DATE: – 7TH MARCH, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Ecclesiastes 3:1 – 8
MEMORY VERSE: – “Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goeth” (Ecclsiasist 9:10).
INTRODUCTION: –God has entrusted to each and every one of us with the same amount of time – 24 hours each day to use as wise stewards. But today, a lot of men and women are over booked, over scheduled and over committed, not having enough time to use to do His good pleasure for us on earth. Go demands our stewardship not only of our tithe and talent but also our time. Imagine, you have a bank account being credited, each morning with N86, 400 that allows no carried over balancing from day to day. You are allowed to keep no cash in the account, and every evening whatever part of the amount you failed to spend during the day is cancelled, what would you do? You, would of course, draw out every cent every day, and use it to your advantage. Well, you have such a bank, and it is called TIME!
Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds and every night it rules off as lust whatever of it you failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance; it allows no overdraft or loan. Each day, it opens a new account with you. If you fail to use the day’s deposit, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against tomorrow.
God gives each of us enough time daily to accomplish His purpose for us. If we don’t have enough time, it is not that God has not given us enough but that we need to redeem time.
1) Time Is Precious, Redeem It Now
When people say, they are buying time, it is really a wrong usage because time cannot be bought, and the supposed buyer is only wasting it. A time lost or wasted cannot be bought back. Just as you cannot bring back yesterday to re-live it all over again. Neither can you hold back the hand of the clock, but you can strive to regain lost grounds. To do this, you must:
a) Learn to translate every event that happens in your life into a positive one and stop being a slave to your past. Leave you past (whether it is shame or glory, failure or success, bitter or sweet). Strategize for your future and live a better life (Phil.3:13 – 15).
b) Ask Questions: Whenever you get confused or at a crossed-road, ask questions. If you don’t ask questions, you will never learn. After-all, a man who asks for direction does not miss road.
c) Make a Move: Take a step of faith no matter how little. After all a journey of a thousand kilometers begin with a step. If you don’t move, you remain stagnant. If you don’t move, God will not move for you. It is only the man that refuses to take a step that remains on a spot. Every river that flows is pure and habitable for aquatic life but stagnant water stinks and unsuitable for life (Exd.14: ).
d) Believe in Yourself: If you don’t believe in yourself you cannot believe in God, neither can you achieve your life’s dream (Isa.7:9). So get Professional and tell yourself daily “I CAN” (Phil.4:19).
e) Don’t Be Afraid of Taking risks: The fact is if you don’t experience the worst situations, you cannot experience the best corners of your life. A man who is afraid of seeing the night can never see the breaking of a new day (Gen.8:22). So feel good during the dark times and make efforts to get the best results. Your efforts may sometimes fail, but never fail to make efforts. Great things sometimes came late. So always believe in yourself and in your dreams and you will definitely excel.
One extra effort towards your dream sometimes makes all the difference. The only difference for ordinary and extra-ordinary is the word “extra”. Just that extra effort can make you extra-ordinary. Champions are not different from you, they only hold on a little longer.
f) Inside you lay the power to achieve anything your heart desires and around you are limitless opportunities. So, stand up and make that move to your next level.
g) Remember, every second counts for everyone that would excel. If you can do it tomorrow why not do it now. Procrastination is a thief of time, so don’t postpone till tomorrow what you can do today (Eccl.9:10).
Whatever you conceive you can achieve. Just as God has time and pressure to effect change in the nature, you also use your time wisely and judiciously. Be consistent and unrelenting and you will surely achieve your goals.
- Is it possible to regain lost time?
- What are the steps to take to regain lost ground?
DATE: – 14TH MARCH, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – Romans 6:1 – 23
MEMORY VERSE: – “In whom we have redemption through His blood even the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).
INTRODUCTION: –The Greek word: Apolutrasis, translated “redemption” refers to the deliverance from sin, it involves deliverance from bondage based on the payment of a price by a Redeemer. Redemption actually means “purchase” or “a ransom” or “a bought back by the payment of a price”. Historically, redemption was used in reference to the purchase of a slave’s freedom. A slave was redeemed when the price was paid for his freedom. The term redemption points out the means by which salvation is obtained – by the payment of a ransom.
1) The State of A Man: All human from Adam to our generation according to the New Testament are alienated or separated from God (Rom.3:10-33), because of our natural tendency to rebel against or defy God and go our own way. Apart from God, we are under the influence and control of satanic and evil power (Acts 10:38; 26:18), we are slave to sin (Rom.6:6-7;14) and we are in need of rescue from sin, guilt, power and consequences (Acts 26:18; rom.1:18; 6:1-18; Eph.5:8; Col.1:13; 1Pt.2:9).
2) The Great Price Paid for Us: Jesus Christ came and paid the debt we owed. He paid the ransom price by shedding His own blood. “For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin’’ (Heb.9:22). The Lord Jesus gave His life in our place (Mt.20:28; Mk.10:45; 1Corint 6:20; Eph.1:7; Tit.2:14; Heb.9:12; 1Pt.1:18-19). Sin is so opposed to God’s nature and character that it requires the most extreme penalty, which is death (Rom.6:23) and permanent or eternal separation from God. There is no way of escaping that penalty without God’s forgiveness and shedding of blood but God could provide the perfect and complete payment for sin. He did this through the willing sacrifice of His dear son Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Christ’s death provided the perfect and complete payment, and it is sufficient to cover all sin for all time (1Jh.1:7; 2:12). Everyone that accepts Christ sacrifice for him or her and surrenders his or her life to Him receives His gift of forgiveness and eternal life (Jh.3:16; 6:40; Rom.6:23).
3) The Benefits of Redemption: Redemption provides several benefits to all who believe in Christ Jesus and His substitutional death. These include:
– Salvation from sin
– Forgiveness of sin (Rom.5:17)
– Peace with God (Col.1:18-20)
– The Holy Spirit to live within (1Corint.6:19-20)
– Freedom from Satan’s control and guilt and power of sin (Acts 26:18; Rom.6:7; 12, 14, 18; Col.1:13). This freedom from sin does not mean we can do as we please (Rom.6:1-2). Since God has paid the ransom for us, we become His property. Choosing Christ’s freedom from sin makes us willing slaves of God (Acts 26:18; Rom.6:18, 22; 1Corint.6:19-20; 7:22-23).
– We are adopted into God’s family (Rom.8:14-17; Gal.4:5; Tit.2:13-14).
Several instances and teachings in the Old Testament foreshowed and symbolized the redemption work of Christ in the New Testament for all mankind.
The provision of a covering for Adam and his wife Eve (Gen.3:21).
The sacrifice of Isaac substituted with a lamb (Gen.22:7-13).
The greatest was the miraculous deliverance and mass departure of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt culminated with the sacrifice of a lamb without blemish by each house hold (Ex.6:7; 12:26). Like the hymn writer puts it “He gave me a ransom of all the debts I owed. As He gave me, a smile He beamed saying; “Don’t forget me”.
It’s no longer a Ransom. But it’s a Remembrance. That all the burden of Debts Emmanuel Ransomed”!
- What was the greatest redemptive price ever paid?
- What are the results of our redemption through the blood of Jesus?
DATE: –21ST MARCH, 2020
BIBLE PASSAGE: – John 19:13 – 35
MEMORY VERSE: – “But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
INTRODUCTION: – What happened at the cross? This is a question any average Christian can answer. After all we were taught right from kindergarten and even in catechism that Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross of Calvary.
How did He die? They nailed Him to the cross at His hands and feet. Then He spoke seven significant statements before He gave up the ghost.
But much more than these took place at the cross. Indeed on that old rugged cross where the Dearest and the Blessed for a world of lost sinners was slained”.
1) The Great Battle At The Cross
The battle that started at the Garden of Eden, in which Satan overcame man when Adam and eve fell; thereby relinquishing the authority and dominion God gave man to Satan. Since then, Satan had dominion over man, he became the master while man was his slaves, and the entire race was under his grip and servitude. He began to afflict man with sin, sicknesses, sorrows, sufferings, shame, grieves, trials, temptations and all forms of oppressions.
But on that memorable day, Jesus Christ, “the seed of the woman”, the Son of God, went to the cross to battle it out with the devil the enemy of our souls. That battle that started in the Garden of Eden reached the peak at the cross; there the devil; that old serpent bruised Jesus heels. But Jesus Christ, immediately His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, “the stone that was cut out without hands” (Dan.2:34) rolled down from heaven and broke the chain of Satan just like king David’s stone stroked down; the Goliath of Gath; the uncircumcised Philistine (1Sam.17:49-51). Eden, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God came as second Adam and defeated Satan and thus, delivering us from the bondage of Satan.
Thus, Jesus Christ bruised the head of Satan, spoiling principalities and powers (Col.2:15). He made open show (Gen.3:15; Rom.16:20; Eph.2:14-18).
Satan beat and defeated the first Adam at the Garden of Eden, but the second Adam defeated Satan on the cross at the Garden of Gethsemane.
2) The Great Victory At The Cross
‘Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way nailing it to His cross. And having spoiled principality and power, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Col.2:14-15).
The Lord Jesus on the cross stripped Satan and his forces of all their power to condemn and kill the race. The law was blotted out and they had no further claim to hold man in sin and bondage as they previously did by means of the law. On the Cross Jesus made a public demonstration i.e. a public shame of the devil. And this victory is ours.
Jesus Christ is no longer fighting the devil now. He has finished everything on the cross. There is nothing more to fear. Our LORD has bruised the head of Satan by the sledge hammer of God’s power; there is no need to tremble, because victory is already ours.
Knowing that Jesus has defeated Satan on the cross should make us victors, winner and not losers (Lk.10:19; Mk.16:17; 1Corint.15:57; 2Corint.1:10; 10:4-6).
- Mention three (3) basic things that happened at the cross?
- The first Adam lost his battle, but the second Adam won the battle. Explain!
DATE:– 28TH MARCH, 2021
BIBLE PASSAGE: – john 19:13 – 35
MEMORY VERSE: – “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2Corinthians 5:21)
INTRODUCTION: –The cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is very widely known, but very little understood. This is a sad phenomenon in the world and in the Church today.
The cross is a piece of jewelry to decorate the persons and clothing of those affiliated with traditional religion. It is the subject of religious hymn and songs. So I cherish the old rugged cross”. Yet the Bible says “Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree” (Gal.3:13). The cross is placed over the graves of the dead and on caskets. It adorns the spires of religious building. It is a “sign” made across the chests of those thinking that it can be their protection from evil and acceptance by God.
Yet the spiritual truth of the cross cannot be known except to the heart of those redeemed by his blood and sealed by the Holy Ghost? (1Corint.1:17-18).
1) The Great Transaction At The Cross
We were all lost, sold to Satan under sin and in bondage. We were as slaves in the slave market. Then, came the Redeemer. He went to the cross and there paid the price; the ultimate price for our souls. He gave His life a ransom (Rom.5:6-9; 1Corint.6:20; Lev.17:11; Heb.9:12-22).
On the cross Jesus Christ laid down His life, shedding His own blood to purchase us from the house of slavery and bondage, thereby making us free (Eph.2:13-16; Heb.12:24; 13:12, 20; 1Jh1:7; 5:6; Rev.1:6-8; 5:9; 7:14; 12:11).
2) The Great Exchange At The Cross
The fall of man brought a great woe on human kind. We all sinned and came short of God’s glory (Rom.3:23). The cup of God’s wrath is full of mixture of red wine ready to be poured out, so that all sinners would wring out and drink the dregs there of (Ps.75:8).
But at the cross, Jesus Christ “took the cup” containing the wrath of God the father, the woes and drank it all leaving none for me. It was the bitter cup of death, shame and rejection (John 19:28-30; Matt.26:27). Herein is a mystery. For when He took the cup from the Father, it contained bitterness (vinegar) and death (Matt.26:39&42; Jh.19:28). He exchanged it with the sweet cup of life and gave us (Matt.26:27-28).
Yes, Christ Jesus took the bitter cup of death and gave us the sweet cup of life. When He took the cup everyone saw it was the bitter cup of death but in the Spiritual realm of it, He quickly exchanged it with the cup, the sweet cup of life and peace he had prepared. So, He drank the bitter cup of death, while we drink the sweet cup of life and peace (Heb.10:5-8; Rom.6:23).
Indeed, “It’s done, the great transaction’s done. I am Lord’s and He is mine”. I am redeemed, oh, praise the Lord, my soul, from bondage free, has found at last a resting place, in Him who died for me. I looked, and lo, from Calvary’s cross a healing fountain stream; it cleansed my heart, and now I sing, praise God I am redeemed!
The debt is paid, my soul is free, and by His Mighty power the blood that washed my sins away still cleanses every hour.
In the cross is all I need in life and eternity provided!
- How does the great transaction at the cross affect you?
- What is the mystery of the cup at the cross?