From the look of things, it seemed Naomi played a silent role int the decision to go to the country of Moab. There is time that silence is not golden and not profitable. Men being machoic want every say to stand but it is the duty of the wife (not a woman) to speak out and let the world hear her stand on every major decision to be taken in the family (Phil 4:5) she could also go to people that at least the husband respected and listened to, so as to help her prevail over her husband but roast importantly is the power of prayer (James 5:16).
Vs 3: – Elimelech died in a strange and idolatrous land because of food. He left the “House of bread”- Bethlehem-in Judea to die in a strange-idolatrous land- because of bread. This is a great danger of backsliding Satan goes out to steal, if he succeeds, then he quickly kills and destroys when a man departs the presence of the LORD. he enters into sorrow and misery. That was what happened to the family of Elimelech.
- O God, please don’t allow Satan, door accomplish a finish work over my life, soul and family in Jesus’ name.
As for Naomi the dire consequences of keeping side not when to talk pretending when to pray, faced her terribly and she was left and her two sons.
- O LORD, help me to speak loudly when I am to speak, make me prudence to keep quiet in the true of silence. Give me the wisdom to understand the time, recognising the difference of the two in Jesus’ name.
- Father every decision I will make that will affect my life and destiny negatively in the present or future, please let me not make such decision in Jesus’ name.
- Father, every decision I will make that will bring any negative effect (small or great) on my family, let me not make such a decision in Jesus’ name
- O LORD, help me not to mislead my family let me never lead my family from your presence in Jesus’ name.
- Any step I will take, anything I will do any where I will go that will be outside your kingdom or your location for my life father, please disallow it completely in Jesus’ name.
- Father help me never to do anything that will bring your wrath against me and my family
- Every journey you will not go with me and my family, O God, please don’t let us embark on such a journey in Jesus’ name.
- O LORD, let only your will be done in my life and family in Jesus’ name.
Every reasonable person will take reasonable decisions. The reasonable thin one would expect from Elimelech’s family after his untimely death was to return to Bethlehem. But they continued in the country of Moab for about ten years.
Then Mahlon and Chilion his brother took their disregard to the law of the God of their fathers to the peck; they both took themselves “wives of the women of Moab”. (Deut. 7:1-2, 2Corint. 6:14-7:1). Evil alliance is very dangerous.
Though we don’t know for how long each couple was married but both Mahlon and Chilion died childless (Vs 5).
“……and the woman was left of her two sons her husband.
then she arose with …….” (Vs 5&6).
Ah! Mama Naomi why did it take you this long before you make this all-important decision? Why did you have to wait till all you ever lived for was taken away from you before you make this all-important decision? Why, Mama Naomi, why did you allow the enemy to naked you in the broad day light before you make this all-important decision? Why did you allow the enemy take all that was precious to you and left your empty before you make this all-important decision of your life?
Then mean s after she had left her two son and her husband.
O LORD, help me to be prompt in decision making. Give me the understanding of the time like the children is Issachar (1chr. 12:32). Let me not take a decision when it is already late.
Then she arose everything has a thing; there is always a set of appointed or appropriate time for everything including decision making (Job 14:14, Ps. 102:13, Ecct. 3:1-2) every man that will be something and somebody in life cannot afford to be a late riser. Those who will make that day rise before the day breaks, before the rising of the sun waiting for the day so that they can catch it early.
The late riser gets nothing, have nothing and become nothing in life.
Then she arose when it was already late “then she arose not in the morning not @ no but in the evening when the sun had already gone down on her husband, her two sons her family, her marriage and her entire life.
O LORD, make me an early riser, help me not to sleep the sleep of death. Help me not to be complacent. Give me the grace of be prompt, to be active, taking actions as at when due in Jesus’ name.
“Then she arose with daughters in law”. The enemy took advantage of her delay and took away the original and left her with fake, took away the wheat and left her with shalves – took away her husband and her two sons but left her with daughter in- law. Can wood ever take the place of gold? God don’t let the strip me of my glory, don’t let him take away my diadem in Jesus’ name.
“Then she arose with her daughters in-law that she might return from the country of Moab……”.
Information is very important in life. When you are not informed you cannot be formed but when you are misinformed you will be deformed.
O LORD, every divine secret (information) for my breakthrough in life, please reveal to me before it is too late in Jesus’ name.
Discovery is the father of recovery; what you don’t discover you cannot recover.
Father make me discover your secret for my breakthrough in life and ministry, let me not wander about in the wilderness in Jesus’ name. (Deut. 29:29, I Sa. 45:3)
Information is very important. Information will change your situation. Information will change your location and status. Get the right information and get the right preservation.
Naomi got the information of the return around in Judah due to God’s visitation. And she decides to return from the country of Moab into the land of Judah.
God is not willing that any should perish, no matter how “a far country” any sheep goes from him, the great shepherd still seeks such untiring till he/she returns (Lk 15:1-10).
For such to come back, He cause him/her to ‘hear’ for faith come by hearing (Rom. 10:17) information (the good news) undistorted truth of the kingdom (John 8:32).
And just like the prodigal son, such crow to himself – self-realization (Lk 15:17).
Then he/she humbles him/her self. Naomi swallowed her pride, which had kept her and family in the country of Moab for that long. However, such like Naomi must be determined and refused to listen to any external voice, that may suggest any otherwise Naomi first set her mind towards the land of Judah before her eyes. Every return starts from the mind, when the mind is submissively made up for the LORD, to take action becomes easier.
The action must be decisively and determinedly taken, (then she arose Vs 6). She arose from the dist. – Country of Moab (I Sa. 54:1-2)
- The she set out to go to the land of Judah (Vs 6).
- Then, she went and arrived (Vs 19, Lk. 15:17-19)
- Then confession (Vs 20-21, Prov. 28:13, Lk. 15:20, I Jh. 1:8-9).
- Then, the acceptance of forgiveness
- Then, the settlement in the land never to go out again. (Matt. 12:43-45).