Message, Special Message


August 28, 2020

Psalm 103:9,95:1-5, Daniel 2:20-22


God has ever been involved in the affairs of man from the creation. Has a matter of fact He is the

Creator, the owner and the sustainer of the universe. He came down at the cool of the day to see how

Adam is administering the garden of Eden. Gen. 3: 8. From then it has been a direct government by God through the instrument of Men.


GOD – The supreme being; God of all. – The eternal King and the controller of the heaven and earth. Dan 4:37

– He who sits in heaven and sovereignty does what pleases His will. Psa. 22:28, Dan.34:35

ADMINISTRATION: – Is the Management of the resources in order to accomplish the goals of the organization. – God govern inanimate matter, Earth, and Air, Water, hail and snow, stormy winds and angry seas. All perform the word of His power and fulfill His sovereign pleasure. – God govern the children of men.

MAN:- The term used for humanity. – God’s creature (on the 6th day) made in God’s image and likeness (Gen 26:,27). – The beneficiary of God’ love, tender care, benevolence and grace.(Jn. 3:16,1Jn3:16) – The victim of Fall, becoming deprived, sinful, and helpless, and so, needs redemption

(Rom.3:23;6:23), and so needs God- instituted redemption to make it back to God and heaven.

WHY IS GOD INVOLVED IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF MAN?.  ( Job 26:8-10, Psa. 24:1,2 ; 89:11,12)

God justification/authority for involvement in the administration of Man.

(1)The creator;  Every one who design a thing has the patent right to it.  As creator/Designer, God knows the makeup of every creature, including man.  He has the right to maintain and moderate everything for His glorious purpose (Rev.4:11)

 (2) The Owner (Psa. 24:1)h  The creator is also the owner of any product. Such is the case with God. He creates and thus owns the universe, Man inclusive.  Ownership talks about the right of possession; the legal right of possessing  something.  As the Owner of the universe, He has the legitimate right as to what He choose to do with His creatures He so desires ( Psa. 115:3)  Man is God’s property.

(3) The Controller:  No one has total control over a thing than the owner.  God has been in control ever before the heavens and earth were, continues as such since He called them to be, and continue till eternity. Many mighty Kings testified about Him.

Dan. 4: 34-35

He has knowledge and power with which He controls everything.( Psa. 95: 1 -5)  His complete ownership of, and sovereignty over everything, making all things to depend upon

Him for their existence and their continuance.   As controller of human race, He has a definite plan for us that is revealed to those who have committed their ways to Him. (Eph. 1:9-11)  He govern all human plan and acts (Prov. 16 :9,33; 19:21; 20:24 ; Jere.10:23).


Recognition and acknowledge of God as the Creator, Owner and Controller of heaven and earth

(Eccl. 12:1,6).  Love and worship (Deut.6:4,5,13 Lk 4:8). Cordial relationship/ Fellowship/Friendship with Him (Jn 15:14).  Faithfulness (Lk,12:42; 1 cor4:2). Cooperation with Him (Jn 8: 29).  Total submission to, and dependency upon His Holy Spirit (Rom 8:1).  Understanding  His ways, work and workings.  The true fear of God evident in keeping His commands.(Eccl. 12:13,14).


Shortly after the creation and exaltation of man over all other God’s creation, man yielded to the temptation of wanting to be equal with his Maker. He believed the lies of the devil his enemy thereby making God a liar. He disobeyed his Maker eating the forbidden fruit and the consequences are still here with us. Generations after generations have followed the steps Adam and Eve with increase in iniquity till the flood wiped out that generation. Yet the insubordinate nature of man continues to manifest even after the flood. God then decided to redeem man by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. But man went ahead and killed Him (Matt. 21:33-40). Till this age man’s affront against God is multiplying and iniquities are abounding with the consequences all around us.


There are grave consequences for every act of insubordination to the Almighty God. Such include death (both physical and spiritual), pestilence, famine etc. Examples abound in the scriptures but we shall consider these few:

Fools (Psa. 14:1) exhibit wickedness and corrupt practice as demonstration of their query of the legitimacy of God’s involvement in their affairs, and that is dangerous ( Rom. 1:28).  Sodom and Gomorrah – consume by fire ( Gen. 19:12-29)  Pharaoh – Plague and destruction(Exo.5:2,7:17,  Nebuchanezzar – dethroned and leave with animal for seven years .Dan. 2ff.  The rich fool – death Lk. 12: 16 – 21.


Two alternative confront us, and is either we acknowledge and recognize God has the owner

and the controller of everything, man inclusive or not. No matter the situation God is in control.

Let us recognize His Lordship and controllership to avert gnashing of teeth at the end. Rev. 19: 20 -21; 20: 12-15. May such not be our lot, in Jesus’ name.  Amen