark of the Lord (1Sam.6:19). What was in the ark? The commandments which we have all broken; the record of our guilt and failure. Thinks twice before you decide to “lift the lid” on someone else’s sins; you’re in a dangerous place with God.

“But they don’t deserve to be forgiven” you say. None of us deserve to be forgiven, but God keeps forgiving us anyway.

Even if you have been forgiven of your sins before and you don’t forgive freely and willingly those who offend you, you may lose the chance to be forgiven (Matt.18:32-35).

Forgiveness is not optional rather it is a must for every Christian who wants to make heaven and whose prayer must be answered.


We must not deceive ourselves into thinking that we can maintain the proper kind of faith that brings answers to prayer if we secretly hold hatred, bitterness or resentment in our hearts against anyone (Mark 11:25-26). Faith becomes inactive in environment of hatred, bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness against others.


  1. Why is God serious on the issue of unforgiveness?
  2. Can faith work in the midst of unforgiveness?

DATE: – 17TH APRIL, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: – James 4: 1 – 10 

MEMORY VERSE: – “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss; that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (James 4:3).

INTRODUCTION: –Prayer is a communication between man and God, the mortal with the immortal, the children (sons and daughters) with the Immortal Father. And just like the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-12; God the Father will not disappoint His children. He loves us even more than any good earthly Father could ever love his children and He wants us to ask Him for whatsoever we need, promising to give us what is good and best for us.


Hindrances To Answered Prayer

1) Asking With Wrong Motives

Selfishness is a terrible obstacle to answered prayer. In the Lord’s prayer (a perfect prayer pattern or template as given by the Lord Himself) you can’t find the words “I” or “Me” or “My” or “Mine” throughout. Rather, you will find “Us”, “Our”, “We” (Matt.6:11-13). The man who prays “Father bless me, my wife and my children “and no more” wont’s get a favourable response from God.

God refuses to answer the prayers of those who are selfishly ambitious, love pleasures and desire honour, power or riches. The Bible tells us that God responds to the prayers of the righteous, (Ps.34:13-15; 13-15; 66; 18-19), of those who call on Him in truth (Ps.145:18), of those who turn to Him in genuine repentance and humility (Lk.18:14) and of those who are ask according to His will (1Jh.5:14). Sometime we may not receive what God would like to give us because even though we ask for the right things, we may be more concerned with our own convenience and influence than trulyhonouring God and benefiting His kingdom and purposes.

Some may say the Bible says “If I delight in the Lord, He will give me whatever my heart desires” (Ps.37:4), yes, but your desires must be in consonance with the will of God (1Jh.5:14). God blessed Abraham so that he could become a blessing to others (Gen.12:2-3). God will make you rich so that you can reach out to others. God knows what you want and He also knows why you want it. Is it only for your own comfort and convenience, or to fulfill His purposes? Only when you answer this question sincerely, can you pray with confidence.


When you look out only for your own interest, only one person is working on your behalf – You! But when your goal is to bless and help others, God goes all out to work and answer your prayers in ways beyond your wildest imagination (Eph.3:320-21). A trial will convince you!


  1. Why is selfishness a sin?
  2. Why should a Christian interested for others?

DATE: – 24TH APRIL, 2022


BIBLE PASSAGE: -John 3: 13 – 24

MEMORY VERSE: – “Beloved, if our heart condemns us not, then have we confidence toward God” (1John 3:21).

INTRODUCTION: –An effective prayer life for an answered prayer is related to our devotion to God. Obeying, loving and pleasing God (Jh.8:29; 2Corint.5:9; Eph.5:10; Heb.13:21) are basic conditions for what we ask for in prayer. Of course, receiving answers to prayer also requires asking with the right moves (James 4:3) and asking according to God’s own desires and purposes (1Jh.5:14). Having proper motives and knowing God’s will are directly linked with our personal relationship with Christ.


Hindrances To Answered Prayers

Unconfessed sin is terrible. The Psalmist says “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear me” (Ps.66:18). Those who take pleasures in things that go against the commands and standards of God’s Word should not expect Him to answer their prayers. God wants us to avoid and separate ourselves from sin and all forms of ungodly behaviour. Only then will we experience the benefits of His special favour and power in our lives (2Corint.6:14-18).

After conquering Jericho, the city in the promised land, the Israelites were defeated by a handful soldiers in a small village called Ai. Joshua was devastated and distraught went to God and God told him”…… Israel has sinned (Joshua 7:6-11) Joshua later found out one of the Israeli soldiers, Achan, had stolen someof the spoils of battle which belonged to God.

Jericho was the first city in the promised land to be conquered, and God said “the first fruits” of all we have must be given to Him (Prov.3:9). The treasure from the next nine battles belonged to His people, but the treasures of Jericho belonged to God. There’s a time to pray, and a time to stop praying, so you can deal with the sin in your life. You can’t pray and receive answer when you are habouring sin secretly. God does not look like men. He sees the secret of hearts clearly (1Sam.16:7; Habakkuk 1:13).

Every unconfessed and unrepented sin will hinder prayers no matter the fasting (Isa.59:1-2; John 9:30-31). It is the prayer of “a righteous” man that is powerful and effective. Truly, our righteousness is in the sense of being right with God through faith in Christ, yet there is also the righteousness in the sense of living right or obeying God’s standards as the Prophet Elijah did (Josh.5:16-18). When Moses stood in the gap for the Israelites, God answered because of his loyal and obedient relationship with God. (Ex.33:17). Holding on to sin, will not make God to listen to our prayers (Ps.66:18; James 4:3). This sort of attitude was the main reason God did not respond at times to the prayer of the Israelites. When they were living wickedly and worshipping other gods (Isa.1:15). God would not answer their prayers. Neither will He answer our prayers if we hold on to any sin in our lives. But God also says that if His people “shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land” (2Chro.7:14). Confession and turning away from sin will make our prayers to be answered unhindered (Prov.28:13).


A righteous relationship with God is so important to prayer that even the prayer for forgiveness made by the high priest on the Day of atonement would only be heard if he had already gone through the ritual cleansing for his own sin first (Exd.26:33).

Sin in the Church hinders prayer and holds back God’s power from being demonstrated in the midst of His people.


  1. Mention the two senses of righteousness we must have to pray effectively.

Can God answer the prayer of a sinner?