BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Thessalonia 4:13 – 18
MEMORY VERSE: – “For the Loral Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1Thessalonians 4:16).
INTRODUCTION: –The word “rapture” comes from the Latin word raptu, which means “Caught away” or “Caught up”. The Greek equivalent is “harpazo” meaning Caught up, is a word that describe the event when Christ will come and take His faithful followers from the earth “to meet the Lord in the air.” This experience will involve only those who are part of Christ true Church worldwide.
1) Definition Of The Rapture
The rapture is different from the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. These two events are separated by several years and so, are not two stages or phases of one coming. The rapture is the first of the two comings, not a coming to earth but in the air. It is the event in which Christ will meet the saints in the air and take them back to heaven with Him and present them before the Father’s throne where they remain throughout the period of the great tribulation is running its course on the earth (1Thess.3:13; John 14:1-3). Christ does not remain in the air with the saints when they meet Him. He takes them to heaven to be with Him. The marriage supper of the Lamb and the judgment of the saints take place simultaneously in heaven (2Cotint.5:10, Rev.19:1-10).
2 Definite Time Of The Rapture
The exact date of the rapture or year is not known by anyone, not even the angels in God’s presence (Matt.24:36). But the Lord gave specific signs we should look out for that will point to the time (Matt.24:4-14).
Unlike the second coming or advent of Christ that must come after all the prophecies in Revelation 4:1-19; 10 have been fulfilled, the rapture comes at the end of Church age (i.e. Revelation 3:22; the present Laodicean Church age of lukewarmness, proud boastful saying “I am rich and increased in goods, and have need of nothing”. But spiritually in reality is “wretched” and miserable” and poor and blind and naked because they are no longer clothed with the power and purity of God. The present day Church that is blind to their own spiritual condition and do not have vision of how they could use their wealth and benefits (like the internet etc) to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Iniquities are abounding and the love of many are waxing cold (Matt.24:12, 1Tim.4:1-3).
BIBLE PASSAGE: -1 Corinthians 15:51 – 58, Matthew 24:1 – 14
MEMORY VERSE: – “In a moment, in the twinkling of and eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1Corinthians 15:52).
INTRODUCTION: –There is a mystery in the Church. It is the truth that when Jesus Christ returns from heaven for His Church, the bodies of those believers who are alive at the time will be immediately transformed and made permanent, indestructible and immortal.
1) Definite Signs Of His Coming
The Lord Jesus Christ gives the signs that will characterize the course of the last days and will intensify as the end draws nearer.
* Religious Deception will be commonly practiced in societies of the World. False prophets and deceptive religious teachers within the Church will increase and deceive many (Matt.24:4-5, 11; Acts 20:28-31).
* Armed conflict and natural disasters (such as Boko haram, Kidnapping, banditry, terrorism, hurricane etc) will increase. Wars, famines (economic meltdown) and earthquakes will be “the beginning of sorrows” (Matt.24:8), for the Messianic age (i.e. when Christ returns to conquer evil and rule the earth at the end of history.
* Persecution of God’s people will increase and become more severe (Matt.24:9), and many will abandon their loyalty to Christ. Surprisingly, some of the mistreatment will come from the Church.
* Love will fade and compassion will grow cold. People will become increasingly harsh towards one another. Violence, crime and disregard for God’s law will increase rapidly, and naturallove and family affection will decrease (Mk.13:12; 2Tit.3:3).
* There will also be effective evangelism. In spite of this time of increasing trouble and uncertainty, the message of Christ will spread throughout the world. Many will respond, accepting His forgiveness and beginning a personal relationship with God.
* Those who stand firm in their faith through all of the end-time distress will be saved in the end.
* People who are faithful to Christ, as they see the worsening and increase of these signs, will know that the day of the Lord’s return for them is “approaching” (Heb.10:25).
* Many shall deceive many. Religious deception will be openly practiced and taught on the earth. Christ is so concerned that His followers be aware of the coming worldwide spiritual deception that He repeats His warning three times in His teaching on the end times’ events.
Unlike the second coming or advent of Christ that must come after all of the prophesies in Revelation 4-19:1-10 have been fulfilled
The Lord Jesus Christ said there shall be cry of command for the dead to arise as in the case of Lazarus (John 11:43). These signs are already here with is signaling us the end is here.
We thus, must be prepared for the rapture living our lives circumspectly as if the trumpet may sound the next moment.
- What are the signs of the rapture?
- Is there any difference between the rapture and the second coming of Christ Jesus?
DATE: – 16TH JANUARY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – 1Thessalonians
MEMORY VERSE: – “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord (Thessalonians 4:17).
INTRODUCTION: –The rapture is different from the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. The second coming advent is a visible physical presence of the Lord in the earth while the rapture is the first appearing in the air which will only be visible to the believers. The rapture is only for the Church but not every dick and harry in the Church will make it in the rapture.
Evidently no sinner will partake in the rapture, only the saints in Christ. And to be a saint is not in religious practices or Churchliness of title holding or good deeds or morals, NO!
But much more to be partaker of the rapture, one must:
– Be Found in Christ: – To be found in Christ is to be born again. You must be converted not by changing Church or religion but a change of heart resulting in a change of lifestyle (Matt.18:3; Lk.13:2-5; John 3:3-7; Acts 3:19; 1Thess.4:17; 2Corint.5:17).
– Remain in Christ: – To be in Christ is not enough, one must remain in Him. Every branch that is severed from the main stem dies. The doctrine of eternal security (once saved is forever saved) is wrong and from the pit of hell. Every heavenly minded Christian who must remain rapturable must reject and avoid it lie a plague (Ezek.3:18-21; 18:25-28; John 15:4-7; Rom.6:1-2; 1Thess.4:17).
– Be Christ’s: – To be Christ’s is to see yourself conscious as Christ’s property, His very own. See Him daily as the owner of your spirit, soul, body, your whole being and existence including all that you have. Thus, you will determinedly live daily for Him and for Him alone, a life above sin, giving your all to Christ, laying your all upon the altar without any conformity with the world(Rom.12:1-2); 1Corint.15:23; Gal.5:24)
– Be Blessed and Holy (Heb.12:14; 1Pet.1:14-16. Rev.20:46).
– Be good and if good report (John 5:28-29; 1Tim.3:7)
– Be worthy (Luke 21:36)
– Belong to the body of Christ, the Church: – Be in fellowship with other saints where Christ alone is preached, Not an apostate. (1Corint.12:13; Eph.1:20-23; 5:27; Col. 1:18, 24; Heb:10:25).
– Be pure within and without (1Jhn.3:1-3)
– Walk daily in the spirit (Gal.5:16-21)
– Have supreme love for God and His Kingdom (Phil.3:7-21; Titus 2:11-14).
– Work the works of God, Serving Him before Him in holiness and righteousness, in His time and His way (Gen.19:12-17; Ex.25:40; Rom.1:74-75; Rom.12:11; Rev.22:12-17.
– Work daily in the light (Matt.13:31-37; 1Corint10:12-13; 1Thess.5:5-6; Col.2:6; 1Jhn.1:7).
– Awake to righteousness at all time (Matt.25:1-12; Rom.13:1-14; 1Corint.15:34).
– Keep the fire burning at all time, be fervent in the spirit (Matt.25:1-12; Rom.12:11; Rev.6:13).-Be watchful (Matt.24:42; 25:13; Mark 13:35-37; Lk.21:34; 1Pet.5:8)
Christians are not in ignorance and darkness about the day of the Lord (1Thess.5:1-2; 7-5; 9). So that that day will not over take us as a thief in the night like it will be to the ungodly (1Thess.5:2-5). Therefore, let us be prepared at all times, living daily with eternity in view and in anticipation of our glorious exit from this sinful world.
- What are the qualifications for the rapture?
- Everyone in the Church would make the rapture. True / False.
DATE: – 23RD JANUARY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Matthew 25: 1 – 13
MEMORY VERSE: – “For this corruptible must put on incorruptible, and this mortal must put on immortality’ (1Corinthians 15:53)
INTRODUCTION: –God does not do anything but on purpose. Everything God does must be on purpose including the rapture. We know the signs and seasons of it but of the day or the hour no one knows except the Father. But it is evidently sure that the Church will not be made to partake in the tribulations that will come upon the whole earth when God will pour out the dredge from the cup of His fury.
God our Father is very purposeful. That is why He has very concrete and concise purposes for the rapture. These purposes are clearly state in the Bible.
– To receive the saints to Himself as He promised (John 14:1-3).
– To resurrect the dead in Christ from among the wicked dead (1Corint.15:52; 1Thess.4:14-17; Phil.3:11; Rev.20:4-6).
– To take the saints to heaven to live in Jerusalem and to receive rewards of the service (1Thess.3:13; John 14:1-3; 2Corint.5:10; Heb.12:22-23; Rev.19:1-10; 21:9-10).
– To change the bodies of saints to immorality (1Corint.15:35-38; Phil.3:20-21; 1Thess.4:16-17).
– To present the saints whole in body soul and spirit (Phil.3:21; 1Thess.4:16-17; 5:23).
– To present the saints before God (John 14:1-3, 1Thess.3:13; 4:17; Jude 24; Rev.19:1-10).
– To receive the fruit of the early and latter rain (James 5:7). That is the souls won at the first out pouring of the Holy Spirit (early revival comminuting in the birth of the Church) and the souls that will be won in the end-time revival or outpouring.
– To cause the saints to escape the tribulations coming upon all the earth when God will pour out His fury upon the ungodly (Luke 21:36; 1Thess.5:9; Rev.3:10).
– To remove the hinderer of lawlessness (1Thess.2:7).
There are three things in the Bible that can be termed the hinderer of lawlessness, viz:
- Government (Rom.13:1-7; 1Pet.2:13).
- The Church (Matt.5:13; 2Corint. 2:15-16; Eph.6:12-18; 2Corint.10:4-7).
- The Holy Spirit (John 16:7-15).
The hinderer of lawlessness must be one that will be taken out of the world before Anti-Christ can be revealed (2Thes.2:6-8).
Will government be taken out of the world? No, because Anti-Christ reigns over many kingdoms (Dan.7:24; 11:40-45) and other kings reign over the rest if the earth all through the time the hinderer of lawlessness is removed (Rev.11:15; 16:13-16).
Will the Holy Spirit be taken out of the world? No. for He will be here all through the tribulation and forever (John 14:16; Acts 2:16-21; Rev.12:17; Zech.12:10-13:1).
Multitudes will be saved by the Holy Spirit during the tribulation, as now (Acts 2:16-21; Rev.6:9-11; 9:1-21; 5; 17; 15:2-4; 20:14-6).
It is the Church. It will be raptured before the Anti-Christ comes and this is the only one of the hinderers of lawlessness that will be removed from the earth (1Thess.4:16-17).
– To permit the revelation of the Anti-Christ (2Thess.2:7; Rev.4:1).
The Church will continue to hinder lawlessness through prayers and the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ until the rapture. And then the Anti-Christ will be revealed. This is a proof that the rapture will take place before Daniel’s 70th week and the tribulations of Rev.6:1-19:21) with the happenings all around us, the Church, the hinderer of lawlessness will soon be taken out of the world for the manifestation of the man of sin; the Anti-Christ. We therefore must be prepared at all times to be continued worthy when the trumpet shall sound.
- Why the rapture?
- Who is the hinderer of lawlessness that must be removed from the world?
DATE: – 30TH JANUARY, 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 14: 1 – 14
MEMORY VERSE: – “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John14:2)
INTRODUCTION: –God’s eternal home has many “rooms” implying permanent “dwelling places which He has prepared for every member of His household now on earth (Matt.6:9; Eph.2:19). The Lord will one day come and transfer us to our eternal home with God because we have no continuing city here (Heb.13:14).
As surely as the Lord Jesus went to heaven, He will return to take His followers to the place prepared for them. This is the hope of all true Christians today (Heb.9:28).
The ultimate purpose if the Lord’s return is that His faithful people may be with Him forever.
That is why He said “I will come again and receive you unto myself….”(John 14:3) refers to th rapture, when all faithful followers of Christ that are still alive at that time as well as those who have already slept in the Lord “shall be caught up together….in the clouds to meet the Lord” (1Thess.4:17).
This will take place suddenly at an unexpected time.
Christ’s coming for His faithful followers will enable them to escape the future hour of trial and judgment that will come on the world in the end times (Lk.21:36; 1Thess.1:10; 5:9; Rev.3:10).
The expectation of this glorious and eternal reunion should be a comfort to all who desire to “ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1Thess.4:17-18).
Jesus ends His prophetic message by warning believers not to be preoccupied with the cares and pleasures of this world that they fail to be prepared for His coming.
The demand for spiritual faithfulness is most important as we live with the reality to Jesus teachings that He will first return for His faithful followers at an unexpected time.
Since the time of His coming for the Church cannot be determined, believers must always be ready (Mt.24:40,42; Jh.14:3).
This coming at an unknown time, i.e. the rapture delivers us from the “wrath to come” (1Thess.1:10), so that we “might escape all these things that shall come to pass” upon the earth.
Christians must always be alert against sin and in constant communication with God through prayer so that their love for Christ will not fade and their faith in Him remain strong.
This is the only way to “escape” all the terrible things coming on the world in the last days.
- What is Christ coming back to do?
Reiterate the waring of Christ to end time believers.